Home political Do Not Fret…Steps are Ordered

Do Not Fret…Steps are Ordered

by Kelly Crawford

Psalm 37.

Stop what you’re doing, gather your children around and read it! Or, if you have a quiet place, meditate on it.

Could we create a sort of “cyber-devotion”? Would you be willing to share a brief word about what the Lord shows you from this chapter?

Especially as we weather through these national storms.

“Because they trust in Him.”

Our deliverance doesn’t come from electing a certain President, per se; it doesn’t come from voting for the lesser of evil; we shouldn’t wring our hands over the pragmatic solution, but only choose truth and right. If “Truth and Right” aren’t obvious choices, we make less obvious choices–our trust is in God.

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Mommy Reg October 16, 2008 - 11:11 am

Oh my goodness! God put Psalm 37 on my heart just 2 weeks ago and I am still meditating on it. I even posted about it. It started off just because I started to worry about our finances which I almost never do and during this period in our lives I hadn’t yet. But worry crept in and I started to pray. God put this Psalm in front of me. Now, this Psalm has been the scripture that I think about often with all of the circumstances that are in front of us.

Leslie October 16, 2008 - 1:59 pm

I love that Psalm Kelly. My favorite verse that I have in front of me in my kitchen daily is “Do not fret-it only causes harm.” Vs. 8

I think most of us, especially women, are prone to giving way to fear. I want to be like Sarah of old and “not be afraid of any terror.” (1 Peter 3:6) And why can I not be afraid? Verses 39 and 40 of Psalm 37 say it all…..
When fear grips me, I sing hymns of old about HIS providence and meditate on HIS truths from HIS Word just like Psalm 37.

Thank you for keeping me focused today Kelly…fear was “growling” over my shoulder.

5intow October 16, 2008 - 7:06 pm

My kids and I sat and read through the Psalm near the close of our school day today and our follow up conversation was amazingly brief. Partly because my kids don’t worry about the economy, although they are pretty aware of what is going on since we talk about it a bit. Partly because the Psalm repeats its message in so many different ways and terms that you can’t really miss what it has to say. Don’t worry, live lives of righteous obedience, rest in Him, and God will take care of the rest.

I’m not generally a worrier. Throughout our marriage we have been through some financially tough times and have seen God provide in miraculous ways. Just the right amount and just when we absolutely needed it. We learned first hand that, “A little that a righteous man hath is better than the riches of many wicked.” (verse 16)

Verse 21 also challenged me as I realize that a lot of “wicked” (and non-wicked) will find themselves in desperate situations and I need to show mercy and give, not judge them for getting themselves into the scrape they are in.

God is my help, my strength, my deliverer, my salvation! Regardless of what we experience in the breath of time that is this life I know my eternal reward in heaven awaits paid for by the precious blood of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

God gives abundant hope. Thank you for reminding me of that today.


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