Home political Guest Post: Socialism: How Shall We Be Told to Live?

Guest Post: Socialism: How Shall We Be Told to Live?

by Kelly Crawford

Kim from Canada, who blogs at Whatsoever I DO, with an “earned right” to talk about socialism shares a candid look at the reality of socialism…

Nothing can tempt me into profane language more than running headlong into a socialist situation – some days it is everywhere I turn. Take for example the ideological term that the medical society likes to use during flu shot season: ‘immunizing the herd’. This is to imply that the more individuals in the ‘herd’ that receive the flu shot the safer the ‘herd’ as a whole should be. This can be how a socialist views society, as well. The more members of society (the herd) comply with the government’s decisions, the better off society (the herd) will be – and those among society (the herd) who do not comply will simply be out numbered and forced to live in government rule regardless. Socialists are sneaky, too. They permeate society slowly, in order to avoid civil unrest at the loss of personal freedoms and it is very much part of society now, even if we see ourselves as democratic. Canada is swamped in it, the U.S. is well on its way.

What is socialism? Websters defines this way:

1. any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods

2a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property

b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state

If you look up national socialism the definition is more to the point: nazism.

Boil it down to how it plays out in reality and we have the government actively training generations of citizens to stop thinking for themselves; to stop getting involved in each others lives; to stop believing diligent work is how to live; to stop taking responsibility for our own lives and choices and simply allow the government to ‘take care of us’. What does God say about those who refuse to work for themselves:

Diligent hands will rule, but laziness ends in slave labor. Proverbs 12:24 (we become slaves to our ‘provider’)

The sluggard’s craving will be the death of him, because his hands refuse to work. Proverbs 21:25 (a sluggard learns to live off of hand outs)

Socialism is the means to which “democratic” political parties seek to build power. Even politicians who see themselves as conservative recognize that by building the peoples’ reliance on the government handout generates future votes. How does this work? For years the Canadian government has given away ‘free’ money to arts programs, parades for special interest groups, general welfare programs. Grants for ‘this’ cause and funding for ‘that’ cause. Today, it is seen as a person’s right to access the free money for their personal needs. Really, why work for a living when the government will pay the rent, pay for medications and groceries and still have enough left over for beer and cigarettes? How does a society become so lazy, so self serving?

The government has two very strong tools available to continually perpetuate the attitude. First, public schools. Here is how Adolf Hitler looked at public education. See any similarities?

  • When an opponent declares, ‘I will not come over to your side,’ I say calmly, ‘Your child belongs to us already. What are you? You will pass on. Your descendants, however, now stand in the new camp. In a short time they will know nothing but this new community’ .

The government also has the media at its disposal. The media in North America constantly breeds a socialist attitude in the slant of its stories. Again, Hitler has a quote that matches:

  • Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it. (think global warming or evolution)

Check out this overtly socialist view recently in the news:


The title of ‘expert’ is used freely by the media (and government) when wanting to push an idea on the public. By finding even one ‘expert’ to back an idea, the public can hear that idea repeatedly and learn not to question the expert. This ‘expert’ word is used as though it means omniscient – to the point where the public come to say things like: “if the experts say [this], then it must be true”; or how about “if Children’s Aid [CAS]is investigating that family, they must be guilty”. Honestly, how many of us think this way without notice anymore?

From multiple bylaws telling us what we can do with our own properties (just try building a shed without a permit), to how we are ‘allowed’ to raise our children (teacher federations and CAS may want to talk with you), to what we are to do with our garbage or car use in order to stop climate change (you don’t still use plastic bags do you?!), the ‘experts’ have made decisions for us.

Now I am not suggesting that the idea behind our laws is wrong, i.e. it is good to where a seat belt, it is good to make wise decisions about garbage/pollution, it is good to avoid smoking in a vehicle with children present, it is good to wear a helmet for bike riding and motorcycles…but the point is, I don’t need someone else making a law to tell me to do the thinking for me. Socialism is what is killing common sense. Socialism is replacing common sense with policy and procedure.

This is just the tip of the iceberg for socialism – at least in my country. The topic can continue with the damage caused by socialized medicine, socialism in parenting, socialism in taxes (oh, let’s not forget the price of it all!) and even socialism in our churches. However, the bottom line is always the same – the government ruling over every aspect of our lives and taking our money to pay for it. You don’t have to agree with it, but we’re still in the middle of it. (Americans should be aware of their president’s recent deal with the U.N. over gun control)

How do we fight socialism? Question everything! Think for yourself! Study and research important issues that affect you and your family and stand up for what you believe – not what you are told to believe. That doesn’t mean you will disagree with the idea in the end, but at least you will be confident and responsible for your decision to either follow or go the other direction.

By the way…God is not a socialist:

Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15

A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels: Proverbs 1:5 (actually read chapter 1, verses 1-14)

The wise shall inherit glory: but shame shall be the promotion of fools. Proverbs 3:35



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Mar'ah August 3, 2011 - 10:25 am

This is one of the very best posts I have read in a really long time!!! This has needed to be said and there are so few people that are thinking for themselves. It makes me sad. I have started doing a few blog posts asking the tough questions and trying to get people to wake up out of their coma.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for posting the truth!!! I appreciate this more than you know and have shared this on FB and Twitter! 🙂

Cathy August 3, 2011 - 11:02 am


This needs to be talked about more and more. Unfortunately, it seems like there are more people blinded to the truth then there are people seeing the truth. Look at whats happening in our government. Even the “good” guys don’t seem to be really standing on the truth of what most of the people are saying/wanting. Comprimise continues to happen. We need to prepare ourselves to be more self sufficient. Depending on God for our daily bread and not our government (and I mean this in all areas like food, water, electricity, etc.)

The earth is groaning for His return.. Come soon Lord Yeshua..come soon.


Mrs. S August 3, 2011 - 11:25 am

Good post!
So true about the permits! Dh and I want to adopt foster children starting next year (we have bio kids as well) and the state generally requires you only have 2 children per bedroom so we thought about converting our attic to two bedrooms. My husband said the cost of adding the room would probably be 10,000 for him to build it..the permits 30-40,000! So the state has children they want you to adopt yet they are the ones making it so difficult!

Excessive taxes and “fees” really bother me because the government is essentially taking the hours that my husband has been working hard and crediting them to someone else. At the same time he is taking all the risk as a self-employed person.

When Heaven Shakes August 3, 2011 - 12:22 pm

You definitely hit the nail on the head. Our societies are quickly spiraling down in this direction. We absolutely need to do what we can within our own families and communities to resist this way of thinking. But I think it is important to remember that ultimately, there is only so much we can do and not be overcome by fear. The Scriptures clearly warn us that in the last days, our world is going to inevitably head in this direction. During the tribulation, we ARE going to have a one-world government, and that probably isn’t going to just appear over night. Our world is being made ready for this time of judgment. As Cathy said above, “Come soon Lord Yeshua..come soon.” Amen!

Ginger August 3, 2011 - 2:47 pm

Question everything?! Think for yourself?! This is why there is such a tiny minority that is/will be fighting socialism. Schools don’t teach people to do either of these. The media doesn’t teach us to do either of these. Most medical personnel argue w/ us when we do either of these. People think we’re conspiracy-theorists when we do either of these. I could go on.

I see why well-spoken people rise so quickly to leadership positions. There are so few who have a decent vocabulary, basic grammar, can communicate their ideas effectively, and know how to give proper eye contact. Those who have been taught to think have so much power!

Mrs. S August 3, 2011 - 4:09 pm

Ooops! About my post….dh said that it would be 10,000 to build a room without a permit by 50-60,ooo with a permit because of fees AND all the retrofitting ect that they would make us do that he thinks are excessive.

Jen C August 4, 2011 - 6:29 am

I live in Australia and we are a completely socialist country. I would love to adopt from another country but because we have socialised health care, we can’t have more than four children in the home (that is just way too many children for anyone to care for properly!) and they have to be in absolute perfect health, lest they be a drain on our health system.
It is so very frustrating.

Cindy August 4, 2011 - 8:26 am

AMEN! We as believers are to be dependent upon God, not government, for our sustenance, the meeting of our needs. WE BELONG TO HIM, NOT CAESAR.

janet August 4, 2011 - 10:28 am

Hi Kelly,
What a timely post. I agree with the others that this is something we need to talk more about. Unfortunately, most of the others that I talk to in my community either seem unknowing about the issues or unconcerned. There seems to be an increasing number who even feel that they will gladly take whatever the government is ready to hand out….how sad and dangerous! Thanks so much for sharing…I will post this on my FB page.

Laura August 4, 2011 - 1:31 pm

Mrs S,

I think it is great you want to adopt children out of foster care. Have you called social services and talked to them about it? Maybe they have some suggestions. Maybe there are grants out there for people who want to adopt out of the foster care system. Maybe you could split an existing room into 2 rooms. Perhaps your church could help? They say where there is a will there is a way. I hope it works out for you!!!

Sara August 4, 2011 - 5:55 pm

God is not a socialist? I agreed with everything right up until that statement, which I don’t disagree with, I just don’t know what to make of it. God is not a capitalist either.

As far as I can tell from my reading of Acts and how the early church and Christians lived, it very much looked like socialism or a commune. Christians who understand that all of their things come from and belong to God, have no problem giving them up for someone else to use or have.

I agree that this is NOT our or any government’s job, but it’s a slippery slope to decry the whole concept as evil, when in practice, churches do this. We tithe, and a good church, is giving back to the community and the world.

It is a whole different ball of wax when the state is forcing your hand, and that is obviously not ideal, because it’s not based in faith and love and Christian principles.

tereza crump aka MyTreasuredCreations August 16, 2011 - 1:06 am

Sara, the whole concept IS evil. When the Bible talks about giving and charity it is done by your free will. You shouldn’t do it unless you want to. Socialism gives you NO choice. When you tithe or make offerings you should do it because you want to, not because you are coerced to do it. Love is only love if it is free, not bought or obligated. Jesus died on the cross because He GAVE His life. He himself said it was NOT TAKEN from Him, he was freely giving it.
Same way, if we are obligated to give, or pay taxes, or take governmental health care or education, there is NO choice involved. This is socialism. You TAKE from one to give to another. This is evil. This is not how God operates.

Sara August 16, 2011 - 10:45 am

I wasn’t talking about the idea of being forced to give. I believe it’s not a governments job to re-distribute wealth in the form of social programs. Check out my blog for a good video on why I feel compulsory taxes (esp. for social programs) is immoral. The video is called “George Ought to Help”.
However, you can’t refute the fact, that when everyone gives voluntarily, like in the early church, and in church communities today, and then they redistribute that money to those who need it…they are practicing socialism. It just doesn’t work (and is wrong) on a government level, and not when people are forced.

Jane August 16, 2011 - 12:12 pm

No, they are practicing Christian charity, motivated by love for the Savior that loved them enough to die for them. There is a big difference.

Sara August 16, 2011 - 12:25 pm

(From Merriam Webster) socialism: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods.

As an economic theory that advocates collective ownership and administration, and the distribution of goods, you could describe Christian charity this way. Sure, it’s sterile and misses the Spirit behind it, but you could.

Socialism at it’s core is part of a Christian value turned bad by Satan, like so much else in the world. Why do you think people flock to it, even when it’s been shown it can’t work (on a large scale) over and over? Because people instinctively know that there is something right about those that *have* helping those who *have not*. They just miss the free will concept and therefore, the whole point.

As Christians, we should be telling people why charity and free will giving actually help people and work better to help people, as opposed to just saying that the government is taking away our freedoms. They are, but when people hear you say that, they just think you don’t want to help anyone but yourself.

I’m not a socialist, you guys. But just b/c the world has twisted a concept doesn’t make the idea behind it wrong. Just like sex, humor, and every other good thing, charity can and has been twisted.

Milah August 4, 2011 - 9:41 pm

Great post!

Ecclesiastes 9:17 The quiet words of the wise are more to be heeded than the shouts of a ruler of fools.

We (Americans) are like mindless sheep being led to slaughter, and we can’t even see it happening. So sad.

Holly August 6, 2011 - 4:24 pm

The Nazis form of socialism is much different than Canada’s- after all, the Nazis deplored Russia and Marxism. Their “National” socialism was based on racial supremacy. Your argument that socialism was killing common sense was good enough- why invoke Godwin’s Law?

In fact, the form of socialism in Canada and European countries is almost the polar opposite of Nazism: it’s all-inclusive, to a fault, and stubbornly insists on the inclusion of every race and culture, no matter how dangerous (Muslims will soon outpopulate the French in Paris.)

As for the article you cited, that was one quack’s “opinion” published because it was controversial and therefore guaranteed to be read. Not to say that the government couldn’t eventually become so controlling it takes overweight children away from their parents, but I don’t think that’s a concern right now, even in a socialist country, and is a pretty weak example of the “socialist” threat.

Socialism is a problem, but you failed to address why in a realistic and factual manner, and that’s why you may come across as a conspiracy theorist.

Emily August 6, 2011 - 5:37 pm

I think it is interesting that people who are so against working are also against government assistance that helps mothers with young children.

My husband lost his high-paying job over a year ago when his company laid off their management. He has been unable to find full-time work, and makes about $500 a month. According to your website, I should not be working and the government should not be helping us. How should the poor survive? Why is 25% of the population “lazy” because they cannot support their family with the only job available? If you add the time that he spends looking for a new job and training for a career because it is not likely he will find full-time work in his field, my husband puts in more than 100 hours per week.

We paid taxes on our upper middle class income for more than 20 years. I think we have earned $180 a month in food stamps. It is literally the least you could do.

Word Warrior August 6, 2011 - 9:03 pm


You gravely misunderstand my position. You said, “According to your website, I should not be working and the government should not be helping us.”

When I address “issues” I don’t make blanket statements like “women shouldn’t work” or “people shouldn’t request government assistance”. I come at it from a way of thinking. It is sometimes necessary for a woman to work, such as in the case of a husband suddenly losing a job or a single mother, etc. The issue I address is the EXPECTATION that a woman must pursue a career leaving her family in the care of others, justifying her position all the time.

There is a HUGE difference in those two. I’m suggesting that if motherhood and managing a home was seen as a prominent, irreplacable (I know that not a word, but…) position, then a woman being forced to work by whatever circumstances would be seen as an inconvenience at best and a tragedy for the family at worst. THIS thinking would force us (church, society) to more quickly come to the rescue of a family in need.

Same thing with government assistance. I know it’s not always avoidable; I simply desire to combat a prevailing (and increasing) attitude that we’re entitled (“we” in a general sense).

I don’t write (and I am mortified to think that people think this) to condemn people in difficult positions; I write to address society’s attempt to make normal things that aren’t or shouldn’t be. I write about returning our thinking to what is ideal, for only then can problems even be seen or recognized as such and only then can we find solutions.

Hope that makes sense.

Word Warrior August 6, 2011 - 9:10 pm

And I’m very sorry about your hardship. I would encourage you…if you are a believer are you in a church who is helping you? (They do exist because we attend one). Do you have family who can help you financially? (This is the first line of help the Bible commands). We have been “the poor”, according to American standards for most of our married lives. My husband has delivered pizza, picked up dead chickens in the wee hours of the morning before work, waited tables at night after work–we have struggled as hard as any family, just to offer you some hope and encouragement. I will pray for creativity and stamina for your family. God has always been faithful to us–ALWAYS. And if you trust Him, He will provide for you too.

ByGraceThroughFaithInChrist August 10, 2011 - 12:07 pm

Agreed, Kelly. God will always provide our needs as we trust Him. My husband also recently lost his job. We applied for both food stamps and unemployment and after accepting them for 2 weeks, we have decided not to accept any more gvt. assistance. We fully believe God will provide our needs through God-honoring means, and not through our corrupt socialist system of redistribution of wealth.

No, we do not know HOW he will do that, but we know that He WILL provide and He will get all the glory. He has shown Himself faithful countless times in our lives and we know with certainty that He cares for His own. Fears and doubts arise at times, but they’re quenched with precious promises. I have not been on your blog in quite a while Kelly (shortly after the tornado hit), but it really blessed me when you said how FEMA came to offer assistance and you were able to say no. It is wonderful to see how the Lord works through the body and many other ways, so that He alone is to be praised.

Taiter August 7, 2011 - 1:42 am

Isn’t socialism just one step closer to one-world government, economy/currency, and religion? And aren’t we told that it will happen someday? And isn’t that a bad thing? Working together to be a good thing for those who are in Christ Jesus?

Just my simple point of view.

I enjoy your posts tremendously. Thank you!

Mandy Mom August 9, 2011 - 6:15 pm

Amen! Nice to see someone else writing about this! My husband and I talk about this often. We believe that the world (especially our country) is “sleeping” and they need to WAKE UP and see what is going on!

Amy August 14, 2011 - 3:21 pm

Wow. This is the most well written article I have ever read about socialism. Thank you. I will be passing this on and sharing! I have served 3 terms in my state’s House of Representatives and I can say you hit the nail on the head. I loved this. Thank you!!

andrew August 16, 2011 - 7:26 am

A scary joy of a post. Gibbon once said that the demise of the Roman empire could be summed up: The minds of men were gradually reduced to the same level, the fire of genius was extinguished. You have tapped into that wisdom in calling people to again think for themselves.

-Laus Deo

Ethyl Altrogge March 8, 2012 - 4:51 am

Have you check the work of social philosophers for example Axel Honneth or even Charles Taylor ?, Axel Honneth criticised the actual liberal state for that point that it assumes that concepts of person along with personal asset tend to be abstract, while in simple fact, they progressed from a certain social discource on individual activity


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