This week I experienced my first real “homeschool miracle”. Not that every day is not a miracle of its own kind, but this one is truly miraculous. I have been alternating between a jump-up-and-down kind of thing, to slapping my forehead with mouth gaping.
My oldest son who is nine, has never shown much of an interest in reading. And since I believe reading is the foundation of learning, it has concerned me a great deal. Nevertheless, I have held fast to my “theory” that if I tread gently, maybe one day it will click.
It’s not that he was having trouble learning, but for a nine-year old he was a slow reader and it has always been a chore to get him to read his minimal requirement (a page or two in the Primary Eclectic Reader—pretty easy stuff).
BREAKTHROUGH: He decided he wanted to watch some of Lord of the Rings (for those of you with reservations, I have them too, but for now, my husband allows it), and our rule was that you have to read the books first.
With no prompting, he hunkered down on his bed for several hours each day this past weekend and read, and read and read! J.R.R. Tolkien, people! I can barely read it!
The book’s thickness is enough to discourage the most voracious of readers–all three volumes combined into one 3-inch thickness. Add to this equation that determination has not always been his strong point, and we’ve got ourselves a bonafide miracle!
And it gets better…
I have quizzed him, and he understands what he is reading.
AND, I was telling a friend about it, and my son interrupted…”Well, it’s not just ’cause I want to watch the movies anymore…I really like it.”
AND, he said, “Mom, I can read my Bible now too, and I’m going to try to get up early to read it.”
It’s like Mommy Twilight Zone!!!
I hope so much this encourages some of you out there who may have a struggling reader. Keep reading to them, keep reminding them of the importance of it, and be on the lookout for the *key* that unlocks it!
We’ve had numerous other “breakthroughs” this week and the Lord has gently whispered, “keep pressing toward the mark”. Consistency and prayer pays. God is so faithful!
Thanks for sharing such a wonderful story! We are just starting out on our homeschool journey and I enjoy reading inspirational stories like this that I can look back on in our time of need.
I just found your blog about a week ago:-) And am enjoying it tremendously.
That’s wonderful! I will be homeschooling my children as well, and sometimes I feel a little anxious about it. It’s good to know that I can start learning techniques now to help in the future. Thanks!
That is so exciting!! Though my 10 yr old daughter is an avid reader…I will keep this in mind when my son reaches the reading years if he does not blossom as quickly as she did!
Just when we think nothing we are doing is sinking in with our children they go and do something similar to what you have written about. This post was a blessing with me. I struggle with my oldest (only 3) and stories like this really motivate me. Thank you!
Praise the Lord 😀 What a neat story. How exciting…those mommy moments are better than a thousand thank-yous 😀
Getting my 10 year old son to read has been difficult. He has a learning disability and is in the special needs program at school. My husband thinks this is best. So, congratulations on your son reading!
Great!!! My son is 7 and you described him here! He know about the Lord of The Rings and was thrilled when I mentioned reading the books…. then he could see the movie! So yes I know the reading breakthrough will happen and you reminded me to be patient! Thanks!!!!
Kelly, I am so excited for you and your son. Man, I have been there. My son was eleven before he started reading well and when he did he said ” I feel like my life is just beginning and I understand so much more and my schoolwork is easier!” That was just about the best thing I could have heard EVER.
He started by reading these books from Tweener Press and the first one took forever then he just breezed through another 3. Those books are geared toward boys 8-12. Perfect for my guy and he has done well ever since.
Reading IS the most important thing in learning. I mean if you can’t read you are in the same state as the churches pre- reformation with the church telling you what the Word says. No good, right?
It is a “Whew” and a “Yea” moment for Mom and Son!!
I currently don’t have any children, but I found your story to be very inspiring. Also, for someone who doesn’t have children, that just kind of “wows me” that he suddenly turned into a “Reading Flucus” overnight. That’s great! I’m sure this makes you happy. I hope your son continues with his quest and love for reading.
Thats great! He was telling me how he had to read some, and then he got to watch the movie… He was exited about it! 🙂
That is so exciting!
My 5 year old has been doing phonics for over a year. She is starting to get the sounds being put together, but sometimes she will continually say the wrong sounds for letters in a word, even after telling me the single letter sound correctly.
It is good to hear with patient diligence, she will be reading with vigor in the years to come. 😀
That is so encouraging…I too have a 9 year old son who is struggling to read…we homeschool as well and wow…What a tremendous blessing! I keep praying and praying…one day soon we will have the same miracle…THANK YOU GOD!!!
Wow! How encouraging! My 9 year old son is also in that “waiting to be inspired” place. He does diligently read his Bible every morning, and for that I am so thankful, but I can’t seem to find that something that will really inspire him to love reading.
Too bad I already read The Lord of the Rings to him!
Thanks for sharing about your son. I love that photo of him reading!
How exciting! Praise the Lord! Now he is set to learn from here on out! 😉 You know I have 2 boys (9 and 10), and, if I may, I would like to suggest a great series. We have really fallen in love with the Terrestria Chronicles by Ed Dunlop. They are very Biblical and very exciting, set in Middle Ages, and allegorical like Pilgrim’s Progress. Can’t say enough about them! Perfect for boys and just as good for girls.
Congratulations and thanks for sharing!
Thanks! Another good biblical allegory with lots of battle excitement is a series by Chuck Black called “The Kingdom Series”. My daughter has really enjoyed these, and I think now my son will.
LOL! We have those, too! I agree!
Thanks for sharing! That is SO very encouraging. What a challenging book for him to read that was the *key* to unlocking the reading gap. Praise God!
You have encouraged me today more than you know!!!
I was just about to pull my hair out with one of my lovely children because the reading still hasn’t clicked.
I’ll take a deep breath and take it easy!
THANK YOU, Kelly! What a blessing!
What a blessing!
My oldest son (now 18) did not read until he was 8. Once reading “clicked” for him, he immediately started reading little chapter books, such as The Box Car Children mysteries and Childhood of Famous Americans. Eventually, he became a voracious reader, reading tons of biographies and history books, and devouring every GA Henty book he could get a hold of. He would likely have struggled in a traditional school setting, and ended up with lots of “labels”. But, allowed to mature and learn at his own pace, he became a great reader and student, and has been offered several thousands of dollars in academic scholarhips for college because of his grades and SAT scores. Don’t give up hope on any slow-to-catch on boy!!!!