They say that I am crazy for letting you be born,
But one look at your angel face makes crazy all the scorn.They say we can’t afford you–that you’ll need a lot of stuff,
But your pudgy cheeks remind us that our God is big enough.They say it’s strange–eight kids so far–and ask what’s wrong with us,
How could we know that proof of married love would cause this fuss?God’s Word tells me He made us, so when they look at you,
I’ll tell them not to ask me why, because He made you too!Kelly Crawford
One Crazy Lady With Her Large Family
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Envy- the good kind, seeing good in what others have and do, not covetousness – is what comes to mind when I think of large families. I would love to be a crazy lady with all those kids. Isn’t it funny, where I live now, my three kids/intact marriage is looked upon as slightly wacky. Perspective is everything.
Sweet poem.
Beautiful Kelly, both the poem and the sweet picture. Love baby cheeks and baby toes!!!
Love it! Isn’t it sad that things mean more to people than children! People ask us how we afford our 11 kids and we say we can afford kids, just not 3 brand new cars, huge house and stuff, but kids, yes, God is enough!
Thanks for sharing!
Cute poem and how I love that picture!
I like your comment. Good point.
Crazy? Hah! Let them say what they will. You continue to follow God’s plan for your life.
That’s great!
Precious poem, priceless picture – thank you for sharing.
How sweet; I love it! Cottage child, I can relate. 🙂
Kelly, as I have said before … if you ever change your mind…. I’ll take any of them! 😀
You’re nothing like a crazy lady. You’ve always been succinct and sharp.
*grin* you’re sweet.
LOVE this!! Great job, Kelly. :^D I needed this poem earlier today when an older man after counting the number of my children (only 4 by the way), looked at the woman next to me who only had one child and said “hey, do you want another child, there are a couple of extras over here!”. The woman was such a blessing, she smiled and said “we will take all we can get!”. I had to laugh at the craziness of such an encounter.
I only wish I’d have gotten the revelation of the fruitful womb when I was much younger! I always wanted a large family when I was a young girl, then I listened to the world and settled with two. But the Lord began revealing His plan to me a couple years ago and we just had number three at the ages of 34. I’ve been astonished at how many people think it’s crazy for us to have a baby at our age! You’d think we’re senior citizens. There is 10 years between our last child and this one and I get so many comments on how crazy we are to start over. “You were going to be done raising kids in just a few years! Now you have to start all over”, they say. I’m always thinking, “what’s so good about being done with raising kids?” Our new baby is such a blessing to our family and my two older daughters absolutely LOVE her. It’s wonderful having a baby in the family again! I think she means even more to us than the first two did (back then) because we see her for what she is…a beautiful gift right from the Father’s hand. Not a mistake, not an inconvenience, not just another mouth to feed, but a treasure from above. Thanks Kelly- you don’t know it, but you played a part in my “decision” to allow God to dictate our family size.
I only wish I’d have gotten the revelation of the fruitful womb when I was much younger! I always wanted a large family when I was a young girl, then I listened to the world and settled with two. But the Lord began revealing His plan to me a couple years ago and we just had number three at the ages of 34. I’ve been astonished at how many people think it’s crazy for us to have a baby at our age! You’d think we’re senior citizens. Our two older girls are ages 15 and 10. I get so many comments on how crazy we are to start over. “You were going to be done raising kids in just a few years! Now you have to start all over”, they say. I’m always thinking, “what’s so good about being done with raising kids?” Our new baby is such a blessing to our family and my two older daughters absolutely LOVE her. It’s wonderful having a baby in the family again! I think she means even more to us than the first two did (back then) because we see her for what she is…a beautiful gift right from the Father’s hand. Not a mistake, not an inconvenience, not just another mouth to feed, but a treasure from above. I thank God for giving me the privilege of bringing this child, who obviously has a plan for her life, into the world. Thanks Kelly- you don’t know it, but you played a part in my “decision” to allow God to dictate our family size. You have been an instrument of the Lord!
Brenda – the part about 34 being old cracks my up – I didn’t have my first until I was 33, and in my circle of friends it was a little young. Most waited until they were at least 35, wanting to get a couple of babies born before the big 4-0, because we all know THAT is old :).
PLEASE PLEASE do not say 40 is old!I will be 40 in lees than 2 months and I so hope God will bless me with more children.
Lucy T, I’m kidding – I’m 42, please don’t anyone say that’s old. Please.
I am so excited to be pregnant with my third (a boy after two blessed daughters). And we both are talking about many more – as many as the Lord will give! We know extended family has thoughts on our 3rd that they haven’t shared, but are anticipating the comments to really begin when we’ll be pregnant with #4! (After all, we’ve gotten our boy now, so we should be done, right?) But please pray that my husband’s gym will be successful so that I may come home full-time! (our sitter has 3, we have 2, and she is currently not planning on caring for ours after my son is born…) so we’re going on faith here – no childcare plans right now if gym is unsuccessful. Having a “soft open” in January – baby due in March – maternity leave continues until mid-April followed by 2 wks vacation til end of April…. So basically we have until May 1st to make the gym successful so I don’t have to return to work!!! Looking forward to #4, #5, and #6 (I’m 34 now) so we’re wondering how many it will end up to be before the Lord says, “that’s all!” 🙂 God bless!
Love the picture, what a doll. Seriously, when we got pregnant with our THIRD we got the ugly comments. According to the world we had our boy and our girl so we needed to stop. I think you are so talented, that poem was wonderful.
Geez Kimberly, that’s unbelievable. One of my aunts has four kids, my dad’s parents had four and my mom’s parents had five. I can’t begin to express how blessed I am with all my beloved aunts, uncles and cousins.
How lovely! I hope you don’t mind that I shared this on my blog. We are expecting our 8th baby who has a “terminal” diagnosis of Alobar Holoprosencephaly. I know God is bigger than the doctors and we’ve been encouraged by many others with children living with this, so we hope and wait. Thank you for your inspiration. (I changed the number eight to the number seven to fit our family.) You have a lovely blog here!