Let’s stand back and look at our beautiful woman! She does not have the fading beauty of Cosmopolitan. Her beauty grows with time and those around her rise up and call her blessed!
A beautiful woman fears the Lord, first and foremost. For without it, she has little motivation to obey Him.
A beautiful woman is trustworthy–especially in the eyes of her husband.
A beautiful woman “wears” strength and honor. Don’t let feminists tell you that “Christianity has a low view of women”. Christ esteemed women higher than any others ever have, and to oppose His view of women is to go no where but down.
A beautiful woman is discreet, guarding her mouth, thinking before she speaks, graceful in her mannerism and exuding a modest charm.
A beautiful woman has a meek and quiet spirit…that is, she is easily imposed upon, fleshing out our Lord’s command to “present your bodies a living sacrifice”.
A beautiful woman is chaste, pure in thoughts and motives.
A beautiful woman is a teacher of good things; not given to the fear of being accused of unbiblical judgment, but obedient to the word that admonishes her to teach the things of the Lord.
A beautiful woman is content–in all things! She doesn’t crave more stuff, she craves more Jesus. She doesn’t measure her worth by what she owns, she measures it by who she is in Christ. She can be content because she has full FAITH that nothing has come to her that did not first pass through the sovereign filter of His love!
A beautiful woman builds her house in wisdom. If she isn’t building, she’s tearing down.
A beautiful woman is fearless and “laughs at things to come”. We serve a living God…let’s live like it!
I would LOVE to hear your final thoughts on this makeover series. What is God showing you? Your comments may meet someone just where they are.
I have enjoyed this series very much! Thank you for taking the time to do it.
This is very true!
M xx
I enjoyed this very much, along with the rest of your site. I am so glad to find people like you online combatting the feminist lies and raising their daughters to be real women as women were intended to be. Myself, I am not Christian, but I admire what you stand for. If I marry and have a daughter, I will raise her to be virtuous.
Thank you for your contribution, it is excellent, and sorely needed.
Thankyou so much for these reminders.I really needed this and it was very helpful.Keep up the good work!
Blessings to you,Amy
Ma’am, thank you so much for the “Total Beautiful Woman: Make Over”! I congratulate you for the “WONDERFUL” blog you created. I’m also a Christian and a Pastor’s Wife that’s why I greatly appreciate what you are teaching… I’m greatly in love with all your lessons as well as the pictures you’ve presented — they’re in deed a work of art!
Thank you once again. More power and God bless!
[…] Part 9: Make-over: The Total Beautiful Woman […]
[…] Part 9: Make-over: The Total Beautiful Woman […]
[…] Part 9: Make-over: The Total Beautiful Woman […]
[…] Part 9: Make-over: The Total Beautiful Woman […]
[…] Part 9: Make-over: The Total Beautiful Woman […]
[…] Make-over: The Total Beautiful Woman […]
It was good rereading this series, Kelly. Lots there for me to think about (some more). Guess that means I haven’t arrived yet. 🙂
This is the biggie for me (from Part 8): “But being present is only the beginning. There are many women present who aren’t really at home.”
I find time goes by quickly when I’m doing things by myself, so I have to be very intentional in not letting the days slip by with little direct interaction with my family.
I made a to-do list the other day, and about half of the items were things to do by myself, and the other half, things to do with one or a group of children.
As it turns out, one of the group items got way more involved than I’d planned, involving care for a sick pet, and especially emotional care for my youngest child, who was crying off and on during that day, because it looked as if the pet would die.
Anyway, the animal recovered, and at the end of the day, I realized what a blessing it was that I hadn’t checked off everything on my list, but had had a long, slow day of nurturing living beings, especially children.
There is a deep satisfaction in being fully present that can never be found in relentless pursuit of individual endeavors. (Some things done alone are, of course, necessary, but balance, or even unbalance leaning toward the people side, rather than the material side, of life, brings much blessing.)
Thanks for pointing me back here.
Sister Kelly, you got it going on!! God bless you through and through. This was excellent and powerful in reminding us of the GREAT TRUTHS of God. I am excited to share this article with my 13 yr. old daughter as we recline in good fellowship on our mother and daughter date. Thank you for sharing as the Lord use you as a beautiful vessel for his kingdom. Amen and Amen again!
Thank you, Carla!