Home christian living 7 Simple Things I’m Doing to Make This Year Better

7 Simple Things I’m Doing to Make This Year Better

by Kelly Crawford

In no particular order, instead of making new year’s resolutions, I’ve been working on a list of  simple things I’m doing to make this year better. I am a simple girl, I love simple changes and I don’t want to feel overwhelmed by resolutions I know I can’t won’t keep.


There’s nothing like aging that will make you pay a bit more attention to your health.

Turmeric is top of the list. Have you people read about this miraculous wonder-spice? You should. It would be easier for me to list all the health benefits it doesn’t have than the ones it does. Aids weight loss, helps with depression and enhances mood, relieves pain better than ibuprofen, anti-inflammatory (excellent for arthritis and other disease caused by inflammation), fights cancer, prevents stroke and Alzheimer’s, detoxifies the liver…and I could keep going. Go get some (that’s my very own brand) and take it every day for the rest of your (obviously) long life. I’m pumped.

Water. Ah it’s so simple to drink more water, isn’t it? No. No it’s not simple for me. Ironically, water is about the only beverage I drink besides coffee but unless I’m thirsty I just don’t want it. Nevertheless, I believe in the importance of it so I’m keeping a pitcher in the fridge, a cup beside me, and I’m just trying to take a few sips every few minutes. I’ll report back.

I already take the following supplements, but not as consistently as I should, so I’m tightening up there:

GABA, HTP-5, Fish Oil-Omega-3, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin B-Complex


Starting the day with more fervent prayer. I admit this is a weak area for me, even though the Lord has given me plenty to drive me to my knees. We moms are so busy it’s easy to feel like we don’t have time to pray, when really, we don’t have time not to pray. Why do I forget, “the fervent prayers of the righteous avails much..” I need much availing in my life. And we need to remember (and believe) that the Lord seeks out those whose faith is great in order to reward them. Don’t believe me? “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.” Whatever you are facing in your life, commit with me to believing the promises of God, and wrestling with Him in prayer until He answers you. Face him boldly and ask repeatedly. It is your privilege to appeal to the Holy of Holies and we need to believe that He is a rewarder of those who seek him earnestly.

Being a nicer wife

Sorry about the title, but Stop Being a Butthole Wife will give you a new perspective on treating your husband with respect and kindness. Who’s in with me? “Father deliver us from our critical spirits!”

Being Fully There

Whether it’s listening to my 3 year-old or pausing for an elderly friend, life is short and what matters most is that we are fully present with the people in our lives today. Time is fleeting and as my second child has just left the nest, nothing reminds me so brutally of that fact. Hug them tighter, slow down, take your eyes off the screen, study the details of their faces, just sit and talk and head toward the end of your life without the regret of rushing and the despair of distraction.

Using My Gifts More Intentionally

Boil life down to one statement for a Christian, and I think it’s this: We exist to bring glory to God. And since each of us has been given a gift or several, that’s where we best accomplish our earthly mission. So I’m asking myself, what is my gift, and how can I use it–not as the world would say I should use it–but how can I really use it, every day, to bring glory to my Creator? Finding that, I believe, brings us joy unspeakable.

So here is to growing in 2017. To feeling our best, intentional living and a rock-solid faith that keeps us moveless and drops the jaws of the world around us.


Visit our new Etsy Shop!

Also new this year is my Etsy shop! We opened at Christmas with strong sales (thanks to many of you!) and it’s still a work in progress but you’ll love our cute, personalized cutting boards, especially perfect for gifts! I’d love if you stop by! In fact, here’s a coupon code for 15% off any order: thankyougift

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pat January 10, 2017 - 7:00 am

Thanks for sharing. I hear you on the health. Several years ago my mom(who at 70 ish, just started going to the Y), said to me, “I wish I had taken care of myself when I was younger). How do you use the turmeric? Do you take it as a supplement or use as a spice?


Kelly Crawford January 10, 2017 - 9:11 am

Well, it arrives today and I ordered the spice. I’ve been looking at recipes but now I’m wishing I had ordered it in capsules because I think it will hard to get as much as we need just in our food. I’ll probably end up adding it as a supplement. Still researching.

Jennifer Lavallee January 10, 2017 - 8:05 am

WOW! Honestly your whole list is JUST like mine. I’m reading your post and it literally is everything I’m striving to do more and better this year! Awesome! By the way….I also have difficulty drinking water too! Gotta force myself to do it! Blessings to you this 2017~

Kelly Crawford January 10, 2017 - 9:09 am

Awwww, twinsies!

Katelynne January 10, 2017 - 9:06 am

Thank you, Kelly! I needed that!

Laurie January 10, 2017 - 9:44 am

I have read to just put turmeric in your foods…a bit here and there. It will turn it a bright yellow!
I use it in Golden Milk. It tastes good. To be most effective, it should have almond or coconut oil, and a little black pepper, and about 7 minutes of heat to activate the good properties. Raw milk or coconut milk is recommended.
You can get turmeric that has the curcumin removed (no benefit in that) and you can also get too much curcumin in capsule form. Eating it in a whole foods way is best.
I had a friend mix turmeric with raw egg yolk and put it on a VERY sore area of her hand. It turned very yellow of course, but kept the pain down for 2 hours. This is am East Indian remedy.
I like to use turmeric in the place of synthetic food coloring. It is fantastic!

Kelly Crawford January 10, 2017 - 10:54 am

That is good information, Laurie. Thank you!

Jennifer January 10, 2017 - 5:31 pm

Thanks for sharing your list! I’m hoping to work on a few of those areas as well. Last year, I bought turmeric in capsule form and took it daily for about 6 weeks. I saw improvement in my overall inflammation (and I had almost no cramping during the two menstrual cycles that happened during that time, coincidentally or not, I don’t know!)
However, I have read that turmeric should not be consumed over the long term. So I’m wondering if you had a source or information when you said “take it every day for the rest of your long life.” I would love to read more. And I would love to keep taking it if it’s safe!

Korie January 10, 2017 - 9:18 pm

Nice list! I too don’t drink much more than water and yet struggle to drink enough. I have a water bottle I use now that has the measurement of ounces on it so now I can fill it up twice a day and get 8 glasses in. Sipping water every so often has not gotten me very far, but maybe it will work for you. You can do it!

Carolynn Slocum January 11, 2017 - 2:03 am

Kelly, you always inspire me. I am finally taking care of my health. It usually goes on the back burner. My naturopath has had me on Tumeric for about 6 months. My MD suggested shoulder surgery after intense physical therapy, I no longer have any pain! The capsules are easiest to digest and get enough. I am also taking Fish Oil and Vit D (8000 IU/day) I have never felt better! Now, to get the baby weight off. I drink so much water. I love my VOSS glass water bottle that I got at Walmart with sparkling water in it for $2, I refill it several times a day. You can get the true lemon packets to add to your water for a better taste, if that gets you over the hurdle.

Kelly Crawford January 11, 2017 - 8:57 am

Carolynn–that is so great! And sparkling water with lemon–I hadn’t thought of that (and didn’t know about “true lemon”). I did order vitamin water from amazon in pomegranate flavor. I do worry about it not being as healthy though. Thanks for the tips!


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