Home homeschooling Why Homeschooling Stresses You Out and Why it Totally Shouldn’t (Education is Not Hard)

Why Homeschooling Stresses You Out and Why it Totally Shouldn’t (Education is Not Hard)

by Kelly Crawford

Several hundred years ago, Galileo was not only the laughing stock of mainstream society, he was tortured and imprisoned (for the duration of his life) because he believed that the sun was the center of the solar system.

Just typing that sentence makes me shake my head. How could something so clear to us today be such a point of contention in his day? Why were people so angry at his suggestion?

Simple: he challenged a long standing status quo. Don’t do that if you want to be popular.

I believe we need more people challenging our education status quo. Yes, some of the ideas may sound strange and oppose our long-held beliefs, they may even sound wrong, but it actually doesn’t mean they’re wrong.

“What’s gotten in the way of education in the United States is a theory of social engineering that says there is ONE RIGHT WAY to proceed with growing up.” -John Taylor Gatto

So the reason you’re stressed out about homeschooling is you cling dearly to the long-standing beliefs about how children are supposed to be schooled, when in fact, education is different and far simpler.

We see it in the way a baby-turned-toddler learns the English language, complete with the conjugation of verbs and the accurate placement of syntax within a sentence, without any schooling or curriculum to teach him.

You’re stressed out about homeschooling because in your mind, there is a checklist of things a child must complete before he is properly educated, even though he’ll forget most of the things he’s made to do.

You’re stressed out about homeschooling because you don’t trust the innate ability humans were given to learn what is important to them, when they need to learn it, and the ability to solve problems that meet their needs at a specific time for a specific purpose.

Relax Mom. There’s so much to learn–and the first lesson is yours. Your kids are going to be OK, and they’re going to be able to meet the challenges they’ll face on their chosen paths.

Talk to them, ask them questions, read to them and with them, have them do copywork (that’s the easiest and quickest way to becoming a great communicator), show them how life works, encourage them to do real things and solve problems and explore, and try new experiences and get to know other people and especially pour themselves into doing things they love and are good at–these are the things that will prepare them to be successful in life.

“It is nothing short of a miracle that the modern methods of instruction have not yet entirely strangled the holy curiosity of inquiry; for this delicate plant, aside from stimulation, stands mainly in need of freedom; without this it goes to wreck and ruin without fail. It is a very grave mistake to think that the enjoyment of seeing and searching can be promoted by means of coercion and a sense of duty.” ― Peter Gray

If you want to relax more in your homeschooling, but aren’t quite sure how to put it into practice, I have written Think Outside the Classroom (A Practical Approach to Relaxed Education) to help you. It’s a short, practical read that promises to take the stress off. Get it HERE.

“I just want to tell you how much I love this book! It changed my whole perspective on homeschooling and things have been so much better since I read it.” -Margorie

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Alexis April 3, 2018 - 6:52 am

I went to re-order the skin care stuff I got a few months ago and the name appears to be different (got there from my ‘previous orders’ tab within Amazon itself). Just wanted to be sure that nothing was amiss? You just changed the name….? Products still the same, etc.?

Kelly Crawford April 3, 2018 - 9:04 am


Yes! So although I checked the trademark database when I was deciding on a name, I didn’t think to check alternate spellings. Turns out, it matters. 🙂 A company with a different spelling asked me to change the name and it is a trademark infringement. SO, White & Lea is the same exact products, just a different name.

Laura Spilde April 3, 2018 - 9:03 am

Very good. I have a wonderful resource that can help with secondary and post-secondary education as well. People think they “need” a lot of resources and “knowledge” from strange resources, but really THE WORD is a perfect educational resource!


Caroline April 3, 2018 - 7:53 pm

I like your example of how children learn their native language naturally, without textbooks or other overt instruction. I have been teaching French and Spanish to English speakers this way for years.
I’ve taught in the same public school for more than thirty years, and when I learned the technique of storytelling to teach foreign languages my whole perspective about teaching changed. Out went the textbooks (and we’ve saved the school district a lot of money as well :), and we learned how to teach languages in a natural way with the help of experts in the field. Our students are much happier and often say they are learning language without really trying. It has occurred to me that many other subjects can also be taught in a more natural and appealing way. It takes a lot of courage to change the way we’ve always done things, and I’m glad my colleagues and I had the administrative support and personal desire to try. I know it has made my teaching life much more fulfilling.

Kelly Crawford April 3, 2018 - 8:11 pm


I’m SO glad you shared this! When I was typing this post, I *almost* inserted that all languages are best learned in a more natural way (preferably when one is dropped in the native environment and forced to speak it). I’m glad to see that kind of flexibility too, in the school system.

Deborah April 24, 2018 - 10:07 am

Really good Kelly! I spent my homeschooling years alternately paring down and then fretting :0 but the reading, discussing, cooywork then dictation with lots of doing whatever is around and draws a child’s interest worked. I was thinking lately that ” to the understanding, knowledge comes easily” really describes what I ‘ve observed. I tried to teach with really good sources and then apply hands on. What happened was I explained life and the kids learned on their own from there. It really is amazing


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