It’s amazing the thing a mom discovers when the older children are unavailable…it was just me and the little ones yesterday, with a mountain of dishes I knew I had to tackle. Then the thought occurred to me: “What if they could do it?” So I gave ’em a shot.
They not only did a good job, they LOVED it, and thought they were getting some kind of privilege! (How sneaky of me!) Other than one’s decision that he needed more–a LOT more dish detergent, and soaking wet clothes, they got all the dishes washed! Hooray!
A good reminder for me to expect more than I do, and delegate more to these little bundles of eager energy! Many hands make light work! (And of course I bragged to Daddy when he got home about how diligent and thorough they were, and what a blessing to the family they are…this ensures they are just as eager next time!)
And what were the littlest two doing during chore-time?
Oh how cute!
heeee! how cute! love the pics!
Very cute!
I was reading the latest Above Rubies and was reading about a gal that reminded me of you. I thought…wow, she and Kelly have a lot in common and then I looked at the bottom and it was you! I just giggled! Glad to see your comments in there!
Interestingly, Carmen, I had not idea that Above Rubies had published my article (I submitted it a long time ago), until I got an e-mail from someone last week who had read it. I’m still waiting for my copy 🙁
I’m glad you found it!
Oh so cute! This reminds me of something I read years ago that our children when they are little are always eager to help but we can easily squelch their eagerness but not letting them. Then when we want them to help, they are not interested!
Congrats on being published in Above Rubies! I LOVE that magazine! I have not gotten my copy yet! I will flip right to your page!
What beautiful blessings you have! Can’t wait to read your article…mine hasn’t arrived yet either. 🙁 Blessings, Kim
The article is about family worship and there are several ladies who have great ideas for family worship (including yours). If you don’t get it soon let me know…I have a few extra copies.
P.S. We’re catching up to you…visit the blog to see!
So sweet! You’re fortunate to have your little helpers! 🙂
Your article was a good reminder that I should have my children do more. I frequently feel like I am running in circles and getting no where. I should remember that there are four sets of helping hands.
I remember being the same way when I was younger– SO excited when I got the “privilege” of doing the dishes!