Home entrepreneur Don’t Miss the Great Books!

Don’t Miss the Great Books!

by Kelly Crawford

One of the things I emphasize in our relaxed homeschooling book, is the foundational importance of reading (and teaching our children to read) what Charlotte Mason called “Living Books”.  Living books are basically books marked by excellent writing, written by authors who love their subjects.  Living books are “anti-fluff”, if you will 😉  I believe they are key to a solid education!

One of the best ways to find living books is to find old books.  Books written in the late 1800s or early 1900s have a richness of language and depth of subject rarely matched by current literature, especially in the genre of children’s books.

Which is why I was so excited to hear of Olde-Books.com, a new business by a 15-year-old young man (the son of one of my blog readers) who has searched out excellent literature of the past, and has made out-of-print books available as ebook downloads!

We’re reading a couple of them now and are enjoying them so much!  The books come in their original language and include the beautiful drawings as well.  It is such a treasure to be able to print these  instantly for just a few dollars and keep them for future reading!

My suggestion is to print the books and either put them in a 3-ring folder or binder, or take them to your local office supply store and have them bound for $2 or $3 dollars.

I encourage you to browse Olde-Books and you can pick up a FREE EBOOK right now!

One more benefit to shopping at Olde-Books is the support of a Christian entrepreneur–the best thing we can do for our economy!

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Mary at Civilla's Cyber Cafe July 29, 2009 - 12:51 pm

WE love old books. My husband will rarely read a commentary that is not 100 years old.

Kim M July 29, 2009 - 8:51 pm

This is so neat! Thanks for sharing this link!


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