Home church/children's ministry Why the Church Doesn’t Notice Its Slide into Debauchery

Why the Church Doesn’t Notice Its Slide into Debauchery

by Kelly Crawford

I appreciate a reader sending me this article–simply written, crucial for our thoughts as Christians.

“…the church (according to Mr. Wolf’s observation) is sliding into debauchery along with the world, just at a slower rate. What is important to note is that this slippage from God is not so easily detected because the gap between church and world remains the same, and so we seem, to ourselves, to be doing OK.

There is a little thing called the “Overton Window.” It is the term for an insight by a Joseph P. Overton that at any given point in the stream of a population’s public life there is a “window” that contains or frames a range of opinion that is currently acceptable. Outside that window lie the ideas considered wacko….Yesterday’s “radical” is today’s “acceptable.” Yesterday’s “unthinkable” is today’s merely “radical”—and, with a little deft manipulation, will be tomorrow’s “acceptable.” Given more time and massaging, “unthinkable” can go all the way to “popular” and then “policy.” “

Read the entire article, My Frank Wolf Moment

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jen in AL November 15, 2010 - 8:46 am

had to repost this Kelly! thank you so much! blessings, jen in al

I Live in an Antbed November 15, 2010 - 10:48 am

Matthew 5: “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.”

Holiness is a calling-out, a setting apart. If His Body is not Holy, their is no conviction of sin that brings repentance and restoration.

I read a biography that, next to the Bible, is probably the most influential thing I have ever read. The two volume biography of Hudson Taylor documented the work of the Spirit in purifying Taylor to the point of holiness. The smallest aspect of his character was important and he realized that his obedience, instant and complete, was the way he could best be sanctified. He was intentional and intensely focused on glorifying the Lord in each and every thought, word, and action. Because he had allowed the Lord complete control, his impact on the world changed entire countries. There was so little of him left late in his ministry that he provided an incredibly pure channel for the Spirit to work through him. I love the story of a time when he was called back from China to the West to testify about the work the Lord was doing. The hall where he was to speak was filled to overflowing with those anticipating his message. But the most amazing thing happened. As he walked down the aisle to the front to begin his talk, everyone began weeping. The Presence of the Holy Spirit was so intense that there was not a dry eye. He never spoke a word. But the Spirit spoke volumes.

We are called to be a holy people, set apart so that we are easily identifiable as His. Without personal holiness, we look no different than those without Him. Though saved, we don’t impact our culture.

I think it’s time for me to read Hudson Taylor again. I don’t want to be satisfied. I want to hunger and thirst more for Him each day.

Thank you for reminding me to ask for more!

Terri November 15, 2010 - 1:37 pm

This biography, written by one of his grandchildren by the way, is on our MUST READ in order to graduate from our homeschool! I would also rank it at the top of my most influential books, other than the Bible. I just love the part toward the beginning where it talked about his father never putting him (Hudson) in Sunday School because he would never give that beautiful priveledge of teaching his children about God to someone else. Not a sheltering thing (although I’m not against that!) but loved having the priveledge to “get” to teach his children. Loved this book and man so much we named one of our children after him (Jedidiah Hudson)! I might have to get my copy out too, Antbed!!

Terri November 15, 2010 - 1:45 pm

“privilege” – yep, I’m teaching 9 how to spell!

I Live in an Antbed November 15, 2010 - 1:58 pm

It’s sad to me that it is now difficult to find copies. I intend for each of my children to have their own set for their libraries. It is just that important. For me, it is absolutely necessary to see how the Lord took him from just an “ordinary sinner” to such a pure conduit of His Spirit to the world. I have often told people interested in reading it not to become “bogged” down in volume 1 because it is absolutely foundational to the fruit in volume 2. I believe that is why the authors took such pains to document each stage so thoroughly. I love that you have that as a requirement for graduation!!!

I Live in an Antbed November 15, 2010 - 3:37 pm

I was asked for the title of the Hudson Taylor biography I referred to above. Volume I is Hudson Taylor in the Early Years: The Growth of a Soul. Volume II is Hudson Taylor and the China Inland Mission: The Growth of a Work of God. The authors are Dr. & Mrs. Howard Taylor.

LucyT November 15, 2010 - 10:09 pm

Thank you I can’t wait to read these.What age group would this be for.

I Live in an Antbed November 15, 2010 - 11:05 pm

I would say definitely upper middle school or high school for independent readers. But it would work well as a read aloud for younger students if you take your time and have lots of discussion. As I mentioned earlier, for some people it can seem kind of tedious if you don’t keep in mind that the early part is foundational and crucial to fully understand how the Lord accomplished so much through this man. Younger children would have to be reminded of that.

Kim M November 15, 2010 - 11:41 pm

THANK YOU! I’ve been wanting to get his bio to read to my children.

I Live in an Antbed November 16, 2010 - 2:37 pm

Amazon actually has them now. That is new! They are paperback and pricey, but if you like to “hold it in your hand”, at least they are available. ($35.00+ per volume)

Kelly L November 15, 2010 - 3:14 pm

That is a powerfully amazing record! Oh, to be such a carrier of Holy Spirit that we need not speak!

Sergio Scataglini (sp?) has been to our church numerous times preaching holiness. It was such a foreign thought that we could be holy as God is Holy! It was THE most challenging and rewarding aspect of the gospel I have ever heard. I am so glad current day preachers are willing to bring it to the body!

Lena November 16, 2010 - 3:24 pm

Wow, just what I wanted to read. Thanks for recomending the book about Taylor Hudson, I defenetely will try to find it. We need the Holy Spirit to guide us, to purify us, to heal us, to make us holy, and then our church will trully be a living church, a church of Christ. I love this verse and try to think about it often. Joh 15:4 Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. Imagine a living God in us, and we are in Him…wow!

Taryn November 15, 2010 - 11:58 am

A good book on this subject is, The Marketing of Evil, by David Kupelian(2005). All Scripture quotations are from the King James Bible. Disney and the Bible by Perucci Ferraiuolo(1996) is another good one. Pages 23 and 24 of the first book explains when the word gay started being used instead of the King James Bible words(effeminate, sodomite,etc.) that I don’t think are in the modern “Bibles”. The Transformation by Dr. Phil Stringer(2001) is another good one- all Scriptures are KJB- Landmark Baptist Press. It’s subtitle is- The Culture War that transformed the United States from a Christian Nation into a pagan society.

LucyT November 15, 2010 - 12:00 pm

My husband and I was just talking about this last night on the way home from evening service.I can’t wait to show him this article.Thank you Kelly as always.

Jennifer November 15, 2010 - 2:23 pm

How thought-provoking!

Taryn November 15, 2010 - 2:31 pm

keepersofthefaith.com sells a Hudson Taylor book. They also sell a great missionary memoir by Darlene Deibler Rose- Evidence Not Seen(WWII). They have a William Wilberforce biography. Christian Liberty Press has a Jedidiah Smith biography(5th grade and older) that my son(17) will not give away.

Kim M November 15, 2010 - 10:02 pm

Taryn, Darlene Rose’s biography was one of my favorites. I highly recommend it!

Deanna November 15, 2010 - 2:51 pm

I love Andre Seu!

This is something we learned about 20 + years ago in Bible College! I see it so clearly as we have stepped out of the “stream of culture” but those still in the stream, do not recognize the slide….

Thanks Kelly!

rv November 15, 2010 - 3:28 pm

Our family recently moved to another state and thus began the great church search. I wish I could rave about what we have seen and experienced but unfortunately I can describe it as dismal. We have just about ‘seen it all’. Bathing suits in corporate worship (we live near a beach), two 20 something year old men with their arms around each other (in an affectionate way, not as encouragement/support in a crisis) sitting near the front, a Pastor who says “I’m not going to ask you to follow with me in your bible so that I won’t lose you or put you to sleep” and on and on. It is discouraging that often the church blindly turns it’s eye and chooses political correctness over biblically sound and healthy teaching. Our family is the one who seems “wacko” as we file into each church with our “large” family (#5 due after Christmas) and have our respectful and mature children sitting with us. You should hear the comments and gasps we have caused by this yet the other behaviors I mentioned previously are tolerated.

LucyT November 15, 2010 - 10:22 pm

I am the wacko at my church as well.I am expecting #6 in July. when our youth pastor heard his eyes nearly popped out of his head.He chuckled and said you are always pregnant. I just said I know. I am so blessed. We are hoping another 6 .At least he didn’t respond with the better you than me line.

Margaret November 15, 2010 - 11:15 pm

We’re whackos too. Even though we go to a small, fairly conservative church out in the boonies.

Ah well. I think it’s a really interesting thought, this “window”. Rings true to me, and we can see it when we look at how the church has changed from one generation to the next.

Hayley Ferguson November 16, 2010 - 12:42 am

I so often have conversed with my husband over the “window” although I didn’t know it had a name. I know there are people who watch this blog who think I’m wacko/paranoid when I talk about how evil people use this “window” to their wicked (but allowed by the Lord) advantage and even foment it through media, “educational” institutions and government. My parents and many in many “churches” have told us all sorts of discouraging things about how we purpose to live according to scripture. I’m pregnant with no 9 due in March/April and I was pregnant with this one just four months after the last one…now that would look wacko to unrepentant/unconverted church-goers who take in more of the world than the Lord (from His word) and fail to think in terms of the things of heaven instead of the things of the earth…a soul is eternal/forever.

Conversatio in Caelis November 16, 2010 - 4:27 am

I talked to my husband an hour ago, trying to explain my concerns regarding all the influence from everywhere that crowds in upon our children. I told him that I am suffering every single morning, when the children leave our house, that my worries take me down every day. Now HE thinks, I am wacko…
He still thinks, it’s all not so serious and tells me to calm down and to look on the bright side of things.
I just don’t recognize anything bright in some things.

Greetings from Germany!

karen November 16, 2010 - 8:40 am

This is so true and I must check myself to see how far my window has moved as I always comfort myself with the thought that as long as I am different from the world I am doing OK..

Margaret November 16, 2010 - 10:43 am

Very true, Karen.

Alison November 16, 2010 - 11:59 am

Great post – I loved the article. So very true. Also, for those looking to buy the Hudson Taylor biography, Amazon.com sells both volumes separately with free shipping.

Volume 1: http://www.amazon.com/Hudson-Taylor-early-years-growth/dp/1178260062/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1289926471&sr=1-2

Volume 2: http://www.amazon.com/Hudson-Taylor-China-Inland-Mission/dp/1175202649/ref=sr_1_6?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1289926633&sr=1-6

Taryn November 16, 2010 - 11:59 am

We attend a denominational church- Conservative Baptist- here on Long Island. Our Pastor preaches against the pill(Does the Birth Control Pill Cause Abortions? by Randy Alcorn). He refuses to marry divorced people(Matthew 5:32 and 19:9 say fornication-Jewish betrothal time- in the King James Bible- the modern Bibles changed it to adultery). He teaches according to Acts 15:28,29(KJB) that Gentile believers do not have to tithe like Jewish believers- I also heard this taught in a Messianic Jewish church. We do not have a dress code but most women wear skirts/dresses on Sunday. Headcoverings for women are not required but we have had head-covering women attend church.

Taryn November 16, 2010 - 2:33 pm

I want to add that in Matthew 1 Joseph and Mary are called husband(v.18) and wife(v.20) in the King James Bible and they weren’t married(vows/ceremony) yet. We follow that Bible model and call my daughter’s husband-to-be that. We do not use the French word fiance. We take the engagement/betrothal time seriously as is Jewish tradition(We are Gentile Christians). I’m glad that in Acts 15 they decided that Gentile converts do not have to be circumcised(our 4 sons as babies were). My Jewish believer friend had her sons circumcised on the 8th day -as is Jewish tradition(and naming the baby-John the Baptist- Luke 1:59-63 and the Lord Jesus- Luke 2:21).

Charity November 16, 2010 - 8:50 pm

Amazing article! I am so glad you posted this.

The Bible tells us, as Christians, to be seperate from the world. Reality now, to be seperate from the world, means we are to be seperate from the majority of “the church”.

I wander what it will take to turn the tide? How long will our righteous God put up with our mockery?

6 arrows May 19, 2013 - 9:52 pm

Very good article you linked here, Kelly. I always have to think, when I hear about how the church seems to constantly be the same distance from the world, and sliding in the same direction, if that somehow doesn’t have something to do with the concept of “meeting people where they’re at” in order to “reach” them.

I wonder, in our effort to “meet people where they’re at” (whatever that means, and I would imagine it means different things to different people), are we inadvertently moving in lockstep with the world in our efforts to be “approachable”? And how do we define approachable? Shouldn’t there be some point at which the world slides too far that we’re not going to be approachable anymore, that we’re going to hold our ground and let them feel uncomfortable in the process?

Are we setting the terms, the standards, what have you, or are they, and we’re simply following their lead?

I don’t claim to have any answers, but it is something I think of when I hear people talking about meeting people where they’re at. I think the temptation is to become too much like them, which maybe takes our focus off of becoming more like Christ.

Just some thoughts of mine.


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