Home single women What’s a Girl to Do–Interview Part 2

What’s a Girl to Do–Interview Part 2

by Kelly Crawford
“I learned that my life is about glorifying God in every single thing I do, including scrubbing toilets. God showed me that if I was doing His will, then I need to do it with all my heart, soul and might and with joy! (Phillippians 2:14-16)”

Part 2 of an interview with Lindsay S. (left), about being content with her role as a daughter, preparing for what God has for her:

What are some of the messages on your heart? If you had an opportunity to share with a group of people some things that are really important to you, what would you say?

“I would love to sit down with a group of girls and encourage them to have the vision of serving at home and all that serving encompasses (Titus 2:3-5; Proverbs 31). It’s having a vision of learning to serve your father and mother so that you can be equipped to be a helpmeet, submit to your husband and serve him. I believe that if you practice submitting to your father, you will find it much easier to submit to your future husband. This is one of the highest, most important things that a wife could possibly do (1 Peter 3:4).

It requires training. You have to be trained to be a homemaker and to be content at home. You have to learn to be submissive and also to have faith that if God wants you to get married, He can bring you a husband (Proverbs 18:22). God is to direct the man to “find a wife.” You and I are to be submissive to God and let Him work the way He desires (1 Peter 3:1). We are to rest in the Lord (Psalms 37:3-7). God created the whole universe. You could live in a cave or out in the middle of nowhere. It does not matter to God. He is able to bring a husband to you. He can do anything, and it is important to have faith and trust in Him. What a gift it is to just be content to scrub toilets if that is God’s calling for you right now (Phillippians 4:1).

It’s not easy. I struggle daily. I have to constantly meditate on verses about faith, having a happy heart, joy in hardship and being content in my circumstances now (Phillippians 2:14-16). Because these are the things that I need to hear the most, these are the things I would want to tell other girls.”

Now you were talking about vision, and I was thinking that there are a lot of girls who, perhaps they’ve come home but don’t have a real passion or a real enthusiasm for what they’re doing at home and their role as a daughter. How do you suppose we can give them this vision and give them a passion so that they really are excited day by day in what they are doing to serve their fathers and their Heavenly Father?

“As to vision, at first I was complacent about staying at home. I was at home. I knew why I was doing it. I knew God wanted me to, and I had studied Scriptures about it (Titus 2:3-5; Proverbs 31). Yet, in the beginning I still didn’t have a vision in the sense of looking past now, beyond getting married, and seeing what I could do for my future family, children and grandchildren. I didn’t really understand how the time that I spent and the direction that I was growing could affect my future family.

When I first decided to stay home, I really thought that it was a time for me to just play around until prince charming walked into my life, married me, and we rode off into the sunset. Not only was that wrong, but it was also very immature. The Lord soon showed me there were many things in my life that needed to change, and He was going to change me at home.

The first thing that my dad did when I decided to stay at home was ask me to make a list of the skills I wanted to learn. I made a list of about thirteen different skills I had always wanted to accomplish but never had time to learn. So I was very excited to finally have the opportunity. A few of the things on the list included: calligraphy, cake decorating and learning to play the guitar. The Lord was very gracious and allowed me to learn every item on the list within two years. I began to understand that I am doing much more than just staying at home and doing things around the house. I learned that my life is about glorifying God in every single thing I do, including scrubbing toilets. God showed me that if I was doing His will, then I need to do it with all my heart, soul and might and with joy! (Phillippians 2:14-16)

After I read So Much More by Anna Sofia and Elizabeth Botkin, it enlarged my vision and challenged me to learn, through serving my dad, what his likes and dislikes are. Once I started really trying to tap into Dad’s heart and asking myself, “Alright, what would Dad want me to do?” I began to discover what it was that God wanted me to do. It all went hand in hand. If Dad wants me to do something, then I know it is also something that God wants me to do (Ephesians 5:10).

Another key element is my mom. She has taught me, through her own daily example what it truly means to be a Godly, submissive wife and loving mother (Titus 2:3). She is my biggest supporter, confidant, mentor and best friend. Serving at home is part of training and provides a perfect harmony for God’s vision. This training is not just for one season. I am involved in a whole life of training. God is working through my parents, who are playing a key role in preparing me for my future (Proverbs 22:6).”

How have you been able to encourage younger girls in these areas?

“Many girls look at me the same way I viewed Tiffiny many years ago. They say, “That’s really nice”. But I know they think I’m crazy! By the way, Tiffiny and I are really close friends now. The Lord has used her as great encouragement to me because we have so much in common now.

I have also had girls tell me they would like to be at home, but their dads don’t support them. They are told to get an education, get a job and get out of the house. In a lot of girls’ circumstances it is hard because their dads do not understand, but I feel like it’s just like a wife who needs to learn to submit to her husband. If the husband is doing something the wife doesn’t agree with, the wife simply needs to pray-and that’s it (1 Peter 3:1,2). The wife needs to learn to be respectful, honouring and do all that she can to serve her husband with a willing servant’s heart, and I think daughters should do the same thing (Ephesians 5:22-24).

Mothers have the opportunity to be great examples to their daughters in this area. But what if the daughters are in a situation where their fathers don’t understand the importance of them staying at home? If their dad wants them to go to school, they need to continue going to school. If he wants them to work, they need to work with a joyful heart and pray that God changes their father’s heart (Ephesians 6:1; Proverbs 21:1). We can’t go and tell our dads what to do, although we can make an appeal to them. But as daughters, we can make a difference just by praying.”

To be continued…

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Miss Rebekah Ann S. May 17, 2008 - 4:17 pm

Outstanding post! Lindsay is such a wonderful and inspiring young woman.

Looking forward to the rest of this interview!

Kim M. May 18, 2008 - 8:40 pm

I have also enjoyed reading this series.

Anonymous June 30, 2008 - 11:42 am

I’ve made that sort of list, as well, however, it isn’t anything to do with being a wife and mother.

My list reads as such:
I will become fluent in French.
I will receive a doctorate in psychology.
I will teach or accompany ballet classes.
I will conduct studies on depression.

I might, possibly date, somewhere in there. No marriage for a while.

I need to be my own person before I can become part of a union with another, and at no point will I become a submissive wife. I might be a stay-at-home mom, I might have a wonderful career and no family, or if I marry, whomever I marry could stay at home.

Instead of telling your daughters that they need to get married and have many children, tell them to follow their own calling, whether it is to the home or not- and be open to whatever it is falls into place in their life.

Annie September 21, 2009 - 10:59 pm

These are great interviews and I have really enjoyed reading them. I do have a question: what about the girl whose dad hasn’t a clue? He’s a Christian who’s just starting to grasp what that means and really would look at this (daughter serving father) as if it was Greek? And how would you recommend those (females) around said dad, pray and encourage him?

Thanks in advance for any and all help and please feel free to use my email to answer me.

» Modesty: Is There a Standard? April 10, 2010 - 7:54 pm

[…] What’s a Girl to Do-Part 2 […]

Cara April 12, 2010 - 9:47 pm

Hi Kelly!
You can’t imagine how much I appreciate your blog and your dedication to bring topics to us ladies who feel like we are learning how to be Biblical while being a bulldozer with out support! I have no one to “teach” me but you as my internet friend! (giggle)

One question that I would like to ask is what are some of the skills that you think are important in training you children to do? Do you have a list like this young lady? And what about different ages? What are something you would do with little Children younger than 10?

Thanks YOu.


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