Home christian living We’re Not Called to Comfortable Christianity

We’re Not Called to Comfortable Christianity

by Kelly Crawford

“We need to be people who reflect the honor and glory of God. We need to seek to pursue holiness as a standard and not use the grace of God as camouflage to cover over a heart that doesn’t really seek God or just wants God to come alongside to endorse who we are.”

It seems that no matter the topic addressed here, it almost always ends up finding its way back to our understanding about how a Christian should live.

And in “such a time as this”, it is so important that we keep renewing our minds with the truth.

Crawford Loritts writes this powerful reflection that resonates in my heart, and confirms things I often try to communicate here:

“I have become deeply burdened concerning the flagrant sin in the body of Christ. And yet, to some, church discipline is considered mean and insensitive. In the name of grace, we have sanctioned ungodliness. I want you to think about that…in the name of grace–a perverted view of grace in my estimation–we have sanctioned ungodly behavior.

We’re becoming increasingly spiritually impotent and are not taken seriously by an unbelieving world because what we talk about–the power of God to change lives–is not represented in our own lives….the forgiveness of God is predicated on repentance.

We need to be repentant. We need to be people who reflect the honor and glory of God. We need to seek to pursue holiness as a standard and not use the grace of God as camouflage to cover over a heart that doesn’t really seek God or just wants God to come alongside to endorse who we are.

Too may Christians have settled for a nice, comfortable, predictable Christianity. We don’t want to be viewed a different or distinct, so we’re comfortable with reflecting the average Christian life. however, in our desire to be seen as normal to those around us, we’re in danger of losing the luster and compelling brilliance of an authentic Christian life.

I believe we have to be terribly careful about what we project. We’re living in a Christian culture that says, “hey look, you need to be warm, friendly, and like the people around you.” I’m not suggesting that we look weird an act strange, but there is a difference about us. There’s something distinct about us, and that distinctiveness needs to be demonstrated and shown in our lives. God is looking for an uncommon commitment beyond the ordinary.”

I don’t advocate an “all rules, no grace” gospel here! I do cry out for a distinguishing of truth; a careful following of ALL of the gospel…not just the parts that appeal to us. God hates sin. He longs to forgive those who are repentant. But he still hates sin. And so must we–first in our own lives, and then all around us.

This is not “Kelly’s gospel”…it is our Lord’s.

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Amy July 29, 2008 - 2:44 pm

Kelly wrote: And sometimes “the world” hits a lot closer to home than just a stranger out there somewhere. It means those who have adopted the world’s methods won’t understand you. It may be some in your own family. Are you OK with that?

No, I’m not OK with that, especially in my church family and leadership. But it’s there nonetheless.

There’s a fine line between salt and grace on our tongues. We are all at different stages in our walk on the same path and it’s easy to fall to the left or the right, the liberal and conservative, too much law or too much grace. I’d hate to think of what would have happened if someone tried to shove the concept of submission down my throat when I was a teen, nor what could happen if someone neglected to correct me when I did something foolish or blatantly sinful.

In the church (not just my own church but the whole body of Christ), there are people I’d like to call out for what I see as being too worldly or lax in some area, but so far, I have mostly kept quiet as it has not been my place to call them out on it. Were there to be a blatant sin that calls for church discipline, I’d pray for guidance and proceed (more likely let my husband proceed), but there’s a big difference between church discipline and a need for discipling.

I think where many churches go wrong is a lack of discipling the new and not so new believer. Yes we are saved by grace, but give the why for how many things we may do as ‘consevative’ Christians please God and lead to a better life in this sinful world. I think of how a woman who has no concept of a man cherishing her would have trouble submitting to a husband. I think of men who have no idea of how to cherish a woman without becomimg a pushover. Or worse a man who doesn’t realize he should cherish his wife even as he is her lord. I think of girls whose most visible leader in mode of dress are the wordly, nearly naked teens they see in the media and the mall. Who have no clue about how visual guys are and what message they are sending, no matter what a parent may say. I could go on, but you get my point I think.

I think Kelly’s heart is in the right place on this. We must remember that these complex issues are rather hard to put into written form. We’re not called to comfortable Christianity, and there’s nothing comfortable about speaking up for what is right, but neither is it comfortable to remain quiet when what we want to say could push people away from the faith if done in a judgemental way.

Is it wrong to state right from wrong? Absolutely not! Keep stating it, Kelly. What she does here in written form may look completely different face to face as she acts upon a situation in real life, where I imagine she would lead by example, quietly and gently discipling (rather than disciplining unless a blatant sin), building relationships when possible instead of distancing herself, or outright confrontation.

I would also humbly suggest that the women who are so outraged by her statements consider that maybe God may in the future convict you of exactly what she is discussing. It’s certainly happened to me many times during my walk with Christ. Precept upon precept, He doesn’t give it to us all at once, our human minds couldn’t handle it. And should she (or we) handle many issues in a less than loving or godly manner, be assured that she/we would quickly find ourselves isolated where she/we could do little damage beyond our then comfortable circle. Thereby providing a checks and balances situation.

I could go on…but it’s not my blog no matter how long the comment. Sorry.

Katherine July 29, 2008 - 3:23 pm

Every word of that post is what every fiber of my heart, mind, and spirit knows to be true. I love it. Kelly, this post is my #1 favorite post on your blog as of right now. And like you said, I have known since the first time I arrived at your blog that all the conversations that have taken place here really boils down to pursuing God’s standard of holiness. There is a balance right between grace and works. (James 2)

Mrs. Lady Sofia July 29, 2008 - 3:37 pm

I guess that’s what makes being a Christian real difficult – it’s not comfortable to be different, and yet, I feel many people in this world want to be “part of the crowd” so they can “fit in.”

I know I feel that way sometimes, especially now. After reading books such as, “Passionate Housewives Desperate for God,” “So Much More,” and “Family UNPlanning,” these books have really given me a different approach to Christian living that is not found with regular Christian publications. As a result, my “usual Christian thinking” has been challenged.

As I told Kelly before, it’s difficult to change when you have been influenced by the world and feminist view points for so long. The world’s culture becomes “the norm,” and comfortable, where as living for Christ requires that we “break free” from that norm and become the people Christ wants us to be.

You are a very bold and brave woman, Kelly for continuing to share you faith on this blog in the face of much opposition. I can’t help but keep “coming back for more” as I always learn something new and worthwhile to apply to my life.

Thank you for your boldness, and I am sure, as Amy stated, that the women who come here outraged by what you say are probably being convicted by God. Maybe their outrage is a form of their “fight for the truth” against their own sin.

Texas Country Designs July 29, 2008 - 4:30 pm


Mrs. Klause

These Three Kings July 29, 2008 - 8:45 pm

It gives me goose bumps, and fear in my heart to see the LORD using you to speak the TRUTH!!

Thank you so much for being such a godly example of biblical womanhood..Titus 2 at it best!

If you dont mind, I will link this post from my blog 🙂

Word Warrior July 29, 2008 - 10:21 pm

Love the encouragement!

Monica July 30, 2008 - 2:43 am

I wanted to thank you for the wonderful time I have been having reading your blog as I search the scriptures and my handy dandy concordance! I appreciate your willingness to take the comments that you get! It takes a lot to put your heart on the line and have others pummel it.

Also, a neat observation, on my screen this quote: “however, in our desire to be seen as normal to those around us, we’re in danger of losing the luster and compelling brilliance of an authentic Christian life.” is directly next to the ruby looking so brilliant! What a contrast.
Salt that is salty ;0)

Kim M. July 30, 2008 - 10:18 pm

I wholeheartedly agree with this post!

Janni March 15, 2011 - 5:51 pm

Amen, Amen!!!


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