Does anyone love quotes as much as I?
While we may not be called to martyr our lives, we must martyr our way of life. We must put our selfish ways to death and march to a different beat. Then the world will see Jesus. –Michael Tait
I defy you to read the life of any saint that has ever adorned the life of the Church without seeing at once that the greatest characteristic in the life of that saint was discipline and order. Invariably it is the universal characteristic of all the outstanding men and women of God.—Unknown
We must assess our thoughts and beliefs and reckon whether they are moving us closer to conformity to Christ or farther away from it. –John Ortberg
There is no peace in the border lands. The halfway Christian is a torment to himself and of no benefit to others. –Earnest Worker
The characteristic of holiness, which is the outcome of the indwelling of God, is blazing truthfulness with regard to God’s word and an amazing tenderness in personal dealings. –Oswald Chambers
A holy life has a voice. It speaks when the tongue is silent, and is either a constant attraction or a perpetual reproof. –Hinton
I surrendered unto Him all there was of me; everything! Then for the first time I realized what it meant to have real power. –Kathryn Kuhlman
Nothing is really lost by a life of sacrifice; everything is lost by failure to obey God’s call.
–Henry P Liddon
Today, even amongst Christians, there can be found much of that spirit that wants to give as little as possible to the Lord, and yet to get as much as possible from Him. The prevailing thought today is of being used, as though that were the one thing that mattered. That my little rubber band should be stretched to the very limit seems all important. But this is not the Lord’s mind. The Lord wants us to be used, yes; but what He is after is that we pour all we have, ourselves, to Him, and if that be all, that is enough. –Watchman Nee
I love this one:
There is no peace in the border lands. The halfway Christian is a torment to himself and of no benefit to others. –Earnest Worker
Thanks for sharing…and YES, I love quotes!
Your anonymous quote was by Martyn Lloyd-Jones. Just so you know!
Me too! Love them!
I think I’d make a close second as “Biggest Quote Lover.” lol
They’re great, keep sharing them. 🙂