“You see, there is no higher calling, no greater privilege than being a vessel of life and later a teacher of souls which will live for ever. This is a crucial point: These children will live forever, either in Heaven, or in Hell. We not only have the privilege of introducing them to the world, but God has given us the honor of assisting our husbands in the great work of introducing these little ones to the God Who loves them.
~ Beall Phillips Verses of Virtue
“You are in the very center of His will as you embrace His little ones to your heart and raise them to be mighty arrows for God’s kingdom. You are at the very heart of the kingdom of God. There is nothing more powerful that you could be doing in the whole of the world. Be encouraged. And may you be filled with the joy of the Lord as you fulfill this mighty task in your home today.” ~ Nancy Campbell in Above Rubies
A true mother is one of the holiest secrets of home happiness. God sends many beautiful things to this world, many noble gifts; but no blessing is richer than that which He bestows in a mother who has learned love’s lessons well, and has realized something of the meaning of her sacred calling. ~ J.R. Miller in Secrets of Happy Home Life
“You may speak but a word to a child, and in that child there may be slumbering a noble heart which shall stir the Christian Church in years to come.” – Charles Spurgeon
“To marry and have children is the ideal life for a woman. What career could ever be as fine? To give the world splendid men and women —isn’t that the noblest thing a woman could possibly do?” ~ Jessie Willcox Smith
1 comment
Great quotes, and I love the different colors!