Home motherhood/family/parenting The Birth of Ellia Brynn

The Birth of Ellia Brynn

by Kelly Crawford

HUGE thanks to my friend Kathy who “labored” with me, both alongside me at the hospital filming and supporting me, but also for the many hours she spent on this (heavily edited 😉 video and ministering to me over the weekend…she is truly a blessing!

*HINT: If you wish, you can view in full screen by clicking the middle icon on the right, bottom of the video.

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Letisha July 27, 2009 - 7:38 am

that was beautiful! I cried all the way through it! You did it! You looked radiant in the midst of pain! I love the joyful moans/sighs after birth when you first see her! Q: Did the hospital provide the birth ball?

Gina July 27, 2009 - 8:01 am

What an amazing and beautiful video. Thank you for sharing it with all of us, Kelly.

Annette July 27, 2009 - 8:09 am

Kelly, that was SO beautiful! Thank you for sharing such an intimate experience with us. The video was so touching…the music and verses you chose were perfectly suited to the occasion and gave testimony to God’s faithfulness and your own obedience and trust. It was so touching to see your husband right at your side, comforting, loving, and encouraging you.

You did such a great job; we are all so proud of you. Your baby girl is beautiful, a perfect gift and such a blessing. I was thinking how blessed we are to be able to experience this miracle of pregnacy and childbirth, when so many women suffer with discouragement and disappointment that they may never know motherhood.

You have a beautiful family. May God richly bless you, guide you, give you wisdom and strength. Psalm 139


Marcie July 27, 2009 - 8:11 am

Kelly and Kathy, What a beautiful video! Sitting here crying. Next time, we’ll send some jokebooks with you.;-)


Ashley July 27, 2009 - 8:21 am

So beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing it.

Lucy T July 27, 2009 - 8:46 am

That was one of the most beautiful things I have ever witnessed.You are so amazing I would never be so open with something so personal.Kelly you really are a gift to women.THANK YOU!

p.s.I also would NEVER look that put together through labor.AGAIN YOU ARE AMAZING!

Katie LaPierre July 27, 2009 - 8:46 am

I needed a good cry this morning. good way to start the day :0)

Sandy July 27, 2009 - 9:11 am

Kelly… Thank you so much, Friend, for the beautiful testimony of God’s faithfulness to see us through even the most difficult times. Your daughter is gorgeous! I’m so proud of you for sticking to your goal!!!

Kathy… Awesome job on the video! It does a great job of capturing the precious moments of a true miracle. Your friendship is a delight to so many people. Thank you for letting God use you one more time to serve others.

Bria… I’m so impressed with your photography skills. You have a great eye for catching some of the perfect snapshots of life. Let’s find a photography class a bunch of us could take together!

Aaron… You were WONDERFUL! I was teary through much of the video, but the part that really set me off was watching you minister to your wife. To me, that’s one of the greatest benefits of natural childbirth… Mom and Dad working together, learning more about themselves and each other to bring a child into the world… a tremendous bonding experience.

Ya’ll made a great team! Thanks for letting us share in such an intimate part of your lives.

Shelly July 27, 2009 - 9:16 am

Just beautiful! Thank you for sharing this precious part of your life with us. You have encouraged me today. God bless your beautiful family.

Michelle July 27, 2009 - 9:23 am

Beautiful! Good job mama – I love the music selection

jennifer July 27, 2009 - 9:24 am

So heart-touching! I cried the whole way through. Thank you so much for sharing this with everyone. And what a supportive husband! You two have such beautiful children. What blessings!

Allison P. July 27, 2009 - 9:39 am

What a beautiful video! Thank you for sharing this with us. I have to say you did such a great job. You were so calm and focused through out this delivery. I have experienced natural child birth so I know this is not an easy task to stay calm like you were…. great job. And such a beautiful family you have! We praise God for this gift!

Jill F. July 27, 2009 - 10:53 am

Sobbing away here in the Pacific Northwest….that was simply beautiful! I loved the laughing black lady…was she your doctor? Loved her asking about your family and loved all the supportive nurses and midwives. Certainly it must be a powerful testimony to hospital personel everywhere when they see large families rejoicing in new babies. Loved seeing your eldest daughter greeting her new sister! Those eldest daughters are such gifts as well!
Great great video!

Alissa July 27, 2009 - 11:07 am

Absolutely beautiful! Brought tears to my eyes as I remembered the birth of my 3 precious children and as we look forward to the new sister they will have in December. God is so good. What a treasure to have this video!

Kristi July 27, 2009 - 11:08 am

What a beautiful video!! You did look radiant, and it was so touching to see your husband there by your side. What a blessed family!

jess in Peru July 27, 2009 - 11:43 am

Kelly: 🙂 Here are my random thoughts as I watched that wonderful video!

What an amazing, kind friend you to have make that for you.

Your hubby seems so sweet and gentle and kind -a beautiful picture of servant leadership and he had the gentleness of Jesus.

You really seemed VERY, VERY calm for as long as that took and as much pain you endured. I felt a relief for you though as she was FINALLY born.

The nurse who was talking was VERY funny! I would’ve enjoyed her company.

It was wonderful that they gave the baby right to you and didn’t try to take her away. That made me smile.

What a cute, chunky monkey! 🙂 I just wanted to hold her and kiss her myself. My favorite picture was with her and one of your daughters sleeping on the couch with her.

You really must’ve weighed like ONLY 100lbs. before you got pregnant. Because if you gained about 50, it just doesn’t look like it all. You still looked GREAT!!!!

The video just made me cry and cry. The miracle of childbirth and God’s creation just NEVER gets old. It just doesn’t.

My kids enjoyed it too. They got out their baby books right away to show me when they were born. It made us all so much more excited to meet our little guy in about 9 weeks.

Thank you for sharing this intimate part of your life with us. I know you don’t know us, but we feel like we know you.

And…my last thought is…NO ONE better use this comment section to debating ANYTHING!!!! LOL, but I’m serious!!

Precious, precious, precious!

Many more blessings to you ALL!

Word Warrior July 27, 2009 - 12:17 pm

These comments have made me smile and smile….it has been so much fun sharing this whole experience with all of you–you’ve added a whole new element!


Yes, the hospital provided the birth ball–pretty neat, huh?


The funny lady was an LPN who really just assisted my nurse–the nurse that to me, acted more as a midwife. I could not have had better nurses…I’m convinced.


Loved your “random thoughts”…the actual delivery part was edited quite a bit–we cut out the first part of it with the “exorcist voice” to spare you 😉 So I wasn’t *quite* that calm all the way through–before you give me credit, but not far off.

Kim Greene July 27, 2009 - 12:26 pm

Absolutely beautiful! What an awesome testimony of God’s grace. Thank you for sharing and blessings to you all! Kim

Lizzie July 27, 2009 - 12:37 pm

This was beautiful.

Lynn July 27, 2009 - 12:45 pm

Wow! Thank you for sharing….I had medicine with both of my daughters and you made it look so painful….you are stronger then me:)

Mrs. Hester July 27, 2009 - 12:45 pm

Absolutely beautiful. That’s all I can say.

Daja July 27, 2009 - 1:01 pm

Girl, that was beautiful! And you are beautiful! You look so wonderful even during labor! I always looks like something that had been dragged behind a truck!

Did you write that last song?

Keeper of our Home July 27, 2009 - 1:56 pm

This is the sweetest, most precious video! Congratulations to you and your family.


Word Warrior July 27, 2009 - 2:45 pm


The song is one from Watermark–I couldn’t believe it when I found it!

Laura July 27, 2009 - 2:57 pm

Thanks for sharing! I cried and smiled throughout it as it made me remember my (very difficult) natural VBAC home birth with my sweet daughter. It was tough, but so worth every day the Lord gives me with her! Blessings to you and your family! She’s beautiful: )

Mary at Civilla's Cyber Cafe July 27, 2009 - 3:05 pm

Touching video — great music!

Jennifer July 27, 2009 - 3:18 pm

I stumbled (by the hand of God, I’m sure) into your site today. Ellia’s birth was the most beautiful thing I’ve seen in a long time. I needed to be reminded of how precious our children are.
But more than anything, I needed to be reminded of how precious our husbands are! Thank you for sharing this intimate time with all of us out here. Many, many blessings to you all. You have a new friend in NC!

Allison July 27, 2009 - 3:33 pm

That video brought tears to my eyes – it was so beautiful! I loved the verses and music you used. Praise God, He is so good!

Alisa July 27, 2009 - 4:43 pm

just beautiful…..what an amazing memory of a special time….

be blessed Alisa

Kim M July 27, 2009 - 4:48 pm

Oh that was just precious! What a treasure that will be for Ellia to watch one day.
I am glad I am not the only one who cried my eyes out while watching it.
But I admit… I laughed so hard at your “exorcist” comment above that one of my boys asked what was so funny. 😀

Word Warrior July 27, 2009 - 4:58 pm


LOL! When we were making the video, after I had my cry, we had to play it over and over while we edited it so by the 3rd or 4th time, I was laughing DURING the “exorcist” part…my voice just did this scary thing…I said, “Pull it out”…and then out of nowhere this deep, growling voice…PULL IT OUT! It’s pretty funny now.

Michelle July 27, 2009 - 5:11 pm

I remember having a few exorcist/mooing like a cow moments! : ) My midwives were great at encouraging me to not hold back making noise, but to keep my vocal tones low (as opposed to high) because that actually helps bring the baby down through the birth canal! Pretty awesome stuff what God designed our bodies to do : )

Michelle July 27, 2009 - 5:11 pm

I remember having a few exorcist/mooing like a cow moments! : ) My midwives were great at encouraging me to not hold back making noise, but to keep my vocal tones low (as opposed to high) because that actually helps bring the baby down through the birth canal! Pretty awesome stuff what God designed our bodies to do : ) Glad you can laugh at it now : ) May be next time, I’ll vid. mine.

Mandi July 27, 2009 - 5:16 pm

Kelly, just beautiful…all of it. *sniff sniff*

Kim M July 27, 2009 - 5:27 pm

That is HILARIOUS! I can only imagine. One of my friends at church went natural. She said during her “crazy moment”, she said that she told the nurse to “GET YOUR TAIL IN ACTION”.

Jennifer July 27, 2009 - 7:53 pm

That was beautiful, Kelly! I was almost crying when that baby came out.

That one nurse reminded me in looks and voice of Whoopi Goldberg. I’d love to have her at my first birth 🙂

Word Warrior July 27, 2009 - 8:09 pm


So funny…when we were doing the video I said, “Who does she remind me of?” And Kathy said, “Whoopi, of course!” And I couldn’t believe once I thought about it how much she sounded like her! She was GREAT! She came back each day we were there just to chat and see the baby.

Jennie July 27, 2009 - 9:30 pm

Hey, Kelly!

I finally got to check your blog today and was so excited to see the birth video. It is beautiful! What a gift from Kathy… And you did GREAT! Seeing Aaron coaching you and comforting you just reminded me all over again of the great blessing it has been to have my husband with me and supporting me through all of our births. I am so glad we don’t live in the days when fathers weren’t allowed in the delivery room!

This was a beautiful, moving picture of Christ serving the Church and both bringing forth fruit. Ellia is gorgeous — so bright-eyed and plump. There’s something amazing about a “natural” baby. Thomas smiled like that at three days; what a gift!

We are so happy for y’all and only wish we could be there now to see this beautiful new addition to your family!

Love to all…

Brandi July 27, 2009 - 10:04 pm

I just chewed off my nails watching you and then cried like a baby at the end.

Ohhhhhh, so that’s natural childbirth huh? I think i’ll get the epi next time. hee,hee!!

Really, that was awesome! Your beautiful, she’s beautiful, God bless you all!

Susan July 27, 2009 - 10:43 pm

Kelly, Remember that I told you that I cry every time a baby is born on TLC’s A Baby Story and I don’t even know those people? Well this video just about did me in!! Seeing Aaron so very patient, loving and supporting. Then when your Mom was rubbing your shoulders and kissed you, I just fell apart, knowing how hard it was for her too to see “her baby” go through that pain. Such a beautiful video, Kathy did an amazing job! Thank you for sharing this with us all. Hope to meet Ellia soon (Lucas was a little put out that Ashton wasn’t highlighted more in the video LOL) Welove you all, Susan

Avaya July 28, 2009 - 5:32 am

You showed tremendous fortitude Kelly, and it is lovely to see the love your friends and family have for you. Am contemplating natural birth so the video was very educative for me, but I am worried that it will be very difficult for my husband, who can take any amount of pain himself, but who can’t bear it even if I prick my finger!

Word Warrior July 28, 2009 - 6:47 am


Tell Lucas we’re tweaking Ashton’s contract 😉 Come by and snuggle the baby!

brandy July 28, 2009 - 8:28 am

Well I am off the the OB for my first appt. for this pregnancy; and started my day off with a good sob. LOL
Thannks for sharing Kelly. So proud and impressed.

Christina July 28, 2009 - 8:30 am

Just beautiful, Kelly! Thanks so much for being so transparent and putting yourself out there. It was an amazing video to watch and I too, was so touched by Aaron’s gentleness with you. It made me appreciate my husband so much more. I don’t think we realize what they do for us when we are in the midst of the pain.

Olivia Montgomery July 28, 2009 - 8:46 am

Thank you so much for sharing this video with all of us! It was so beautiful and I cried through all of it. God is amazing!!!

Heather July 28, 2009 - 9:07 am

You are a brave one to allow a camera into the delivery room!

You did wonderfully, though!

Daja July 28, 2009 - 10:56 am

That is an amazing song! She has such a prophetic name! God is going to do things with her that you won’t believe!

Corrie July 28, 2009 - 12:56 pm

Sobbing in Alabama 🙂

You are beautiful!

God bless you and your family.

Claudia Evans July 28, 2009 - 2:15 pm

Sobbing in Kansas! Overwhelmed with joy over the goodness of God! Thank you Kelly (and thank Kathy) for sharing this beautiful video with us! My nine year old son walked in during the middle with grave concern over my tears. “It is all tears of joy, son!” He asked a most profound question: “Mom, WHY would people want to kill them (babies)?” I am ever-more convicted to pray for preborn babies. May God richly bless the Crawford family!

Audrey July 28, 2009 - 9:37 pm

Kelly, I know its going to sound weird but you sounded beautiful! There is so much emotion and power behind a mom bringing forth her baby and it comes out in her voice.

You did a great job. I was much less composed during my “natural” births, quite frantic for a few of them.

Thanks for sharing this with us!

Taunya July 28, 2009 - 9:39 pm

So beautiful, so touching!!

Kimberly Kovach July 28, 2009 - 9:47 pm

Fantastic video of your experience. My sister just gave birth to Arianna Nicole on July 2 and I was blessed to assist her in this second natural childbirth. I still remember the pain, but ahhhh, the thrill of delivering naturally when that precious bundle comes out. Nothing like it in the world. Too bad more women aren’t able to experience it because doctors convince them otherwise. The LPN was great and the nurses looked so attentive, too. Thanks for sharing. Kudos to the videographer:)

MrsSWM July 28, 2009 - 11:44 pm

That was just plumb beautiful! It made me cry 🙂 (And that last song is amazing!!! Another wonderful touch from the Lord :-))

Jennifer July 30, 2009 - 12:44 am

“when we were doing the video I said, “Who does she remind me of?” And Kathy said, “Whoopi, of course!” And I couldn’t believe once I thought about it how much she sounded like her!”

Aw, that is funny! I could tell from the video she was a great presence to have 🙂 Made me laugh and smile.

I just watched this vid for the second time (my computer takes forever to load it) and it remains one of the most beautiful things I’ve seen. The last two songs are my favorite and it’s almost eerie how perfect the very last one is! Great selection. Thank you so much for sharing this miracle.

Word Warrior July 30, 2009 - 7:38 am

Thank you, Jennifer–very sweet! I couldn’t believe I found that last song…I literally stumbled on it days before Ellia was born and I knew that would be in her video.

Kelly August 3, 2009 - 7:27 pm

This is so beautiful, Kelly! Thank you for sharing such an intimate experience. Your daughter is beautiful and will be such a wonderful addition to your growing family!

shannon August 4, 2009 - 2:49 pm

so beautiful and moving! thanks for sharing! i was on the verge of tears the whole time!

Jennifer August 18, 2009 - 1:50 am

Kelly, have you ever seen a beautiful little book called “Angel in the Waters”? It’s a “children’s” book about the pregnancy process…through the eyes of the infant. In this book, a little baby grows in the womb, learns slowly about the wonderful being called “Mother” all around him, and receives comfort and some instruction from his guardian angel as he waits for the time to go from his mother’s womb to her arms. It is sparsely and amazingly written, teaching about God’s creation; I found this beautiful video to be the perfect companion for it 🙂 It’s amazing how much I feel like part of this video; when that baby finally came out, I released a happy sigh and my eyes filled with relieved tears as though I’d been laboring with you 🙂 Womanhood is a wonderfu gift.

Word Warrior August 18, 2009 - 8:16 am


Aw, what a sweet comment 😉

S. Weaver August 30, 2009 - 6:33 pm

Wow! I came to your blog today through another I also enjoy reading, and have been blessed by many of your posts I have gone back to read. What a gift to stumble across your birth video. I just delivered my 5th child natrually on August 11, 2009. I have had epidurals with all my other deliveries and wanted to “give natural birth a try.” I am glad I did it, not sure if I would do it again (ha!) but maybe the pain is still too fresh. 🙂
I was wondering, and maybe this is too personal, but would you do it again naturally? It was beautiful for me and my husband and I did rely on him, but I felt like I did that with the last 4 as well. I guess the end result was the same for me either way, a beautiful baby! I was just surprised because I had so many friends who had gone natural tell me how awesome it was and all of the good things they experienced, so I had worked it up in my mind to be an experience like I had not had before, and the only difference was the pain for me. I am totally not trying to argue anyones choice and I also know epidurals don’t go so well with everyone, just thought I would ask you what differences, if any, were there?
In any case, your video was a gift for me as was the scripture sprinkled through out. I have 1 girl and the rest boys….what’s your secret for so many girls? 😉 Totally kidding! I wouldn’t trade any one of my boys! I wouldn’t mind playing with ribbons and bows again someday though. Anyway, ramblings from a sleepless, deliriously happy, postpartum person!

Word Warrior August 30, 2009 - 6:55 pm

S Weaver,

Thank you for your comment! I feel so very much like what you described–I’ve also had wonderful experiences with my epidurals and so other than the “extra” work my husband did, the rest of the experience didn’t necessarily produce a hallelujah moment beyond my other births 😉 I loved it, but the pain at the end was over the top….not sure I would do it again.

Welcome to the blog!

Fruitfulvine2 December 3, 2009 - 5:52 am

This video moved me to tears. I want to do natural birth if the Lord blesses us with more children. Looking at you made me both hopeful and scared(not scared enough to back down just scared enough to say I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me).

Other videos I’ve seen don’t show much of the travail like yours did and I appreciated seeing that. It helped prepare me mentally in the event that we do get blessed with another pregnancy(which is my hope and desire).

Thanks for sharing.

Jacquie December 20, 2009 - 12:37 pm

Wow. This video is amazing. Just talking with this you this past week gave me some hope in going natural, but watching the video gave me some more assurance. 🙂

Lauren January 19, 2010 - 12:25 am

I will be having a natural birth in a few weeks- my 2nd birth, my 1st attempt at natural. I read your birth story a few days ago, and it has been playing on my mind and causing me some anxiety since, but since watching this video, I have relaxed again. It has reminded me what it is for. You looked amazing the whole time, what an awesome work birth is. I cried so much watching this 🙂

Kim February 6, 2010 - 4:14 pm

I love the article on your quest for a “natural” childbirth. I, too, have 8 children, and have had nearly the same experience and emotions as you regarding this. You put it into words very well. I love the video of your daughter’s birth. It was very touching. Thank you for sharing from your heart and for your honesty.
God bless you as you continue to minister to others through your blog. It has become one of my favorites!

Kim February 6, 2010 - 5:12 pm

Would you please remove my last name from my comment? I put it there without thinking.
Thank you!

Christine @ Lily of the Valley March 1, 2010 - 8:43 pm

This video was such a blessing to watch. I am due, today, and it was such an encouragement to see such a beautiful birth. This will be my second natural birth, and my fourth blessing!

Kate Scott March 9, 2010 - 9:52 am

Thank you for sharing this! I’m a sucker for birth stories! I consider myself very blessed to have been able to have both of my babies naturally AND quickly. My firstborn was 8 hours of labor. My daughter was less than 3 hours of labor and only 10 minutes of pushing!! So, congrats on making it through all those long, painful hours! What a strong woman you are! God bless!

Niki March 17, 2010 - 1:47 pm

Oh My Goodness! This is amazing! My oldest (dd 15) watched it together and cried! One of the first things she said at the beginning of the video was “Mom, ask her about her gown!” She knows I hate the blah’ drab gowns the hospital has for us!

I have 5 wonderful blessings here with us and one little boy with Jesus. We eagerly anticipate the next one God has for us. I’m not pregnant yet (youngest is 9 months old), but we are looking forward to the day we can receive another blessing from Him!!!

I’m so sorry you had to labor so long. My last happened so fast that there was no time for an epidural or even the doctor to deliver! If a person chooses no meds, then fast is the way to go. You did great…you make us all proud.

Niki March 17, 2010 - 1:49 pm

So sorry for the grammatical errors…that’s what I get for trying to type when a couple of kids are trying to talk to me. 🙁

Word Warrior March 17, 2010 - 2:08 pm


The gown 😉 I just told them I had brought something to wear and even though they said I’d have to change before the birth, it was never brought up again. Guess that was a small thing??? You should try! Unless you plan on a home birth…I’m not there yet 😉

Carmen March 27, 2010 - 1:31 pm

Hi Kelly,
I am new to your blog. I am enjoying all of your posts, especially this one. I have 4 children, and I have had 2 natural births at St. Vincent’s. It looked like you delivered at SV’s and it also looked like MY doctor delivered your baby, Charles Sharp. He is my Dr., but has yet to deliver my babies. First was Goolsby (who is great), and Stone who was also very patient and nice. I actually hear that Dr. Sharp is not as keen on natural deliveries… I also had prodromal labor for about 36 hrs. That is tough stuff! Would you do it again? I am proud of you!! 🙂

Bethany Hudson April 11, 2010 - 5:58 pm

You know, I just realized that Ellia, and my oldest (Sophia) have the same birthday (but Sophia was born 2 years earlier!)

Word Warrior April 11, 2010 - 11:11 pm


How very sweet!

Carrie Purkhiser April 22, 2010 - 10:17 am

Wonderful! This video was beautiful! I absolutely LOVE all of your articles/posts. It is so nice to refer people to your site, as I get asked the same questions about having “So many” children. I had my 6th child in December (3 unassisted homebirths/3 midwife assisted homebirths) and get tired of the “You know what causes that?”. Thank you so much for expressing in words what I can’t. And thanks again for sharing, what a beautiful birth! GOD is GOOD!! (Don’t worry about the exorcist voice – it happens to us all during natural births lol 🙂

Word Warrior April 22, 2010 - 10:46 am


“Don’t worry about the exorcist voice – it happens to us all during natural births lol”

That’s so good to know 😉

Julie May 8, 2010 - 12:10 am

Boy, just got done crying. This was a beautiful video. Thanks for sharing.

Jennifer June 3, 2010 - 1:48 am

This video never stops moving after different viewings. I don’t cry easily Kelly, but this time I did; really cried. Not only was the video beautiful, but this time it was also because of utterly relieved joy; I had a terrible time with anxiety and frusteration earlier today over something most people outside my mind couldn’t understand. I’d recovered hours earlier, but was still stepping gingerly when I pulled up this video (to watch for the first time with High-Speed Internet!) After Ellia’s birth, I was suddenly reminded with rock-solid certainty that God’s totally in charge and will triumph and prevail, including inside of and with His believers. That’s when it really came pouring out, joy and relieved tears; it was one of those moments when God reaches right out and you can feel His Hand. I saw joy and triumph, that of God’s world reflected in the eyes of you and your kids while you held Ellia. It was, simply speaking, an incredible feeling and moment. Today wasn’t one of those days when I prayed for several minutes on end during my episode, but He felt my pain anyway and answered more than I thought He would. Thank God. And thank you for the tape 🙂

It’s inspiring in more than one way, of course; anytime I think kids surely aren’t for me (and I’m still not 100% sure they are) your account makes me reconsider and Satan’s threats, his attempts to destroy the heart before the womb, fade before God. Thanks again 🙂

Jennifer June 3, 2010 - 5:22 pm

Kelly, I keep forgetting; here’s the link to the book I told you about, the tale of the babe while he grew in the womb http://www.amazon.com/Angel-Waters-Regina-Doman/dp/1928832814/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1275430117&sr=1-1

Hope you like it 🙂

Word Warrior June 3, 2010 - 5:27 pm

Thanks, Jen!

Jennifer June 3, 2010 - 5:51 pm

No problem! I hope you caught my comment from last night too.

Jennifer June 4, 2010 - 2:26 am

I just visited Youtube and got a few natural birth recommendations since I watched Ellia’s, mostly waterbirths. I really admire the courage of those women and appreciate their taking time to let women out there know that NCB is possible and safe, but I also have to appreciate your own video being so natural and yet tasteful, Kelly. Birth is always beautiful, but not every beautiful detail needs to be seen. I respect, but don’t understand, the woman who can allow herself to be filmed half naked and shown online, who allows her other kid(s) to see each detail full-on (kids don’t have any place in a birthing situation IMO) or who decides to let her kid know, in a video, the date they were conceived (followed by all the other details of pregnancy). That’s just a little much, even for a big girl like me. Each to their own, but I prefer your own simultaneous transparency (in more than one blunt subject) and discretion.

Jessica July 4, 2010 - 8:42 am

Thanks for sharing. My husband lovingly laughed at me for crying. “God designs y’all to like that stuff” he said. I’m really enjoying reading your blogs. It’s so refreshing to find genuine God serving families. I grabbed your button also.

Debra July 16, 2010 - 9:34 am

It was so wonderful to meet you at the Baby Conference. I have been reading through your blog, and I am so glad to hear you had a successful natural child birth. Isn’t it wonderful?! Love your video. Cried through it all.

Love you from CA,
Debra Perkins

Dana@Little This~Little That July 30, 2010 - 10:58 am

What a beautiful video! And yes, I cried just like everyone else did. I’ve had 10 natural births & never videoed any of them. Now I wish I had. Thanks for sharing!

Word Warrior July 30, 2010 - 11:08 am


I’m so glad you were blessed by the video. I would have loved to talk to you before Ellia’s birth!

Barbara August 2, 2010 - 12:09 pm

Thank you for sharing such a private moment. I remember well…my daughter was my first natural birth after three c-sec boys, and honestly, it was my life’s goal to “not go to my grave without experiencing a natural childbirth the way God intended for it to be.” Totally understand your desire. Love your example and am happy to have the opportunity to thank you. Your editing is great because you captured the “exact moment” which I felt/sensed as it happened and began to cry as she was birthed. Only a mom knows that. So happy to see you bring this message to the world. I always tell young mothers who are expecting that Hollywood is not a good example of displaying natural childbirth. Your experience is a joy! Thanks again, so much.

ecaterina August 9, 2010 - 2:26 pm

do you have 7 C sections?

Word Warrior August 9, 2010 - 3:34 pm

No, did you watch the video? This was #8, by the way.

Jennifer August 9, 2010 - 5:58 pm

“Your editing is great because you captured the “exact moment” which I felt/sensed as it happened and began to cry as she was birthed. Only a mom knows that”

Maybe so, but I had the same reaction.

Jessica August 24, 2010 - 10:28 pm

That was so beautiful, as soon as they laid Ellia in your arms I just could not keep the tears from falling. They are still falling.lol
I love her name, again beautiful.
Thanks for sharing.

Savannah October 28, 2010 - 11:45 pm

So beautiful!! Thank you for sharing. Before you give up on the idea of another natural birth, though, PLEEEEEEASE check out SpinningBabies.com and read up on best positions for yourself and baby all through pregnancy, labor and delivery. Lying on our back makes everything so much harder. =O)

Pregnancy Count Down | March 3, 2011 - 5:42 pm

[…] (hee hee), well, all the planning I can do won’t guarantee anything. Many of you remember watching my first natural birth with the last baby.  (I still remember it vividly.)  And I still admire you natural birth mamas. […]

Angie Tolpin February 26, 2013 - 2:13 am

How absolutely beautiful. You were/are radiant and working so hard with such grace and perseverance! What a gift this will be for your family… what a legacy. And what a gift that we were honored to be able to watch as well.

Word Warrior February 26, 2013 - 10:02 am

Angie, You’re so sweet. And I’m enjoying your book so much! Thank you for sending it!


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