Home Uncategorized Tagged For 6 Random Things About Me

Tagged For 6 Random Things About Me

by Kelly Crawford

I’m not exactly into “tagging” or “twittering” (I’m sure that’s not what it’s called, as I’m not even sure of what it means 😉 but a playful game is fun every now and then! So, Larlee, thank you!

First the rules, then the tagged blogs, and then 6 random things about myself.

1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write six random things about yourself.
4. Tag sixish people at the end of your post.
5. Let each person know he or she has been tagged.
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.

Tagged blogs:

Heart of a Southerner

Teaching Good Things

Just a Family

Kim M.

Clothed With Scarlet

First Daughter

In Other Words

(I’m no good at this tagged thing, so please don’t get your feelings hurt because I didn’t pick your blog! 😉

6 Random Things About Myself

  • I believe, with all my heart, that chocolate is a health food.
  • Sometimes, while holding scissors, I have this faint compulsion to cut my hair–like, completely, a big chunk of it…my husband considers this serious cause for concern, but has not yet sought professional help for me. I have other weird urges which I will spare you.
  • Before I was married, I had a job selling perfume out of a box in parking lots. I was actually very good at it.
  • I think of approximately 3 new business ideas every day (some awake and some in my sleep), if not for me, for someone else.
  • I am debating about something or trying to solve a world crisis, I suppose, at every moment during the night, because if I wake for some reason I can usually recall my last thought, which is usually a really good one, forgotten by morning.
  • As much as I love to blog, I hardly ever read other’s blogs…for no other reason than a lack of time.
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    Gombojav Tribe October 1, 2008 - 11:44 pm

    I think I knew number six. That’s why I email you with links if I come across something I think you will like (or something that might get you riled up and in a blogging frenzy! Those are always fun, too!)


    Word Warrior October 2, 2008 - 8:13 am

    I can always count on you! Which by the way, readers, I’m adding Daja to the tagged list because she’s got some great things to say over there! (I can never think under pressure 😉

    Kim M. October 2, 2008 - 10:31 am

    How in the world do you EVER feel rested??? If I am dreaming like that I always wake up tired.
    Thanks for tagging me 😛

    Mommy Reg October 2, 2008 - 12:26 pm

    I completely agree with number one. 🙂 Chocolate must be a health food.
    I don’t really know you but you don’t strike me as the scary parking lot sales person. lol
    I sometimes debate in my sleep but when I do I am never rested in the morning. You have a gift. 🙂

    God's Dancing Child October 2, 2008 - 2:13 pm

    Okay, I am with you on number two. Which is sick of me because I am growing mine out for religious reasons.
    Sometimes just holding the scissors makes me want to get the electric trimmers and shave it all off.
    How’s that for a rebellious heart?!?

    Oh, and yes, chocolate is a health food. Most definitely. 😀


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