Home large families Sweet Reflections of Motherhood

Sweet Reflections of Motherhood

by Kelly Crawford

familybria-s-nature-187“I’m weady to go”…and a quick inspection draws me to each foot,

One sports a pink butterfly shoe and the other a scuffed cowboy boot.

     “Thank you Lord for laughs in motherhood.”


“I had if first” he whined to me, but the other one had it first too,

I look up to Heaven to see if God will tell me what to do.

  “Thank you, Lord, for soul-building moments of motherhood.”



I swept the floor an hour ago, so where did that mess come from?

Oh yes…from learning hands that keep me sweeping up cracker crumbs.

     “Thank you, Lord, for the evidence of little people in motherhood.”




“Mommy, I’m sorry you feel bad today, can I run a hot bath for you?”

That sweet little face with its heart-love aglow, refreshes me anew.

     “Thank you, Lord, for the tenderest affections of motherhood.”


Fifteen years since I brought that one home, she looks at me with a smile,

“Mom, I’m so very thankful for all the things you’ve taught me in life.”

     “Thank you, Lord, for the fruit of motherhood.”


And now I hold this sweet little one with another kicking inside,

The one in my arms falls gently to sleep and I brush her soft hair aside.

     “Thank you, Lord, for this gift of motherhood.”


All is quiet in the house just now, it’s not very often this way,

I so easily let the ebb and flow of life diminish the day.

Teach me, Lord, that though this garden may have its share of weeds,

Underneath it all is a fertile soil bursting with immortal seeds.

     “Thank you, Lord, for this life of motherhood.”

Kelly Crawford


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Lucy T May 9, 2009 - 11:23 pm

BEAUTIFUL have a blessed mothers day.

Ruby May 10, 2009 - 12:59 am

My eleven year old happened along as I was reading this, remembered the site and said, “How many more days till their baby comes?”
They love that counter on the sidebar.

Katie LaPierre May 10, 2009 - 11:44 am

so sweet. makes me more excited about letting the Lord plan our family. Kelly, motherhood question for you. When do you take your little ones (mine is 4 months) to the doctor for a cold?… I figure you are a great person to ask! thank you. happy mother’s day!

wordwarrior May 10, 2009 - 2:34 pm


Funny, that is still a hard decision for me! I usually give it several days and only go if I know there’s infection (fever, yucky nose, etc.) that I can’t get to clear up. Most common infections/colds will clear up on their own and can be treated effectively at home.

I’ll try garlic oil in the ears if I think there’s an infection there. With little ones, the main thing I think is watching for congestion in the lungs. You don’t want that to go on very long if you suspect bronchitis or something.

But the other stuff, I try to let it runs its course keeping them comfortable with basic home treatments. (Besides the garlic vapor rub, steam, motrin for fever, etc.)

Terri May 11, 2009 - 7:59 am

Katie – The best book EVER on raising healthy children is “How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Doctor.” Written by a pediatrician, sooooo much wonderful advice. I almost Never give any kind of aspirin because a fever is actually helping your child get better. Such a huge misconception about fevers. I have 8 children and have been to the doctor 1x in about 4 years (not trying to brag – they have all been sick before but we don’t go to the doctor unless it is an emergency.)

Kelly – the pictures are absolutely beautiful! You are so incredibly blessed.

Katie LaPierre May 11, 2009 - 9:08 am

Kelly and Terri, thank you so much for the advise! It’s the worst thing in the world to see your little ones get sick! I just hate it. part of this fallen world. just think, no more tears or sickness… come soon Lord!

Mrs. Lady Sofia May 11, 2009 - 3:11 pm


What a beautiful message! You have beautiful children as well. You are definately a very blessed mother. I hope that you had a wonderful Mother’s Day!

kimberly in idaho May 11, 2009 - 4:48 pm

Kelly, I love the pictures and thoughts. Happy Mother’s Day, a day late!

Daja May 12, 2009 - 1:04 pm

Sweet meditations, Kelly! Happy Belated Mother’s Day!


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