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Connecting the Dots: Is Birth Control Just a Personal Issue?

by Kelly Crawford

This is important…I think it’s worth the reading and pondering 🙂

Everything’s connected…that’s my theory about how the universe operates. I think the scientific explanation says something like “for every action there is an opposite an equal reaction”…or maybe that isn’t it at all, but I vaguely remember something like that from Science class 🙂

Why do I “harp” about things like birth control, women in the work force, and other issues related to feminism? Why am I willing to go against the current so regularly? Believe it or not, it’s not just a way I get my kicks.

In my finite understanding of the world around me, I see an ever-changing, perpetually moving current of thought, action and consequence. And for whatever negative situation is at hand at the moment, it can be chased back to a diverting from God’s prescribed laws for living.

In other words, for every negative consequence we experience now, somewhere, at some point, it can be traced back to wrong thinking, wrong choices or wrong behavior, measured by God’s standards.

That’s what makes the issue of birth control so tricky to me. Someone has asked, “do you think it is a sin to prevent children”…I can’t answer “yes” to that. But I can see principles from Scripture that indicate that the common practice of preventing children can lead to a multitude of problems, both personally, and corporately as a society.

So, when someone says “if birth control is not a sin, why don’t you leave everyone alone and let them make a personal decision”…I struggle with that. Because I see it as a personal decision only for a moment; and then I see how that personal decision quickly blossoms into a societal problem.


God set forth tons of laws for His people in the OT. Laws like, if your house has mold on it, wash it with water, but if the mold spreads to a certain degree, burn the house down.

There are many like that one…how to handle disputes over lost cattle, what to do if someone strikes a woman…etc.

Seems a bit tedious. AND, not observing that law did not constitute sin exactly. But the implications from not practicing that part of the cleansing ritual had a huge impact on the people–and could even cause death. And those implications spread as more and more people failed to observe it.

The laws were for their good; if they did not obey them, they only hurt themselves.

I think of this issue of BC a little like that…principles have been set forth (in the mere law of nature, if nowhere else), and God’s Word is full of the confirmation of His design to give His people children. The actual failure to accept children may not be a sin; but the implications could bring curses that multiply the more widely the practice of preventing children spreads.

A wise, older gentleman and I were talking the other day; he accurately pointed out that the downfall of our nation was at hand, because, in a nutshell, our land was full of foreigners who worship other gods. We have ceased to be a Christian nation because we allow that worship of other gods. And we have become a “tolerant” people, refusing to protect the name of our one true God.

Newsflash: God is not tolerant. Not even a little bit. The one thing that He became outraged at the fastest was following after other gods.

Now bear with me as I connect the dots…

The gentleman went on to say that one of the reasons for the streaming in of these pagan cultures is that Americans have an insatiable appetite for “stuff”. So much so, that the entire culture is driven by consumerism. We want, we buy, and businesses become greedy and begin to export cheaper goods from foreign nations, changing our relationships with them, etc. (I’m no expert in foreign affairs, I’m just giving a very sketchy outline.)

At the root of it all, he said, is “the love of money”. That’s the root of the evil, just as was predicted from Scripture.

Immediately, my mind connected another dot. Maybe, just maybe, when God commanded us to be fruitful and multiply, there were many protective elements, for our good, wrapped up in the command.

Maybe, unlike the “how can you afford more children” quip, God knew that a house full of children might divert our attention some from such a materialistic lifestyle. That being wealthy could become a curse, and being stretched a little thin sometimes might not be a bad thing.

Maybe large families would be prone to successful industry, changing the whole dynamics of the commercialized world.

Maybe having more children would protect the economy by preventing 2-household incomes.

Maybe there are all kinds of implications! And just maybe, this one area that we have taken away from God has proven to be disastrous in ways we are not even aware.

Connecting the dots is so important to affecting the way we live our lives. We have to look ahead to where we want to go, in order to determine now how we should live.

These are the things I lie awake at night and think about…therefore, I blog.

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Kacie April 1, 2008 - 12:07 pm

Wow. I think you’re really onto something. You raise excellent points!

I’m not from a large family, but in my experience, its easier to be selfish if you’re an only child, or have just one other sibling. You don’t have to share as much.

It does make sense that it would be harder to be more materialistic, if you have several children–and I think that’s a good thing. We’re all better off if we’re content with what we have.

Terry @ Breathing Grace April 1, 2008 - 12:48 pm

You know, our pastor on Sunday made the very same point-that God is not very tolerant. And we should be less so, starting in our own lives. And I attend a church where it is common for couples to have (in the words of Voddie Baucham):”a boy for me, a girl for you,and praise the Lord, after that we’re through!” Most of the families where there are 2 parents (we have a 70% illegitimacy rate in the Black community) are two-income families. So our family, with me expecting #5 and being a SAHM, is looked at as an oddity. But I see many of the problems in our communities as a direct result of the domino effect you describe (connecting the dots, as you put it). Materialism, devaluing marriage, children, home, and family can result in nothing less than a broken and fractured society. Great post, Kelly, thanks for sharing it.

Susanna Rose April 1, 2008 - 12:55 pm

“Maybe, unlike the “how can you afford more children” quip, God knew that a house full of children might divert our attention some from such a materialistic lifestyle. That being wealthy could become a curse, and being stretched a little thin sometimes might not be a bad thing.”

I like this point especially as I think it is a very relevant point as so many people bring up the not having enough money argument as an excuse not to have large families. It is a rather ugly argument and one which has no biblical justification.

I do believe too that Birth Control pills and getting ones tubes tied, etc are questionable practices. I for one was a “surprise” baby as was my younger sister…there were 5 in my family. If my mom had decided after the first 3 to get herself “fixed” (I hate this term…puts us on a dog’s level!;) then I wouldn’t be here and I am quite thankful to have life!:) Though it was unexpected for my parents, they never resorted to artificial/possibly altering BC methods and welcomed more children as “the best of surprises!”

My husband and I just want to be open to as many children as God will see fit to bless us with and we will never choose any methods to seek to bar His will. I don’t want to get to the end of our child bearing years and wonder if we could have had more yet gave way to fear and societal expectations instead!

Daniel Smith April 1, 2008 - 4:01 pm

Hi, Kelly!

I just wanted to share this with you again. The other day, someone remarked to me that I should stop having children now (this is after we have had nine) because, “How could we afford to educate them?” (meaning: How could we pay for all of them to go to college?) This was their last resort about the “children are a financial burden” argument, seeing that we had all of our financial needs well met already.

College! I wish I had thought to say that if it were my choice, I’d rather live and never go to college than never be given the chance to experience any of this world. I mean, their idea is that it is better to give your children all of the “best” (money can buy), and if you think you can’t afford that, don’t have children. That is saying that it is better not to live if you can’t live in luxury! I’m glad I’m here. I would rather give life than luxury.


Mrs. McG April 3, 2008 - 12:08 pm

I really enjoyed your thought provoking post. When I consider whether or not I should have more children (or anything else for that matter), I should look to the Word of God alone. Our churches have become far too worldly and there don’t seem to be too many Christians who even care and yes, the whole issue of birth control and the sovereignty of God is certainly a large part of that. How many Biblical arguments do you hear advocating birth control? I have yet to see one.

Ginny April 3, 2008 - 7:31 pm

Hi Kelly I was directed to this post by a friend. I really enjoyed it and linked to it on my blog.

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20 Thoughts on Birth Control for Christians | November 9, 2013 - 9:48 am

[…] Connecting the Dots: Is Birth Control Just a Personal Issue? […]


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