Home church/children's ministry Segregation of the Family–Another Feminist Lie

Segregation of the Family–Another Feminist Lie

by Kelly Crawford

I’m prepared to put out a few fires after this blog, and I’m sure I have under-explained in spots, or “generalized” too much in others..but I hope to point out some general principles and problems that I observe to be destroying the family at large. Read thoughtfully…

One of the feminist movement’s very successful tactics is that of segregating the family. It’s hard to pin-point the one factor of feminism that has had the most detrimental effect on the family, but this one ranks somewhere at the top.

It may be more accurate to refer to Marxism instead of feminism, provided that we understand Marxism gave birth to the feminist movement. (Karl Marx, a communist from the early 1900s, set out to destroy Christianity and replace it with socialism. He understood that in order to do this, he must destroy the institution of the family and home. He was also smart enough to realize that the best way to undertake such a task was to pervert the thinking of women first, because of their powerful influence.) Everyone of us is affected, in some way or another, by Marx’s philosophy. And it is frightening to look around and see just how successful his campaign continues to be.

Back to segregation…Marx knew that “a house divided against itself cannot stand”…but the general public has been too naive to see it. Slowly, we bought into his lies, until now, we balk at anything that opposes them!

We first had to be convinced that somebody else is better than us in almost every area of child-rearing. And since we believe that, it is not only easy, but necessary to hand our children over to “the experts”. Secondly, it only made sense that someone else needs to raise our children…how else is mom to have her career if she is preoccupied with caring for them?

So here’s the logic that has evolved: Not only do I not feel guilty for leaving home, but I am a GREAT mom for doing so….I am giving my children a better opportunity by letting the experts raise them, AND I’m providing financially so that I can afford to make this “sacrifice” for them. (Do you wonder why daycares now don such names as “The Academy”? Day cares make me feel bad. But I don’t mind dropping my 2 year old off at “The Academy”, where she attends “school”.) (BTW, if you are in a situation where you absolutely MUST have your child in day care for a short time, this reference is not to you.)

We have been told that the government knows better how to educate our children, and so we turn them over. And if not to the government, then at least to “another expert”. Not only is the authority of the parent being undermined, but the bond between parent and child takes a severe blow, as does the bond between siblings. Strike one. (“And you shall teach them [the things of God] when you rise up, and when you lie down, and when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way.”…that’s pretty much all day, all the time!) We have let some stranger, somewhere tell us what our children need to know, when they need to know it, and how best to learn it. We weren’t even asked our opinion, and we obliged them.

If the educational experts know better how to teach our children, then the religious experts know better how to indoctrinate them. So, we created, in our very churches, programs and classes where we could send our children to learn about God. Gone are the days when children sat and observed their parents in reverent worship (the thing for which church mainly exists), and then came home, and sat at their father’s feet while he taught them the holy things of God. Most children hardly ever even hear the word of God read out loud. And then we wonder why as they grow up they “don’t understand the Bible” and hardly have any interest in the things of God. Of course the youth group is waiting in line to handle our teens, because we certainly don’t know what to do with them…Strike two.

(And by the way, why are children segregated by age in the classroom and in Sunday School? Most would answer that it only makes sense in order to teach them properly. But studies prove that the former classroom days, where all ages of children were in one room, was much more beneficial to the students’ learning. And I can vouch for that in our homeschool setting, too. So why the segregation? It comes from evolutionist thinking…

“The age segregation of classroom schools encourages peer groupings as the proper way of segregating society. It creates an artificial and impractical one-size-fits-all standard within age segments, while it divides families and generations. It develops an appetite for being surrounded by one’s peers, and for shunning the presence of adults, while it creates a culture void of age-integrated relationships. It is frequently a formula for foolishness.

William Cowper satirized it this way: His intercourse with peers, and
sons of peers -­There dawns the splendor of his future years.– Tiriconium; or, A Review of Schools by William Cowper, 1785.

The age-segregated classroom originated in evolutionary and socialist philosophy, and it produces an artificial youth culture which is glamorized for breaking with cultural tradition. (Many of these problems also persist in other gender-mixed and age-segregated situations, such as Sunday schools and youth groups.” Read Critique of Modern Youth Ministry by Christopher Schlect.) -Harvey Bluedorn

And it only stands to reason that the medical professionals know more about our children than we do. I’m not talking about treating our children for obvious medical ailments…of course there are times we need a doctor. But so many pediatricians have stepped far beyond their call of duty, undermining the parent’s very common sense, treating him more like an idiot than an intelligent human being with a God-given intuition about his children. Often the parent is “guilty until proven innocent” if his child has a bruise. He is often even reprimanded if he makes such an “irresponsible” decision like not wanting his child filled with harmful chemicals at the age of 2 months. He is never asked, but always told, what his child needs.

When I took my third child in for her check-up as a baby, my ped. proceeded to explain exactly how much time I needed to be spending with each child, alone, per day, in order to ensure their proper psychological development. She was, after all, “trained” in such matters, although she had no children of her own! And we shrug our shoulders and say “yes ma’am”, because we’ve already been convinced that we are ONLY the parents….what do we know?

And what has this done to our family relationships? What about the honor from our children? If we willingly admit (as evidenced by our actions) that we don’t know much about raising our children in all these areas, that someone else is always better qualified, can we expect them to honor, obey and respect our authority? Why are fathers being depicted as bafoons on television? Where are the strong, intelligent, godly, take-charge parents that God designed? Why can’t Daddy keep Susie from leaving the house without her cleavage begging for attention? Why do our teens prefer to be away from home? Where are the children who are supposed to be “rising up and calling her [mom] blessed”?

Not to even mention the sheer time we are segregated from each other. Imagine a football team where all the members, including the coach, spent most of their practices indulging in their own interests. The coach said, “do what you want to do until 5 minutes before the game. Then we’ll rally around, do a few warm-ups and we should be set”. What kind of team is that? Would they ever win? NOOOOOO!

But we treat our families in the same way, and expect to have a healthy, thriving family unit! Teams need time—lots of it—together, bonding, working alongside each other, learning alongside each other, talking alongside each other…this in the only way the family will be able to keep the same vision, hold on to the same purpose, and believe in each other. We need to be together!!!

Beloved believer…telling yourself these things are “normal” doesn’t change the reality of the devastation taking place in our families.

“My son, heed MY words…listen to MY voice…incline your ears to ME…”
Sincerely, Your Dad

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Mrs. Amy @ Clothesline Alley August 20, 2007 - 11:53 am

This is an excellent post! The ‘isms’ affect all of our lives on a day to day basis and will continue to do so until we all learn to not just accept our Biblical worldview as Truth, but also understand how exactly other worldviews are incorrect and faulty. All opposing worldviews were made to replace Christianity piece by piece (Creation, Fall, Redemption) after all. A proper grasp and knowledge of apologetics is crucial for us, our children, and the Church in general. We simply cannot serve God without it.

Mrs. Anna T August 20, 2007 - 12:58 pm

Oh yes. We have been convinced that we need ‘experts’ to make our family thrive: experts on child education, many afternoon activities, and then – surprise, surprise! – family counseling, when we just can’t understand WHY everything is falling apart.

Anonymous August 20, 2007 - 2:15 pm

Excellent post. Here’s more on the same topic:

Read : The Church’s Response to the Socialist Attack on the Family

The above article as a PDF File

Anonymous August 20, 2007 - 2:47 pm

The Welfare State’s Attack on the Family

The agenda of the state is to break up the family. The more you depend on the state, the more you justify its existence, and the larger it grows. The idea that people can provide things for themselves either individually or through the family frightens the state. It delegitimizes its role. The role of the family is dangerous to its survival.

Movement away from the welfare state is movement toward better family values and better family cohesiveness.

The death of the family is the life of the state.

Word Warrior August 20, 2007 - 3:10 pm

Thank you for these great articles…they reinforce a point I didn’t make in my post: the basic tenet of Christianity is “love each other as yourself”. We are not seeing it among family, and we are not seeing it in the church.

When family members and the body of Christ depend on each other for their needs, it creates a natural cohesiveness that is missing today.

Again we note…God’s ways are right and true. When we neglect them for our own wisdom, we create a disaster.

Hatushili August 20, 2007 - 4:12 pm

Hey WW, as always I mostly agree with you. But I’ve got to admit that your paragraph on Sunday School, etc. made me a bit uncomfortable. Can you maybe expand on that section a bit, especially your parenthetical comment about the local church primarily existing to serve as a house of reverent worship?


Word Warrior August 20, 2007 - 4:21 pm

I would love to…tomorrow, if that’s OK! I’m all out of time today! I’ll write a new post on that subject–look for it!

Laura H. August 20, 2007 - 6:29 pm

Thankyou for that post! I didn’t fully know what Feminism was, until you told us in this post! Thankyou for being bold! You only lit a fire under me, as well, making my mission clear. I have a mission to minister to young girls, after graduation, who want to find a job in the world, and me being an older daughter living at home, will encourage them by example. I have a blog for it, and am working on the website. I hope to get it up and running by the Holidays! Would dearly love to have you write for my blog! We need some older, wise women to write about this, in the blog!http://maydenfair.blogspot.com

God bless you!
In Christ Alone!
Laura H

theups August 23, 2007 - 3:40 pm

Wonderful post!!

Mrs. U


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