Home motherhood/family/parenting Parenting–Not Your Job to Figure it Out

Parenting–Not Your Job to Figure it Out

by Kelly Crawford

Have I ever said parenting is hard work?

I know you have days that you cry, feel like throwing up your hands and giving up.

I know that because I have those days.  Some probably think of me as a seasoned parent, what with 8 children and all.  And I do like to think I’ve at least learned a thing or two.

But don’t think for a minute that I’ve got it all figured out.  Because even if I thought I did, I feel sure God would throw me a curve ball tomorrow to make sure I banished the thought….

After all, when I get it figured out, I won’t need Him anymore.  That’s the whole point.  Don’t forget that it’s not our job to “get it figured out”.

It’s our job to persevere, trust, pray, sacrifice, disciple, allow God to mold us along the way, nurture, encourage, pray again, cry, laugh, hug, ask forgiveness, and do it all again tomorrow.

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amy neeley January 30, 2010 - 5:17 pm

Yes! Thank you so much. I was just thinking along those lines today.
in love.

Kelly L January 30, 2010 - 6:06 pm


Mandi January 30, 2010 - 11:39 pm

*smiling and nodding* thank you, friend.

Heather January 31, 2010 - 2:27 am

Good thoughts Kelly.

Trusting, grateful obedience is all God commanded of Adam. He’s said from the beginning: “Being God is too hard for you humans. I’ll handle the difficult things.”

We’re the ones who decided we wanted to stagger along with the weight of running the world on our backs. But Jesus has graciously offered to lift that load so we can concentrate on simple trust and obedience.

Mary Jo January 31, 2010 - 1:00 pm

“Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think anything as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God…” (2 Corinthians 3:5)

Thank you for the reminder!

Heidi January 31, 2010 - 5:03 pm

Thank you…great reminder…Blessings, Heidi

Kim M January 31, 2010 - 5:14 pm

It’s a good thing, because my poor children would be in a mess and so would I.

I am so thankful to have God’s Word as my guide.

Charity January 31, 2010 - 6:25 pm

“It’s our job to… allow God to mold us along the way…” I must remind myself of this daily. Thank you for doing just that for me today 🙂

Trisha February 2, 2010 - 11:55 am

How true! Parenting keeps me humble, and each child is a reminder that I don’t have it all “figured out.”

Annette February 3, 2010 - 11:28 am

Thanks for that encouraging reminder!


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