“I was so happy the day my children left the house…they couldn’t leave soon enough…and when they had children and complained to me about how bad their children were, I just laughed and said ‘Good’…pay-back is sweet!”
Try to guess where I heard these comments (and many more astonishing such words)? From a Christian lady who has been raised in the church and is also married to a Christian man raised in a Christian home. Words cannot describe my speechless horror as I sat and listened, in the company of one of my children, no less, at this woman’s ranting and hatred of her very own children! It gets worse…her daughter was barren for a number of years. After all the fertility treatments failed, the Lord gave her not one, but two–twin children. I was thrilled beyond words. Her mother’s reply? “Oh Lord, I’m moving far away.”
Do these sentiments echo a Biblical perspective of children? Does that tell you something about the lack of the church’s teaching on the blessing of children? I believe with all my heart, that we, as a Christian community, will be judged for such mistreatment of God’s most precious gift, unless we embrace the truth of His Word, and start living what we say we believe. What an absolute heresy, to identify yourself as a child of the King, and then speak of “His heritage” as if it were as bothersome as a tumor?
May we continue to not only meditate ourselves, on what Scripture says about children, but may we be bold enough to share, at every opportunity, with the world (and especially other believers), the privilege and blessing of children.
Yes WW!
Parenting is HARD! And it does not always go as planned, sometimes even in the midst of doing our best, children can be difficult (and sometimes worse;o/) But that does NOT change the truth, the truth that children are a blessing. Just as having health problems while being pregnant or after can cause parents to doubt that they should have more children, so can having children that challenge authority. Parenting can be hard, but that does not mean we give up, or even worse, discourage others from having children.
In our home we have dealt with rebellion, and I’ve had times of feeling like such a failure, but in the end God does remind me that HE does not ever change and His ways never fail.
Children are not a curse! They may be sandpaper to our lives some days, but not a curse! lol
I was sad to read this blog entry, but it echos the attitude and thoughts of more than a few Christians today. We have a precious couple in our church who have been married for two years and have yet to have a baby. Prayer has been requested numerous times for them, as they greatly desire a child. I spoke to the future grandmother (the potential mother is HER only child – they wanted more), and suggested maybe they’ll have a half dozen! (said cheerfully in anticipation). I don’t remember the exact response, but it was definitely not what I would’ve expected – after all, we want (or want our children to have) a couple of kids, surely, but beyond that is pretty much insane! Another couple at church were married for ten years before their first came along (again, the delay was not by the couple’s choice). They have since had three in three years, and at least the wife/mama sounds ready to be “done.”
People want what they want when they want it, let’s face it. I only pray that the testimony of our own family and the attitude we have toward children reflects God’s, and that the people we fellowship with will see that children are indeed a blessing! Yes, Kathy, Jeff’s Wife, they are work, especially at the beginning! Yes, they sometimes show their sinful natures, often at the most inopportune times, I’m afraid. But, oh, how sweet to be able to nurture a soul (or many souls) for Jesus – and hopefully pass on to them the joy they bring to our family!! Sorry so long. I feel very passionate about this (obviously). 🙂
I had a friend in high school, she had 3 siblings. They were Christians and so sweet to me all the time! The always said to their children (and me) that they hoped their chilren would have no children because the world is so wicked, it will only get worse.
son #1 has 2 (2 different moms)
son #2 has 2
daughter #1 NONE and didn’t start trying to have a baby until she was in her late 30’s, now at 42 has found out she is infertile :o(
daughter #2 NONE, her husband wants none, though she’d love to have just one. :o(
I run into my friend’s parents once in a while and they now grieve for their daughters…although they’d never want them to have a bunch! The thing is they were GREAT parents and seem to e GREAT grandparents.
Oh be careful what we say, especially in front of young people!!!
Kathy, you know that is kind of funny. My husband, when we were almost engaged, said the same thing: he did not want any children because he did not want them to grow up in this sinful world. God changed his heart, and now, you know, we have seven children, and would love to have more. This is, by the way, the ONLY world we can raise any children in. I am glad I am in it. I am glad that all of us are! Too bad about the sinful part, but you know that in the end, all things will be made right.
Ooh it saddens me to hear these sorts of words come from the mouths of Christians. They do not realize how they are speaking about God’s creation. They don’t GET how horrible it is to criticize one of God’s miracles or be anything less than grateful that God allowed them to have a part in a young life.
It saddens me to hear them.
My grand-daughter wants a child so badly. Won’t you pray that the Lord would be please to give her a child, either by carrying or adopting.