I enjoyed, in this letter, hearing the husband recount the specific attributes his wife possessed that endeared him to her. Note how foreign they are to the characteristics that the typical young girls of this day are trying to cultivate….
And note his growing admiration!!!
A far cry from the common, feminist notion that women were once little more than “slaves to their men”…let’s seek to evoke that same rapturous love from our husbands by our sweet conduct (I have a lot of work to do, how ’bout you?)
Letter from a civil war surgeon to his wife:
Brandy Station,
Sunday night, Nov. 1 [1863]
My dear Mollie
I rcd a letter today from a very handsome lady to play cupid. Although not accompanied by her likeness yet her image was so indelibly impressed upon my mind that the likeness itself could not recall the features more vividly than they are impressed. I first met her in a village in Western Va when I was about 17 years old and she 8. I afterwards saw her frequently and occasionally was in her company, and nonwithstanding the disparity of our ages, I became so favorably impressed with her fair face and gentle manners that I frequently said to myself that I wished she was older or I younger.In 3 to 4 years she had grown so much that the disparity in age seemed to grow less. Never did a lady witness the budding of a flower with more requisite pleasure than did I the budding of that pretty little girl into womanhood. She made much of my thoughts while in Mexico and more upon my return home. While at the University of Va., I not infrequently found my thoughts wandering from the dry textbook to contemplate by the aid of memory the features and form of this little girl.
After I completed my studies, I traveled in the west and expected to find a home in some western state, but not finding a place to suit me, together with the persuasions of that fair face, induced me to return.
I entered, as you know, actively into the pursuit of my profession with the determination to make at least a fair reputation and tried to withdraw my thought from everything else, but I found this little fairy constantly and pleasantly intruding into all my plans, whether of pleasure or interest. At this period she met me politely and respectfully but seemed to grow more distant, coy & reserved, so that I frequently thought that even the ordinary attentions of common politeness & courtesy were no special source of pleasure to her.
In a few instances when she has arrived at about the age of 15 this shyness and reserve seemed to be forgotten, and I would pass an hour or two in the enjoyment of her company with great pleasure to myself and I imagined with at least satisfaction, if not enjoyment, to her. I began to think that my happiness was identified with hers. I began to pay her special visits or at least seek opportunities by which I might be in her company. I sought her society on pleasure rides and thought it not a hardship to ride 65 miles in 24 hours if part of the time might be spent with her. She always exhibited or observed the decorum of modest reserve which might be construed into neither encouragement nor discouragement.
After the delibertation & reflection which I thought due to a matter which involved my happiness for life, I felt that her destiny and mine were probably intended to be united, and that all the adverse counsel which I could give myself could bring no objections. I felt that I ought both as a matter of duty and happiness give my whole life to her, who for 9 years had my attention and devotion, though concealed love.
After a few little billets and interviews, and with a full declaration of the love I desired to bestow, I received a measured and loving response and was made most happy in the anticipation of the celebration of the nuptials fixed at some 6 months hence. This time glided nicely & happily, though not too rapidly, away from me. The hours of leisure were spent with her and my visits were always welcomed with that cordial welcome, that maiden modesty, so much to be admired. Tis true that on one occasion she did rest her elbow upon my knee and look with confidential pleasure in my face and made me realize that indeed I had her whole heart.
Suffice it to say, the happy day of our marriage arrived and since then, hours, days, and years of time, confidence & happiness passed rapidly away, and only to make us feel that happy as were the hours of youthful days, they compare not with those of later years and perhaps even these may not be equal to that which is in reserve for us.I dont know how much pleasure it affords you to go over these days of the past, but to me they will ever be remembered as days of felicity. And how happy the thought that years increase the affection & esteem we have for each other to love & be loved. May it ever be so, and may I ever be a husband worthy of your warmest affections. May I make you happy and in so doing be made happy in return. A sweet kiss and embrace to your greeting.
But maybe you will say it looks ridiculous to see a man getting grayhaired to be writing love letters, so I will use the remnant of my paper otherwise…
Yours affectionately H Black
Goodmorning Kelly,
For some reason, this email I’m trying to send you keeps bouncing back at me so I’m sending it to you here. Please feel free to remove this from comments. I thought you might wish to look into it and blog about it.
I’ve posted it on my blog and am alerting as many people as I can think of.
I found this this morning on Candy’s blog at myblessedhome.blogspot.com I’m sending you the text here, but it’s much better to read it with her video embeds. I am trying not to hyperventilate. Or break things 🙂
Here is her article:
The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child – BAD NEWS
Apparently, it’s no longer enough for Uncle Sam to try to force us into taking care of our children Old Sam’s way. Now the U.N. is stepping in, on an international scale, and what they are planning to force on families is insane, and MUST BE STOPPED.
If you have never been politically active, then YOU are part of the problem! Stand up, and look around you! We are no longer fighting for our rights, and they are being taken away. I am NOT exaggerating, and YES I’m mad. You should be too.
Take a look at this seemingly “innocent” commercial for children, about the The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child:
‘All children will go to “nice” schools.’ Do you know what the UN Convention defines a “nice school” as? It’s not private schools, and it’s not homeschool. It’s public school, but with MORE secularism than ever. If Americans allow themselves to be enslaved under The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, then homeschool will be ILLEGAL in all 50 states, regardless of state laws – they will be overrode with federal and international laws. Christian private schools will no longer be allowed to teach Christianity, without equally teaching all other religions – this means there would be no more CHRISTIAN schools. Perhaps there will be in name, but not in content, subject matter or sanctification.
Did you do something to upset your child lately? Maybe when your child wanted to eat a box of chocolates right before bedtime, and you said “no.” Look out! Under The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the child could decide to take you to court and claim that you are not feeding them enough. One child took his parents to court (and won!) because he thought it was cruel of his parents to take him to church three times a week – Sunday morning and evening, and Wednesday nights.
We need an amendment that stands up for PARENTAL RIGHTS. Take a look at this:
The above video states “if we all stand together and raise our voices, Congress will respond.” That’s right! Let’s stand together for parental rights. The U.N. should not have a say in which school our children go to, or if we homeschool them. Nor is it any of the UN’s business if our child does something wrong, and is therefore grounded for it.
If The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child is ratified, then each child will have a list of rights, of which they will be taught to know by heart in the public schools that they will be attending by the choice of the UN and our government. Here are a few of those “rights:”
The right to privacy – Yep. If you suspect your teenager has pot stashed in his room, you would not be allowed to go in there and find out. Your child could end up dying from a drug problem, but you couldn’t interfere, or it would have violated their “right to privacy.”
Freedom of expression – If your toddler throws a temper tantrum, you are not allowed to do anything. If your teen starts yelling the ‘f’ word out the widow of the car while you are driving to the grocery store, you are not allowed to do anything. The parent would have no right to interfere with the child’s “freedom of expression.”
If your child decides to take home another child and go to their room and close the door and have sex, you cannot stop them, else you’d be violating their “freedom of expression” and “freedom of privacy.” Do you think I’m exaggerating? I’m not…
Here are a few excerpts from HSLDA:
“Under Article 13, any attempts to prevent their children from interacting with material parents deem unacceptable is forbidden. Children are vested with a “freedom of expression” right, which is virtually absolute. No allowance is made for parental guidance. Section 1 declares a child’s right to “seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of the child’s choice.”
In Article 14, children are guaranteed “freedom of thought, conscience and religion.” Children have a legal right to object to all religious training. Alternatively, children may assert their right against parental objection to participate in the occult.
Article 15 declares “the right of the child to freedom of association.” Parents could be prevented from forbidding their child to associate with people deemed to be objectionable companions. Under Article 15, children could claim a “fundamental” right to join gangs, cults, and racist organizations over parental objection.
Under Article 16, the “right to privacy” is granted to children. This UN sanctioned “privacy” would seemingly establish as the child’s right to obtain an abortion without parental notice, the right to purchase and use contraceptives, and the right to pornography in the home.
Article 19 mandates the creation of an intensive bureaucracy for the purpose of “identification, reporting, referral, investigation, treatment, and follow-up” of parents who, in violation of the child’s rights, treat their children negligently.
To insure State and U.N. control over their development, Article 7 requires all children must be immediately registered at birth.”
The above excerpts are taken from the HSLDA.org website. Please read the article in its entirety – Oppose the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
Next, please read this .pdf file called “THE UN CONVENTION ON THE RIGHTS OF THE CHILD – The Most Dangerous Attack on Parental Rights in the History of the United States.” The information contained in this .pdf document is something that everyone needs to know.
As Americans, we need to take steps to make sure America does NOT ratify this treaty. 192 nations have already ratified this treaty. The “Holy See” Roman Catholic Vatican was one of the first ones to ratify it. I make specific mention of this, because I know a lot of Catholics who will NOT support CRC (Convention on the Rights of the Child). Therefore, devout Catholics must be made aware, that if they stand with Bible believing Christians in rising up against the CRC, then they are going against the Vatican’s wishes. BENEDICT XVI supports the CRC. Roman Catholics, I pray you DO stand with us on this issue. America must not ratify the CRC! Regardless of what religion you are, please stand with me to preserve parental rights.
To date, the only nations who have not ratified CRC, are Somalia and the United States. U.S. citizens, we must NOT allow this treaty to be ratified!
Please take the time to read The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child for yourself. You can read it here.
Here is a list of “Children’s Rights,” being taught from a UK website.
From what I’ve read, it looks like Canada and the UK have signed onto this treaty, but have not agreed to every stipulation yet. I know homeschool is still being allowed in Canada and the UK, but I don’t know how regulated it is, etc. Obama is pushing for the full ratification of the entire Convention for the U.S, which could make homeschool in the U.S. instantly outlawed. “Primary Education” in article 28 could be defined as government (public) school education only.
Please listen to this video, in which the woman explains this stuff so much better than my feeble attempt:
Steps to Take Action – Time to make a stand!
STEP ONE: Sign the parental rights petition at the parentalrights.org website.
STEP TWO: Contact your state Representatives and Senators. If this is something you have little to no experience in, then consider joining the 10 in 2 program with ParentalRights.org . Here is a quote from their site, summing up the program:
“We need 10-and 2 volunteers who can enlist 10 people to do the following: sign the petition for the Amendment, sign 3 postcards to their Representative and Senators, and donate $1.
Then, we need those volunteers to recruit 2 more people to do the same thing.”
I’m volunteering. Are you? Please join me; it’ll only take a few minutes of your time, and it could make a BIG difference.
STEP THREE: If you have a website or blog, then please put up an article about the CRC and its atrocities hidden within. The media is not going to get the word out, so it’s up to us. If you want to, you can just copy this article I’ve written and put it on your site – just get the word out! Email and call people as well. Let’s do this.
Thank you…yes, I was aware of this frightening proposal. I hope people will take it seriously and take action to prevent this ratification.
Truly scary stuff.
what beautiful letters! thank you for the inspiration! where did you find them? Are they collected in a book? Have you read the letters Stonewall Jackson wrote to his wife? hope you having a great rest of your week. blessings, jen in al
Just a search provided these…I have read a few by Stonewall, and was actually looking for a few copies on line, but have mostly just found the book that contains them. They are so very beautiful!
I love these – please keep them coming!
It brings tears to my eyes to read about how his love continues to grow. It brings hope in a world of “temporary” love and marriages.
Hello Kelly – Yeah, love is in the air around here too – spring fever, I guess. The beautiful weather just makes us so happy! I’m really enjoying this series! This is the best! I remember there was a book that came out about 15 years ago just titled Love Letters (I think), and was just a collection of the love letters of famous or influential people. Don’t recall if any were risque, but I think I’d like to revisit it (never got around to buying it). Thanks for the reminder! Please! Keep them coming!
I remember an episode of House involving a new bride, an orthodox jew, who was in danger. A secular jewish MD was questioning her groom about his strictness in love (and all other religious observations). The new groom replied, “You are married?”
“Yes. 10 years.”
“How do you love your wife?”
“I love her as much as the day I married her.”
“After 10 years you should love her more than the day you married her.”
So long story. But I felt like sharing, as it’s in the mood, and I thought it was so sweet. 🙂
That was so sweet! I love how he just kept thinking of her all those years!
Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?