Home homeschooling Homeschool Mom Tells How Health Struggles Challenged Her Expectations

Homeschool Mom Tells How Health Struggles Challenged Her Expectations

by Kelly Crawford

Guest post by Jenny Ervin

“What would you do if I died?” This was the question that I had to put to my husband last summer as we considered our schooling plans for the next year.

Having been home educated myself during the “pioneer days” and always taught our own children ages 17 down to 2, this was a question I never thought I would hear myself ask.

But, the Lord had brought my health crashing down that spring…the culmination of years worth of adrenal fatigue which had just gotten worse and worse. I was on a forced six week sabbatical and had been told that without lifestyle changes I would not get better. We did not know what to do, the Lord was taking us out of our comfort zone and stripping away the expectations that we had of what our homeschooling and our very lives would look like. We had to think beyond the normal scope and see what the Lord would have for us, forgetting the expectations of man.

My dear husband decided that he would rearrange his work schedule to take over the schooling of the children. A dear friend down the road offered her upstairs room for my middle children to study during the day to give me the quiet I needed in the mornings. Steven then came home early in the afternoon to oversee and teach, and then he finished out his workday from home at night. The Lord provided for us in amazing ways. Our parents and church family rose up to bless us practically and as they prayed for us in our extremity.

Through my illness the Lord has shown us that homeschooling doesn’t have to look one way or another. He has different ways for each of our homes. I would encourage you as you finish up this year and look towards the next that you remember to keep your hearts open to the way Christ would have your family go about the educating of your children.

Through these trials my children have had precious education they could not have experiences if their mama was always well. They have learned compassion and how to serve. Through these trials the Lord has humbled us and given us a different perspective than we had during our strong, capable years. Many times it’s when we are at the end that the Lord brings His great deliverance.

And the addendum to this story (which of course is still being written)? The Lord after many years of searching, through a friend of mine brought Plexus into my life. After much skepticism and cautiousness I decided to try their health products for the 90 day money back guarantee. I cannot tell you how amazed I was. The brain fog lifted, the mental depression and life sucking fatigue began to melt away. My family has their mama back! Will I still have difficult days? Of course. Healing takes time. But, through Plexus I am on the right track. To God be the Glory!

Read Jenny’s full health testimony HERE.

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Julia May 13, 2015 - 1:53 pm

I homeschooled my two children until adrenal fatigue finally took me down so far I couldn’t function anymore. They are finishing up their first year at a charter school. I really want to bring them home again, but I just don’t know how we would keep going. It’s been ten years of adrenal fatigue, and I don’t see it getting any better.

Sarah May 13, 2015 - 3:57 pm

Aw, Julia, don’t give up hope! I’m a homeschool mom of five and I’ve been crawling out of adrenal fatigue too, but there are things you can take, things you can do to help it get better! I am not at 100% yet, but so much better in the past year or so.

Jenny May 13, 2015 - 11:18 pm

Aww, dear sisters, please take heart! Adrenal fatigue and any health issue for a mama of a busy home is so hard. May the Lord give us grace and sanctification through it all. I would love to share with you some of the things that have helped my health over this year. It has been amazing blessing from the Lord. I would love for you to email me at sandjervin@gmaildotcom.

Steph May 13, 2015 - 5:55 pm

Hi ladies. 🙂 Please do not give up hope. I had extreme adrenal fatigue in 2011 and started on quite a few herbal things that two different naturopaths said I should take. Also I was told that I MUST starting putting myself on the ‘front burner’ so to speak. To stop obsessing, stressing, etc as much as possible. Forget about anything even remotely close to doing it all,perfection, etc. To start nourishing myself as I would my own child when they are sick. I was on Natures Sunshine Adrenal pack for over a year and some other things. There is much you can do. God helped and blessed me to get better.
Still from time to time if I don’t get enough sleep, and have too much caffine,(I don’t have much or very often) or stress, etc. I feel the effects and start make sure I’m taking my supplements. Eleothero, Ashwaganda, Lemon Balm, etc etc. Please know there is healing to be found by God’s grace. I read a book also called Adrenal Fatigue.
Rest rest rest! Care for yourself no matter what. DO not be hesitant to get help from family or friends. God Bless you dear Sisters.

I’m Back May 18, 2015 - 11:26 pm

[…] our family and our church.  Life had to look alot different than we thought it would look.  Our homeschooling had to look different than we thought it would look.  But, it has all been in His good, wise, pleasure to bring us down […]


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