Home motherhood/family/parenting Diapers & Divine Appointments

Diapers & Divine Appointments

by Kelly Crawford


I had already changed three dirty diapers today. But there was another one. Which meant an “interruption” in my lunch preparations.

His little face beamed up at mine from the bed. “It’s up to you”, he seemed to say. He depends completely on me for his most basic needs. And it’s then I remember…

“I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these, you did it for me.”

I can change that diaper, with a smile and confident heart, knowing that what the world may call a menial task or an interruption, is an act of love toward my Savior. Isn’t that incredible!

The “interruptions” for a drink of water or a band-aid–those aren’t interruptions at all, but divine appointments to meet my Master’s needs.

And then my heart feels the pang for each time I do grumble as I serve. Do I forget it’s really Him? Yes, I do forget that I serve the King every day. And with whatever attitude I serve, that is what I offer Him.

Is it a privilege? Do I meet the demands of a busy home with a joy that comes from a station of “royal service”?

Let me be so consumed with loving Him that I find delight in the humblest opportunities to express it.


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Annie D March 25, 2014 - 4:45 pm

I say that verse ALL THE TIME when changing diapers! And otherwise tending to The Need Parade. We make a lot of sacrifices and God keeps track of every one of them.

Laura Santos March 25, 2014 - 9:13 pm

Sometimes when there is a need to be met that feels bigger than what I have to meet it, I think of the Widow and her two mites. She gave out of her need and, according to our Lord, gave more than the rest. When I feel like I don’t have time, or energy or money to give, instead of praying “Lord, meet my needs,” it might be an opportunity for me to pray “Lord, this is all I have to give, but you can have it all.

Kelly Crawford March 25, 2014 - 10:17 pm

Laura–And don’t you love knowing He notices? Just like the widow.

Hayley Ferguson March 25, 2014 - 10:00 pm

I loved this. Thank you Kelly. I have only just begun realising the privilege again of being at home with my children. It’s very timely…I have two nappies (that’s what we call them in Australia) to change right now; so I’d better go serve Him with a cheerful heart.

Kelly Crawford March 25, 2014 - 10:18 pm

Hayley–I think it’s something we must revisit–remembering the privilege. Otherwise, we lose it in the cacophony around us.

Hayley Ferguson March 25, 2014 - 10:01 pm

Love the picture BTW 😀

Natalie March 26, 2014 - 6:50 am

Thank you for this post. We have been out of diapers for about a year now, but a baby is due in July…so here we go again :). Great reminder to continually acknowledge that the Lord is near. He really does notice the little things! If I truly believe that, then I can do these things with a heart of worship and thanksgiving!
I just started rereading “When Motherhood Feels Too Hard”.
Lately, I have been heartbroken by my inability to be the mom I wish I could be. I was so encouraged when you reminded us of the account of Moses with God. Also, to be reminded that God chooses the weak, broken, and imperfect(all of which I certainly qualify)so that HIS power may be revealed through us.
Love and appreciate you Kelly!

Sheila Mom to Seven March 26, 2014 - 11:25 am

Beautiful, thank you, Kelly!

ohhappydaymama March 26, 2014 - 1:25 pm

This is such a tender, humble post. Thank you for sharing that even with baby #10 you are working through these positions of the heart 🙂
So thankful for you!

Hayley Ferguson March 26, 2014 - 11:26 pm

Kelly I had to look up that word cacophony…then it made me laugh. Only this morning I had my hands over my ears because I couldn’t handle the cacophony of cries coming from three of my four “babies;” it all felt to much. I love that I’m needed here but like Natalie expressed I feel heartbroken over not being the mother I want to be. People are always conveying their amazement at our ability to cope with 11 children 15 and under and presume we have it all together often stating “you must be soooo organised!” I wish. I try but I always despair at feeling “behind the 8 ball” when it comes to organisation and abilities. Will stop rant now. We’re to encourage one another and I’m not sure this is encouraging.

Kelly Crawford March 27, 2014 - 8:32 am


Isn’t cacophony a great word? 😉 You are not alone in feeling inadequate. As a blogger, people assume I have it all together too. I don’t. Just this morning I’m on Pinterest looking for the perfect chore board because I realized my organization is out of sorts and I had a “come to Jesus” meeting yesterday with everyone. I told my husband, I can’t get organized unless I have the perfect “tool” (i.e. chart, board, etc.) to keep us that way. It’s so silly. But you know, we just keep doing the best we can, keep seeking to improve in our weak areas, and we give ourselves grace. Because that’s what God does.

Laura Santos March 28, 2014 - 6:47 pm

Hi Kelly: I just love you! Anyway, I wanted to share a post I did on my old blog. You can skip to the end to see what we do for chores in our house. Of course, we only have three kids, but this will work for 10 also. It is the only system that has kept me on track, and I have tried many. With it, my kids really run the house. I almost feel guilty, almost.


Kelly Crawford March 29, 2014 - 12:00 pm


I love that! It helps so much. And guess what…clothespins were used with the other boards I’m looking at so I have the supplies on hand. I’ll post it when I get a large family board done. I like the looks of yours a lot.

Hayley Ferguson March 27, 2014 - 9:51 am

Yes it is ;-D I needed that thanks. I need to remember that I need to show myself grace and mercy and kindness; just like Jesus does. Thank you for the reminder ;-D.

Kelly L March 27, 2014 - 10:03 am


Mim March 29, 2014 - 12:11 am

Thanks Kelly. Wonderful to be reminded of this, when I am feeling resentful for always having housework to do. I definitely changes my perspective and attitude remembering who I am ultimately doing it for.

Sarah D April 6, 2014 - 12:18 am

I need to be reminded of this DAILY. “I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these, you did it for me.”


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