Home large families The Benefits of a Large Family-V

The Benefits of a Large Family-V

by Kelly Crawford

One of the things I love about our large family is thinking about what the future will be like. Imagining Christmas, with all my grown children, anticipating that they will all be very close to one another, and their children as well, conjures up the sweetest anticipation! I imagine that life can only get sweeter and sweeter as the years go by. And sometimes, when the days are rough, and three little people are all crying at the same time, and there are Cheerios crushed all over the floor, and the house is so messy I want to run away, I just close my eyes and remember that sometimes the gardening is hard…but the fruit of faithful labor is delightfully wonderful! And then I sit down among the crushed Cheerios and tickle my children, and try to enjoy even the gardening…knowing that every season is a gift, and there are so many more to come!

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Carmen February 27, 2007 - 10:52 pm

I understand! Just this evening I was bathing the wee ones (after a very long and busy day) and my feet were getting wet and armsleeves were very wet. I was feeling a little grumpy and then I reminded myself that in another 10 years or so those days of little ones will be gone and I’ll wish for those days again.

Anonymous September 14, 2007 - 1:48 pm

Question for you – I am really curious? Do you think it is wrong to just have one kid?

Personally, I think it is okay. The reason I ask is I agree that large families are tons of fun, not to mention work, and are a blessing but I also do not think it is a ‘sin’ to just have one or two kids….

littlest atkins September 14, 2007 - 3:21 pm

I totally agree with these posts about the benefits of a large family!

May God continue to bless you and yours! In Him, Eva


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