One of my favorite benefits of having a large family is the opportunity it provides to speak to others about the value and joy of children. If you have a large family, you know without a doubt, that going out in public is sure to produce interesting results, at best. But what a blessing to respond to others’ comments or questions with a joyful, sincere answer about the value of children. What a joy to be able, by a word or comment, to plant a seed, or shed some tiny light that may shatter the darkened thinking of someone.
I would LOVE for as many of you as wish, to comment about your favorite response to people about having a large family. What do you say when someone asks, “Are they all yours?” Or, “Are you gonna have anymore?” Some of my favorite responses are: “Yes, I am a rich woman!”…”I hope so!” (to the “anymore” question) What do you say when someone says, “Boy, you’ve got your hands full!” My sinful nature often tempts me to say something less than loving, but we must remember we’re combating a long-standing thinking pattern about children. Some people have never thought about children any differently, and perhaps we can be the first to send their thinking in a different direction.
I challenge myself, and you, to give loving, joyful responses. Let our children see the love of Christ in us as we respond to others about these incredible little gifts!
Hey Miss Kelly,
As you know I’m not married, so therefore I have no children, but one of my favorite responses is ” No they’re not mine they’re Gods, He just let me borrow them!!
I love your blog!
When people tell me I’ve got my hands full I say “I’d rather have them full than empty.” They tend to stand there and think about it and then smile and agree. I love Olivia’s favorite response “No they’re not mine they’re God’s, He just lets me borrow them!” I can’t tell you how much I enjoy your blog. With 6 children we get the weird comments and rude questions. Sometimes I would like to stay home and not go anywhere…avoid the world. But you are such an encouragement to be a salt and light. Thank you!
“That’s what life’s for!”
One of my favorites is from a adoptive father of ten who says “Having kids is like eating potato chips, they’re so good you can’t have just one.”
Irene Kovacs
I am glad to hear some is your responses. We’re on our fourth, and just recently hear comments everywhere we go! I really love the response “I’d rather have them full then empty!” I usually respond to “You have your hands full!” by saying, “Yes, we are so blessed!” or “Yes, and we love it!” I’m trying to respond in love, but I get so tired of the same comments everywhere we go!
When people say “OH you must have the patience of a saint” I respond with “no God keeps trying to teach me, with each child I gain a bit more, but I am just a slow learner.”
When people comment ” Oh I could never have that many” (in the tone that they could not handle it) or “How do you do it?” I respond with “We can do all things with God’s grace and He gives us all that we need. All we have to do is ask.”
I have three sons and on a nearly daily basis, IN FRONT OF MY BOYS, I receive comments about how hard that must be, how rotten boys are, I must want a girl, wow, did I just keep trying to get a girl….on and on. I just smile and say, “No, these boys are exactly what I wanted all along…I am such a lucky woman!” or, if my children are not with me and the person has simply discovered I have three sons and has said something obnoxious, I say, “Well, it must be very entertaining to go around telling people their life stinks. I’ll go back to being happy, now, thank you.” They just don’t know what to say to either of those…which is truly the desired effect at that point. All that rudeness and we don’t even have a large family…3 kids is standard in our social circle.