I’ve written for years on the damage I believe feminism has done to society though feminists are always ready to jump in and say I’m ignorant and don’t understand anything about feminism.
Thankfully, we don’t even have to “peel back the layers” of real feminism anymore. It gets uglier all on its own. Matt Walsh covered the recent shock-tactic by a t-shirt company/activist site and portrayed perfectly the deception of the feminist movement and how it’s hurting us. Be sure to read Feminism Has Nothing to Say But it Still Won’t Shut Up. (Warning: video has explicit language by children)
That is pure hideousness, to use children like that, as pawns to promote their ugly agenda. The depths to which they will stoop is astounding.
I absolutely agree! As a mom of three I couldn’t imagine my kids being represented this way! We saw that on the news the other night and were appalled. Left with mouths gaping and thoroughly disgusted.
Garbage like this is unacceptable and should absolutely called out as the abuse that it is!
I totally agree with you and Matt Walsh’s article. For some reason, though, people are SO defensive about feminism STILL! I posted the video of those girls cursing in the name of feminism on Facebook with a comment saying that this makes me want nothing to do with feminism all the more and that I will teach both my daughters and my sons their value and worth without the “help” of feminism. I thought that video would shock everyone and, but NOPE! *I* was the one attacked and told that i’m ignorant and that I have no idea of all the good feminism has done for me (hmm…because of feminism I am having a very difficult time trying to merge into staying at home full time with my kids – I’m not feeling all this “choice” they say feminism gave to women), and even one commentator stated that it was too bad that I had been brainwashed by our male-dominated society (ha!). I really do think there are some people who naively think that feminism is all the good that the media tries to make it out to be. But how, after that video, can they STILL stand behind it??? I don’t get it. It feels like a lost battle. At least I can come to your blog and see that I’m not crazy – other people think the same way!
Some people will always be twits, Sabrina.
YES! That is exactly the hypocrisy in feminism. It’s all about “you can be anything you want to be!!!!!! Oh except a stay at home wife or mother….” I too struggle with the same exact thing with being a SAHM. I wasn’t brought up to be one so this whole homemaking thing I have had to learn on my own. I was raised to have a career – oh and if you want to stay at home that’s fine, but go to college, get a degree, etc. etc. etc.
If feminism is all about “choice” then why is it so horrible that I have CHOSEN to submit to my husband, be a wife and mother, clean my home, etc? It’s like they honestly believe there was no way on earth that a woman would actually CHOOSE this life unless she was coerced in to doing so….by a dominating jerk of a man.
I heard the first few words and turned it off immediately, I didn’t need to hear any more. It made me sick to say the least. Any parent who would allow or encourage their child to take part in that video has no business being a parent, and need their head examined. Unfortunately whoever the parents are, I’m sure they are far too ignorant to think they did anything wrong. That video sums up pretty much what is wrong with our nation today…….no respect. Not for themselves and certainly none for anyone else.
I agree. And yet, parents who care enough about their children to raise them in the Lord–those are the “child abusers.”
Unfortunately Kelly, that is our wonderful public education at work along with our tax dollars. It’s a shame kids know how to put a condom on, yet most cannot name the capital of their own state, or write a complete sentence using proper grammar or spelling. This has been the agenda pushed for the last 20 years, and now we all see the result.
Ohh, thanks Kelly I’ll be sharing on FB! Videos like this make me too mad to write anything on FB myself without scorching its very microchips, so I’m thrilled Matt can say it for me.
Absolute proof that we have truly become a Classless Society.
I honestly just sat there and watched that video with my mouth on the floor. Frankly….I’m at a loss for words. I don’t even know where to begin. There is a war on masculinity today and us Christian women need to remind everyone that it is ok for a man to be a MAN. Being a man does not mean he is a rapist or goes around beating women for heavens sake. There is also a war on classy femininity – as this video is proof. The bible is very clear on what GOD sees as a great price for a woman – a meek and quiet spirit. Feminism is exactly the opposite of what the Lord has a designed a woman to be. It’s usually loud, boastful, arrogant, harsh, and down right rude to anyone who disagrees with them.