Home motherhood/family/parenting Seeing the Everyday: The Great Importance of the Ordinary

Seeing the Everyday: The Great Importance of the Ordinary

by Kelly Crawford

“Educated women in the home?  What an odd thing to deplore!  What better place to have us “end up”…What more important job is there than sharing the values we are learning to cherish with the next generation of adults?  What more strategic place could there be for the educated woman?”  ~Edith F. Hunter

I snatched this from Seeing the Everyday, a magazine I had the privilege to review a few years back. Never have I run across a publication so etched with beauty, so profoundly affecting, and with such a heartbeat for the family, filled with the things for which I am so passionate.

Have we ever lived in a day where the inhaling and exhaling of life is so uncelebrated? Where the growing of relationships through the slow, tender soil of time is stunted by our schedules? Do you know how much we miss when we are too busy, too distracted or just too forgetful of the “prosaic”?

Seeing the Everyday is on a mission to ignite a hunger in parents to tenderly bring up their children, magnifying the miniscule, and bringing life back into the home through the organic process of living together.

They yearn for us to see the hidden mysteries of the mundane, to know what social scientists are discovering: time together in the simple rhythms of life is paramount.

I give them a standing ovation.

I don’t, by the way, receive any benefit from recommending them to you. I just passionately share their mission.

Watch and see….it might even change you.

Seeing the Everyday, a magazine on the prosaic from seeing the everyday on Vimeo


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6 arrows October 11, 2012 - 11:25 pm

Beautiful timing with this post, Kelly. I had just sat down tonight to think about how to foster more togetherness as a family through the rhythms of our day. Where are we spending our time, and what are we each doing with the moments in our day? Are we sharing our lives, or are we simply sharing a house, each in his own “zone”, physically and/or emotionally, for much of the day?

The joy of togetherness in the ordinary…it’s simply what I want, but oh how easy it is to chase after the many other things that beckon us.

Like electronics. They have their place, but when our internet is down (like it was for us most of the day yesterday and about half the day today), an interesting thing happens. We spend more time with EACH OTHER! Good old-fashioned person-to-person interaction, which shouldn’t be old-fashioned, outdated, at all!

Now that we’ve got our internet back, I really want to keep it under control and savor those face-to-face relationships that were strengthened the last couple days. This post and the video were just perfect timing, further feeding my desire to, as you say, tenderly bring up my children through the organic process of living together.

Lovely. Thank you.

Cindy October 12, 2012 - 10:17 am

I tend to want to just get things done, rather than using the process to strengthen the relationship. Thank you for sharing this. Great encouragement.

Heather October 12, 2012 - 11:43 am

Amazing how God has been laying this on my heart so much…my latest post was about appreciating the days and the moments! God is calling us to something SO great and it is awesome to watch unfold! Thank you again!


jen in AL October 12, 2012 - 7:08 pm

Beautiful wonderful encouragement! This magazine just moved to the top of my wish list! Thank you so much for sharing such an amazing resource of encouragement and inspiration! love and hugs, jen in al

Valerie October 13, 2012 - 9:17 pm

LOVE it! Thanks Kelly, and I’m going to have to use this quote! 😀

tammy October 16, 2012 - 6:25 am

My family gave me this mag last year for Mother’s Day, i found it in the Orthodontist office and was blown away! Do you know Kelly who publishes this mag?? And by that i mean what world view do they come from. I loved ,loved,loved *Seeing* magazine i just want to be careful with philosophies and such. Sometimes i would just sit and hold it on my lap after readin an article, to try to savour it longer. I have never know anyone else who knew about the publication, glad to hear your thoughts on it.

More Than Sweeping…Reflecting Him in the Mundane | October 17, 2012 - 10:05 am

[…] Because real living is finding meaning in the prosaic. […]

Intentional Parenting {Day 22}: True Intentionality | Chasing Babies....Growing in Grace October 22, 2012 - 4:57 am

[…] thanks to Kelly for sharing it […]


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