I received this article from several different people last week. Many of you have probably already read it. I hesitated to even post it because it was personally so disturbing to me. Nevertheless, perhaps it will be a good reminder of just how fast our thinking can end up in the pit of hell when we forsake the Word of God.
Read it and weep…then guard your hearts and minds from error, and encourage those around you to do the same!
“Had Toni Vernelli gone ahead with her pregnancy ten years ago, she would know at first hand what it is like to cradle her own baby, to have a pair of innocent eyes gazing up at her with unconditional love, to feel a little hand slipping into hers – and a voice calling her Mummy.
But the very thought makes her shudder with horror.
Because when Toni terminated her pregnancy, she did so in the firm belief she was helping to save the planet.”
Read entire article HERE.
I read this disturbing article this week and it sicking me. I can’t believe in great britian thier’s a woman who aborted her baby to save the planet! and the europeons wonder why muslims are taking over europe! and if she wanted to stop the overpopulating why does’nt she kill her self! or does she think the world can’t go on with out her!!!
You know, when I read her quote about never having a baby being the most environmentally friendly thing she could have ever done, I almost laughed. Ultimately the biggest polluter in her life is herself, so following her logic, it would be better for her to commit suicide rather than hurt the planet further. But nobody’s going to kill THEMSELVES to help the planet.
And I think it’s great that they don’t have a car and don’t fly, but ultimately, if they’re willing to sacrifice their own child, shouldn’t they also be willing to live without electricity? But, as they said, they use low-energy light bulbs. Do they turn their heat on in the winter? Do they watch a TV? It’s interesting to me that they’re willing to sacrifice a life but not their electricity in order to “make a difference.”
And if she wanted to make an even BIGGER difference, she could have raised that child as an environmentalist and encouraged her to get involved and carry on the message of saving the planet, reducing carbon emissions, and preserving animal species.
I apologize… I read the article more thoroughly and realized that the folks who don’t have a car and don’t fly are the ones who are sterilized, but have never aborted.
The woman who aborted her child still takes one long flight a year.
And people say the devil doesn’t exist…so sad… Blessings, Kim
I’ve read it – sad and ridiculous.
the one encouraging thought: people like her will die out because they aren’t reproducing!
Woman #1
“I’ve never doubted that I made the right decision. Ed and I married in September 2002, and have a much nicer lifestyle as a result of not having children.”
– Right there. Selfishness.
Woman #2
“I realised then that a baby would pollute the planet – and that never having a child was the most environmentally friendly thing I could do.”
– Ouch. She follows up with:
“When I see a mother with a large family, I don’t resent her, but I do hope she’s thought through the implications.”
So even though we are polluting the planet she doesn’t resent us? Oh, wow. Thanks.
This was so, so saddening. 🙁
Following her logic, who’s going to be around to enjoy the eco-friendly planet she’s trying to promote? Certainly nobody with her mindset, since they’re not reproducing.
This is so sad.
I don’t think people realize that humans are capable of safeguarding the planet rather than completely harming it. Every single plant, animal, and lifeform on this planet affects the planet in positive and negative ways. If there were no humans, the natural laws of entropy and atrophy would take over and the planet would become very sick indeed. Heck, all those cow farts alone would kill the planet…I mean, with no one around to monitor their population and eat them, they will just stink this whole place up! 😛
God gave us the earth to have dominion over it…to tame it and make it beautiful. We are called to be stewards of this gift He has given us. Humans were always meant to be part of the picture. Even non-Christians can recognize that. Attitudes like those couples are mind-boggling to me, because they are so misguided.
I had the same thought as k in the mirror did at first. But after talking to some people about the subject, I actually think these extremist DO think the earth needs to be a place free of humans. That could only be the logical deduction of their childless philosophy.
The interesting thing is, they are not willing to kill themselves to facilitate our people-free world, as adlyn pointed out.
I would assume that these women are “highly educated”, which shows the irony of knowledge without God.
But what’s scarier, and you are free to disagree, but these women didn’t arrive at this “extreme” and ridiculous notion over night. Our reasoning is eroded a little at a time. In fact, as I’m thinking about the article, are the choices these ladies made really any different than the ones many couples make, for far less “noble” reasons?
It is not uncommon (believe it or not) for middle-class, happily-married couples to get an abortion because they just can’t bear the thoughts of another child (interfering with career, lifestyle, etc.)
Would we have felt better about this article if the ladies already had a child or two?
Just asking questions here…my thoughts keep tumbling onto the next one…
It appalls us to hear that she sterilized herself with no children…why do people sterilize themselves at all?
Couldn’t we at least reason that her sterilization was intended to “help other people”, which is more than most can answer?
I’m playing the devil’s advocate, of course…but am I wrong in seeing how it’s not too hard to get to the end of this slippery slope?
Can you see how the acceptance of birth control starts a train of questionable scenarios?
I’m completely with you, Word Warrior.
I guess all I can add is we can’t expect people who do not fear and honor God to have the same values that He does.
HOWEVER, we should expect those who DO honor and fear God to value life as He does. I believe, birth control leads down the slippery slope. I know that might be considered a brazen statement, but we are not to have any other gods before God, including (but not limited to) self-preservation, (or, in this case, “planet preservation”).
This just blew me away. I haven’t been so shocked in my life, I think. What horrors. To sacrifice a child to environmentalism reminds me a lot of the peoples that God drove out of the Promise Land for sacrificing their children to false pagan ‘gods’.
Oh how noble (rolling eyes).
My husband read the article and we had a great discussion about the whole “peopleless planet” angle.
But then my husband said, “It’s a good thing her mother didn’t hold her views when she was pregnant.”
And that right there is what it boils down to. She is able to have her radical opinion and have a newspaper article written about her all because her mother did not share her values at the time.
I had not seen this article but it does not surprise me with the way the world is getting. People get caught up in Satan’s lies and fall to what the world says. It is hard to follow God with all the junk that is pushed into peoples minds, especially when they are young. We are getting to be a people that can somehow go to church on Sunday and then listen to the world’s thinking the rest of the time.
The Bible and the world are not both right, yet more and more even Christians are trying to live like they are both right.
If we are not light and salt, the world can’t know how depraved their thinking really is.
This article also helps me to see the dark, ugly sin in my own self. As I was reading the news article, my thought was, “You know, they could rid themselves as well to ‘save the planet.’ How inconsiderate they are, using up other people’s resources!” The sarcasm and meanness made me step back, as I am as guilty as they are with sin.
However, I know that the Lord convicts me of these things and I want to be where the Lord calls me to, through His Word.
Thank you for sharing this article, Kelly. It not only invigorated my heart’s desire for the logic of caring for however many children God wants to give me, not worry about this temporal place; it also humbled me.
Maybe some one else has already mentioned this, as I have not read through all the comments, but who in the world are we “saving the planet” for if we are not having children???
This kind of thinking really sickens me, literally I feel like throwing up. Our world is so twisted and backward that now many view the environment as more important and valuable than people. Which again makes no sense…do they view the environment as more valuable than themselves- I mean, how far do we go in trying to save the planet, we might as well get rid of all people for goodness sakes!
my husband’s comment – “If she really is so worried, I have a gun and bullet she can use to stop her carbon footprint.” I’m sure he was joking…mostly.