Home motherhood/family/parenting Warrior Mothers…Guarding Home

Warrior Mothers…Guarding Home

by Kelly Crawford


Antique door with keys in the lock isolated area for textI’ve used the term “warrior mother” before and I like that word. I think it is accurate, and oddly ironic up against the culture’s drum beat of “I am woman, hear me roar.”

If we could pin point just one place where more erosion to our society has occurred, it is without a doubt the HOME. Broken marriages–the home. Troubled children–the home. Redefining of traditional family life–the home. Women broken and searching for their own worth–the home.

The home is a concentrated point of attack from an enemy who seeks to steal, kill and destroy.

In battle, a known point of attack would be heavily fortified and guarded. I find it no coincidence that “keeper” as in “teach them to be keepers at home” from Titus 2, is translated from a Greek word meaning “to guard.”

Sadly, our enemy has done a stellar job at offering all the right decoys, blinding us to the very NEED to defend home.

We are warriors in the greatest, spiritual sense. Fighting for our homes, our marriages, our children and our own integrity as women of God.

This isn’t about “well, good for you but I’m not made for that sort of thing…it’s not my calling.”

If we have homes, we are called. But we are not called to go at it alone! God has always called the weak and the incapable and then when they admitted, “I can’t do this!“, He replies, “I will go before you…my strength is made perfect in weakness.”

Part of the fighting will be against the battle that rages within us. We can’t give up. Here’s what we do:

  • Prepare for the attacks, knowing they are an expected part of life, whatever form they may take.
  • Stay mentally alert to the task. We guard, we fortify, we nurture, we restore, we prepare soldiers, we hold up the arms of our commander-in-chief…we do A LOT in a day. Throwing every ounce of energy into that is not wasted time. Anything less, and we won’t have enough resources to guard properly.
  • Get up and do it again. Every single one of us has those days where the task feels too hard. Giving up is not an option. We divert the enemy. We change pace, change scenery, change tactics. Then we get on our knees and utilize the power God offers to us. We spend some time in God’s Word, meditate on truth and get ready to do it again the next day.

We ARE called. We are called to fight, defend, guard and build our homes. To build a legacy that will continue beyond us.

The question is, will we answer?

“His master said, ‘Well done, thou good and faithful servant’..”

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6 arrows January 18, 2012 - 9:38 pm

Wow, Kelly, what a stunningly timely post…just what I needed! Those verbs: Fight. Defend. Guard. Build. I am so NOT doing that right now. Lately I’ve been retreating from challenges old and new that God has allowed in my life. Thank you for reminding me that giving up is not an option, and that Christ’s strength is made perfect in my weakness. Reading this post was a real blessing to me.

Word Warrior January 18, 2012 - 10:58 pm

I am so glad. It’s good to know when the Lord gives me something, He gives it to give away.

Keri January 19, 2012 - 7:52 am

I really appreciated what you said..all of it..and “Giving Up is not an option!! That is so true.When things get a little tough..we want to give up.It is a Battle out there.A Spiritual Battle..and if we can remember that we will not give up.I just really have a heart to encourage moms of little ones.I so remember the days..they were lovely..mostly..lol..and I thought they would never end..Now with three kids in their 20’s and three teens..19,16,and 13–the really hard parts and exhaustion..phew..seem like so long ago.I still am guarding the home front but as I have watched my grown kids go out into the world..BY THE GRACE OF GOD!!..I can honestly say that all the fears I had about them as they got older have been calmed by the Lord and I’m telling all of you mommies of little ones that the LORD is so FAITHFUL and you WILL see your children walking with him and being strong and faithful witnesses in this world.Do not be afraid!!and don’t listen to those who say your children will not be able to function in the real world!! It is so not true and was my biggest fear when I let myself listen to those voices instead of the voice of truth!!No more disiplining(spelling..lol) older kids.Now,just lots of talking–and do they like to talk!!and mostly encouraging..we are their Biggest cheerleaders I suppose you could say.So momma’s..get on your knees and get up and take care of your precious families today.Love on them..because the time goes so fast..My husband used to tell me that one day there would be no more matchbox cars to trip over..and just recently..my 13yr.old gave away the rest of his match box cars to some kids at church.I was like..”Are you sure you want to get rid of those?”..lol.Wanted to give you all a practical example here…It really warms my heart and soul when I see mommies loving on their families like they should.
I still have lots of opportunities to love on my kids..they just can’t sit on my lap anymore..way to big.As they grow up..it’s an entirely different season of life..and that will have to wait for another Post!! Blessings to you all today from sunny Florida where it’s supposed to reach 79 today!!

Word Warrior January 19, 2012 - 12:59 pm


Thank you for YOUR encouragement…you should have written this post 😉

Homeschool on the Croft January 19, 2012 - 3:55 pm

What a lovely comment! Our older three are between 14 and 18, and like you, I can’t believe they are that age. I say to young mums to cherish every minute of every day. Blink, and these days are gone. I want to hang onto every minute with them. I am so thankful God brought homeschooling into our lives (we’re in Scotland, where homeschooling is almost unheard of). Our days are so full, but so wonderfully happy.
Blessings from a very chilly Scotland…. Brrrr!

Keri January 19, 2012 - 5:57 pm

Ha..not really..I still need the encouragement also!1

Hayley Ferguson January 19, 2012 - 7:45 am

I needed that too Kelly. This afternoon I felt so overwhelmed and then one of my children was returning from the neighbours house and someone stopped their car and was like “is this your child? They could’ve been taken by anyone!” I was on my way there when this happened and all I could do was ask my 13 yo to please get her sister and reply that she was in fact mine (whilst holding my not quite 2yo and 10 mo in my arms and all while 19 weeks pregnant.) It’s one of those times you feel you’ve let the Lord down in your testimony (especially in regards large families.) I soooo needed your encouragement now 🙂 Thank you.

Julia January 19, 2012 - 8:16 am

You’re like my virtual drill sergeant lol! My husband and I made a huge change 1.5 years ago when I left corporate America to come home, and I am living proof that God’s strength carries us. I’m still finding my way as a homemaker, fumbling daily, but with God’s strength and grace I’m able to, as you said, get up each day and do it again. Nurturing and protecting my family. He called me, and it’s only through His strength that I could answer. Thank you for such a powerful reminder.

Leslie from Virginia January 19, 2012 - 10:29 am

((hug)) Great words, my friend!!!
You have encouraged me today…………

Andrea January 19, 2012 - 10:36 am

Lovely post, and encouraging!
My husband just preached about this very thing last Sunday 🙂

Kelly L January 19, 2012 - 11:24 am

I feel like the shofar should be blown after that! Awesome battle speech!!! To quote my Marine brother, “Oor-ah!”

Charity January 19, 2012 - 12:23 pm

Kelly, this is such an encouragement to me today! I have felt so incredibly overwhelmed lately and this is just what I needed today. Wish I could say more, you are such an awesome influence in my life, but typing with one hand as the baby nurses is difficult 😉 thank you, just thank you!!

Word Warrior January 19, 2012 - 12:59 pm


Kelley January 19, 2012 - 4:41 pm

Kelly, your posts are amazing … I know that they come from the heart of a person who is filled with the Spirit. Thank you for writing your posts even amidst, what I can only imagine are, very tumultuous times. Your are a true warrior and a huge blessing and encouragement for me. And, by the comments, I can tell that I am one of many who feel this way. Have a blessed day!

Julia, I can almost feel your grit. I too left, not corporate, but a very prosperous and busy full-time job to focus on my husband, home and family. And I too feel the strength of the Lord carrying me and am grateful for his blessings. Amidst the change in my life, I have learned (and am still learning) to see the ‘blessing’ in things that are not material. God Speed to you sister!

Mrs. June Fuentes January 20, 2012 - 9:53 am

Excellent reminder, Kelly. Sharing on my blog! We hope you are able to move into your new home soon and praying for you all.

Many blessings…

KristinaD January 20, 2012 - 10:31 am

So good to hear! Does anyone have any practical advice on how to do this? What do I need to look out for?

KC January 20, 2012 - 12:08 pm

The best way I could put it. Watch out for everything, without paranoia. The enemy’s tactics are very cunning and we have to be wise as serpents and gentle as lambs. He will use anything he can, be it people, tv, music, the internet etc… The most powerful weapon we have is prayer the second is wisdom. Pray for the Lord to cover and protect your children continually; physically, spiritually,and emotionally on a daily basis. Pray for wisdom in what you allow them to do or where to go, even if it’s spending the night at a “christian” friends house. You don’t always know if they are being watched over and protected when they are under someone else’s care. I’ve learned you don’t take things for granted and if you ever have that uncertain feeling in you gut, “spirit”, than just say “no”. Yes, they might be disappointed but you will rest easier and possibly counter an attack the enemy had planned for your child. I am saying this from experience, where we thought we had all of the bases covered only to find out after it was too late that the enemy had a plan. I will say this though, each battle you go through sould make you stronger and wiser in your stand for your family. We are called to be “Warrior-Mothers” and we should do so with GOD’s strength and confidence!

And Thank you Kelly for an encouraging battle-stance word! When we have done all to stand, we will STAND! Hallalujah.

6 arrows January 20, 2012 - 2:54 pm

Hi Kristina,

You ask very good questions. I don’t claim to have the answers, but if I could offer my perspective as a mom who is very much learning from her mistakes…

First, make sure the Word of God is being heard and discussed every day in your home as a matter of course, and not only for times that we discover a specific sin in a child’s heart and want to show what the bible says about it. I think if we only go to the scriptures in times of trouble with our children (I’m not saying you’re doing this 😉 they might see using the bible as punishment, when of course it is so much more than a book to show us our sin. It also shows us our Savior, and the hope and comfort we have through Jesus. It’s a blessing to children to daily immerse them in the Word, on the good days and the bad.

Second, talk regularly with your kids about WHY your family has made certain choices, WHY you believe as you do, and so on. When our kids understand the why behind the what, I think it makes it easier for them to stand firm when they see others making different choices.

Last, I would add that I have learned (the hard way) the importance of connecting with our quiet, what some would call “low-maintenance”, children. It can be far too easy to spend huge amounts of time working on our “high(er)-maintenance” children with whom we may have been blessed, to the near exclusion of our quiet, “easy” children…a lesson that is bearing its unfortunate fruit this very week in my home. Being a warrior mom means guarding the hearts of all our children, engaging them in discussion to know what’s on their minds, and not letting the quiet ones “slip through the cracks” when we’ve allowed so much of our attention to be diverted away from them.

Don’t know if that helps, Kristina…I hope it does 🙂 You are wise to ask such questions and be proactive.

Mrs. A January 20, 2012 - 3:05 pm

Thank you for this reminder. It is much needed.

I think something might be wrong with the HTML on your button because I can’t seem to add it to my blog, though I’ve tried several times.

God bless,

Mrs. A.

Word Warrior January 20, 2012 - 3:16 pm

Oops! It appeared I had the wrong image code. I think it’s working now 😉

Mrs. C January 20, 2012 - 8:50 pm

Amen! And Amen!!! Maybe that’s how the old “Mama Bear” saying got started, because of their extreme defense they display, protecting their cubs, when their cubs get near danger, or vice versa. How about-“I am Mama Bear, hear me roar!” 😀

Jasmine January 21, 2012 - 9:21 am

Excellent, Kelly. Shared with several friends and on my Facebook page. Amen and Amen!!

DianeS January 21, 2012 - 10:13 am

Timely, timely messsage for me. Thank you!

Chelsey January 21, 2012 - 10:33 am

Thank you so much for this post. I stumbled apon your blog today and now I know why. This is exactly what I needed to hear to encourage me and a friend I have been visiting with. Praise God for how he works through us.

Dawn@OneFaithfulMom January 21, 2012 - 8:57 pm

As a mom who has children ages 24 down to 5, I have to be vigilant to not let my guard down as they grow. We moms get bored/tired of doing the same thing I think, and we let our guard down, just when our littles need us to be strong.
I find myself feeling like I don’t have quite the fight in me I used to have. All the years of homeschooling and mothering get wearisome. Now is the time to renew my mind in the Word, and allow Him to re-energize me for the years ahead.

6 arrows January 22, 2012 - 12:37 am


I can really relate to everything you said, especially the parts about letting your guard down with the younger ones and feeling like you don’t have as much fight left in you.

My kids are ages 21 down to 4, and my youngest was born when I was 45. I am definitely more weary raising my younger children now than I was raising their older siblings when I was in my 20’s and early 30’s, even though I’ve got good helpers in my older children now. Some days just seem really hard at my age being a mom to little ones. Yet God blessed me with the gift of fertility well into my 40’s, and I know that “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” He has blessed my husband and me with these children in His perfect timing, and He will see us through the monumental task of raising our children for Him.

Thanks for your honesty, Dawn. I appreciate knowing there are other moms out there struggling with weariness. You have the right solution in mind when you say “Now is the time to renew my mind in the Word, and allow Him to re-energize me for the years ahead.” That was very encouraging for me to read. Blessings to you 😉

Dawn (Large Family Mom) January 23, 2012 - 9:44 am

6 Arrows,
And you have encouraged me!! Thank you!!
Love, Dawn

Amanda Millay January 21, 2012 - 9:57 pm

Great post! Reminds me of Wordsworth:

Who is the happy Warrior? Who is he
That every man in arms should wish to be?
–It is the generous Spirit, who, when brought
Among the tasks of real life, hath wrought
Upon the plan that pleased his boyish thought:
Whose high endeavors are an inward light
That makes the path before him always bright.

Kristen January 22, 2012 - 10:05 am

II Corinthians 12:9-10. How funny you should quote that. I clung to those verses last week. Last week there were so many battles. It was a bad week. Thank you for the reminder of the spiritual element at work. We battle not against flesh and blood…

Pozycjonowanie May 13, 2012 - 6:32 am

I do agree with all the ideas you’ve presented in your post. They are really convincing and will definitely work. Still, the posts are too short for novices. Could you please extend them a bit from next time? Thanks for the post.

amber9877 May 29, 2012 - 7:01 am

I stumbled upon this site this morning at 4 am after nursing my 7 month old & finding it oddly difficult to fall back to sleep. This was exactly what I needed to read right now & I do not believe it is a coincidence! Thank you for blessing me with these words of encouragement– God is working through you to help change the course of those who like me are in need of a gentle reminder of our calling. Praise the Lord!

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