Home abortion A Wake-up Call to the Christian Church

A Wake-up Call to the Christian Church

by Kelly Crawford
Christians claim to be pro-life. We protest, attend rallies, and write to our congressmen. I think it is far more accurate to say that the church is anti-abortion, not pro-life.

To claim to be pro-life assumes that one loves life…every life, believing that each life is a gift from God. It’s easy to write that on our posters and hold it up in front of the scared little girl entering the abortion clinic. And we should do that. But recently, upon attending a conservative, Bible-believing church, the announcement that I am expecting my seventh baby elicited shock and dismay (some verbal, some not) from many of the members. Comments like “oh my goodness, don’t you know what causes that” are often heard from these “pro-life” Christians (as if they really didn’t know God causes it). I would not be surprised, given the comments like that, if young Christian women within the church were aborting their children to avoid the bitter criticism coming from their fellow believers. If you love every child, why don’t you love my seventh one? And if you loved my seventh one, why are you hinting that I should have prevented him?

We really don’t think about our “convictions”, or lack of them, very deeply. It is easy to just jump on the popular band-wagon, and give little thought to what we really believe. I assert that abortion could have never become a practice until birth control become acceptable. And I still assert that abortion will never be abolished until we LOVE CHILDREN…all of them.

Because this is the issue broken down: birth control essentially prevents children. God calls children a blessing…a reward…a heritage…a gift. Have you ever heard of preventing a gift, reward, heritage or blessing? If we REALLY believe what He says about children, why on earth would we prevent them? There is no excuse (finances, hardship, college tuition, etc.) that holds up against what God says about our children. We prevent them because we have decided that they are some sort of burden. We prevent them because we don’t believe what the Bible says, both about the blessing of children, and God’s provision for our lives.

When we allowed the prevention of children to be comfortable (and by the way, there was a time when the church was outraged about the practice of birth control…for good reason), we paved the way to prevent children who were already conceived from being born, i.e. abortion. Yes, we have played a part in the horrible atrocities of abortion. Not only in that way, but churches are also failing to tell their congregations that the pill and other forms of birth control are abortifacient. Their own members are unknowingly killing their babies!

We cannot bow to the culture’s child-hating philosophies. Satan has so cleverly deceived us, and this issue is just another example. He doesn’t mind so much that we are marching at pro-life rallies. But he sure doesn’t want God’s people reproducing a godly offspring! Are we pro-life? Then we must love all children, born and unborn.

Let’s be bold in proclaiming the truth…pass the word along.

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Carmen March 22, 2007 - 6:24 pm

I whole-heartedy agree. Whenever we have a new baby it’s the response from church-going folk that is the most disheartening. I don’t mind the ignorant responses from non-Christians…they don’t know any better. But the Christians…”you know how to prevent that, don’t you?!”…shame on them! I hope you don’t mind but I copied and pasted your post on my blog and left your blog address. Thanks for speaking the truth in love.


Out on a Limb March 23, 2007 - 12:55 pm

Too bad we can’t all go to church together, huh? Start a movement of sorts…lol! Seriously, I know we are placed strategically by the Lord. But it would be nice to have some support.

My husband is in ministry and we have actually had people stop their finanical support because we are having too many kids. Can you imagine? Even our leadership thinks we have too many kids. This is a worldwide, Christian organization. We certainly need to pray for change in the hearts of the church.

BTW, I really enjoy your blog. I posted once anonymously, but I figured I would come “out of the closet.” LOL! I’m afraid, I’m not as bold as you yet, but the Lord is working on me. I appreciate knowing that you and others like you, are out there…on my side. Praise God for small blessings!

Anonymous March 24, 2007 - 2:02 pm

Word Warrior, you are a true soldier, and I am so thankful for your voice and God given inspiration!

Kathy, Jeff's Wife March 25, 2007 - 1:41 pm


These last 2 post are probably your best yet!

Press On Sister!

bran April 6, 2007 - 10:30 am

This is a subject near to my heart. One of my guesses as to why a church has this mindset, esp. the leadership, is that these kids prevent you from living a truly Godly life, you know…showing up for all those programs most nights of the week. That’s here the REAL work of God is happening. (sarcasm of course)

Hillari May 21, 2012 - 6:07 pm

Kids preventing people from working all out for a ministry is not far off the mark. Let’s not forget there are passages in the Bible that honor singleness. Singles have more time to devote to good causes because they aren’t hindered by spouses and kids.

As for spouses who decide to remain childfree, they also have more time to devote to the Kingdom. They also have each other to lean on for support.

Pastor Kelly August 30, 2010 - 1:24 pm

God says Judge not lest we be judged, a Christian knows this. All children are of God, when they judge you; they are also going to be judged. Children are a blessing if it is one or fifteen. If you were not to have them, you wouldn’t. Sometimes people speak without putting a thought to the words they are using. Maybe they were thanking of the money that it would cost to raise them. Or maybe just the time it takes to take care of the children and the patience. As long as a person can take care of their children and bring them up in a good Christian home, I know that God will be with them.

Kimberly Foster August 17, 2011 - 10:00 am

I heartily agree! Every time a baby was born in my household I received more awes and congrats from non christians, than I did from the Christian Church. I was always teased when Mothers Day came around and I would have the most children in the congregation. Every time we would visit a sister Church, there would be comments from the pulpit as to whether or not there would yet be another baby next time we visit. I think to many people like to make jokes about it, but ultimately they admire and respect you for actually following Gods plan. They just dont know how to show it sometimes, and do it badly! I began not telling about my pregnancies which then made me feel as if I regretted them too. After I miscarried people felt sympathy and the jokes stopped for a while. We continue to let it be known that the Lord has blessed us, and that each time a new one arrives, Gods love is abundant and He cares and provides for us anew! Six children living and 2 in heaven awaiting for the Glorious day when all Gods children come Home.

Brent July 25, 2012 - 5:27 am

One of my daughters(5)sent your blog site to me and I have read several articles with interest and thanks. Our Heavenly Father has granted my wife and I 11 children and 9 grandchildren to date all for whom we are most thankful and grateful to our Lord and Christ. I have yet to read a word from you with which our experience and confession would disagree or negate, therefore, continue on in your prophetic and pastoral/motherly calling so as to call the Church to repentance. You are doing a good and necessary work for the Kingdom of our Lord at this time in this place, so perservere in this wearying but proper discipline.the evil one, your own flesh, and the world will converge to discourage and dishearten you, however I urge you to press on. The cost of discipleship to our Lord is huge and often seemingly unbearable, therefore I exhort and encourage you to continue. May the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ grant you His grace on this front.

Word Warrior July 25, 2012 - 7:53 am


You have no idea how these words encouraged my heart…thank you.


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