Home Uncategorized Trying to Get Organized–The School Room

Trying to Get Organized–The School Room

by Kelly Crawford

This will probably be the last “organizational” post for now simply because I don’t want to bore you to death, and I’m looking forward to moving on to some exciting new stuff.

We’ve been working on several areas of the house and I’ve come to believe the most important tip I’ve learned in the process is “less is more”. That’s hard for us frugal gals, but the more I’m able to weed out, the less mess there is to keep organized–simply put.

Our school room still needs a lot of work, but it was nice to get some of it underway. I’m gearing up to start some new school stuff–better records, for example…OK, records period 😉 so I it helps to get a little organizing done.

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Kim M. March 23, 2009 - 5:55 am

Oh Honey, I so understand! We don’t actually *have* a school room so every day before supper I am having to clear the dining room table. Stuff usually just gets stacked on one of my three little tables we use for school stuff. So there are always STACKS everywhere.

Good job organizing!

Mrs. Santos March 23, 2009 - 2:53 pm

What a blessing to have a school room! I love the table and chairs in the middle. We don’t have as many children or as many books and supplies to organize.

One thing I do – that may or may not be of help – is we have one place for each thing. For example, ALL the pencils go in the pencil box. All the books go on the book shelf. All the papers go in the paper box.

We used to have everyone with their own cubbies and binders and desks and there was constant mess and monitoring. “Whose stuff is this?” While that may be good for teaching personal responsibility – I couldn’t handle all the mess. So now, when there are things all over the place, no one can say “That’s sister’s stuff. She has to put it away.”

We also take turns on who is “in charge” This means the child in charge can supervise. “Brother, you pick up the books. Sister, you put away all the crayons and markers. etc.”

Well, that’s what works for us, at least for now. Things are always changing. Happy Organizing.

Mrs. June Fuentes March 23, 2009 - 4:01 pm

I completely agree with you about the school rooms—somehow its a challenge to keep them tidy (much like the laundry room!)—I also bought a similar cubby holder and it has been nothing short of a nightmare especially with little ones who just love dumping out the contents. I was thinking the very same thing—-I need to get rid of these, simply for the sake of sanity!

BTW, many thanks for the sisterhood award—you’ve blessed me many times over as well.

Many blessings…

Elizabeth March 23, 2009 - 9:22 pm

Your room looks great! Have you looked at Home School Tracker for record keeping? We just found it last week and love it. Everything is on the computer and you can print weekly assignment lessons! (Yea! No more children asking “Mommy, what does that say? I can’t read cursive.) The best part? The basic is FREE! And for us who are organizationally challenged, that’s all we need. The website is http://www.homeschooltracker.com . Hope that it’ll help you, too! 🙂

Word Warrior March 23, 2009 - 9:59 pm

Elizabeth–wow, can’t wait to look at that…thank you!

Amy March 24, 2009 - 9:43 pm

Love your school room! We don’t have a school room–wish we did! But, for now, we use these:

to keep our things together.


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