Today I hope that you’ll be still and see the sunrise new,
A fresh “good morning” from the Lord in brilliant, orange hues.
Today I hope that you’ll be still and let the world unfold,
Looking at the dandelion through the eyes of a 4-year old.
Today I hope that you’ll be still and sing at the top of your voice,
And stop in the middle of folding clothes to dance around with your boys.
Today I hope that you’ll be still and sit on the front porch swing,
And look at your husband while he speaks, as if he were a king.
Today I hope that you’ll be still and force your mind to see,
The textures, colors and perfect rhyme of God’s creativity.
Today I hope that you’ll be still and snuggle under a quilt,
Reading Madeline to a smiling face without any housework guilt.
Today I hope that you’ll be still and pen a thoughtful word,
To tell a lonely someone that her prayers are being heard.
Today I hope that you’ll be still and hold somebody’s hand,
For the days pass through the hourglass as fast as the sifting sand.
Today I hope that you’ll be still though the fast-paced think it odd,
Today I hope that you’ll be still and know that He is God.
Kelly Crawford April, 2008
Lovely, Kelly! Like a distinctly Christian version of
I hope you Dance”.
“I hope you Dance”. Forgot one set of quotation marks in my original reply. Don’t know why I’m OCD about grammar like this..
You are so talented! I love this! Thanks for sharing!
Megan Jenelle
Beautiful poem Kelly…I will try to be still…today! He is God whether I let myself “know” it or not …but there is peace in knowing it.
Beautifully written reminder.
Thank you! Intentionally focusing on all God’s Gifts trains our hearts to gratitude. Not being defined by the world’s standards and objectives allows us to witness the Fruit borne in the lives of our children through His Spirit.
Lovely! Such a good reminder in the midst of busy days!
What a beautiful poem. I love poetry – such an expression of the heart. Thanks for sharing this. With love.
Love this! I’m going to post it on my Facebook page…giving you props, of course! 😉
I needed this! So many times we get caught up in getting everything done and miss these moments.