Their naps fall right at cleaning up from lunch and wrapping up morning school stuff, and right before a full afternoon, squeezing all the life out of it I can.
“Will you tell me a story about a horse that poops butterflies?” Her sweet smile begs.
He wants one about monster trucks. Again.
I was busy. I tell lots of stories. Today I needed to hurry and do…
more important stuff.
And I knew instantly, though she didn’t complain, what I was about to miss.
It’s the thousand small things in a day–the tiny, rhythmic motions that assure a child all is well, life is sure and steady.
It’s my choice to value our short story time as much as the other things, to tell her, by my stopping, that this–she–is the more important stuff.
Don’t we like to think that parenting greatness comes in big, lofty moments? That would be easier. But everything good happens slowly, steadily, growing almost imperceptible over time, through the ignoble, and it’s no different growing people. Maybe that’s why fewer and fewer are signing up for full time parenthood.
Simple. But excruciatingly hard.
And whether it’s telling a nap time story, waiting patiently for a shoe-tying rookie, or putting the broom down because my teenager needs to talk, if I rush through it, or neglect it altogether so I can be “on to bigger things”, I’ve missed the bigger things already.
“We cannot do great things on this earth. We can only do little things with great love.” -Mother Teresa
Yes, ma’am. I have been duly chastened.
I think there is parenting…..that is something anyone can do….feed, clothe shelter and such.
Then there is christian Parenting. You know, the kind where momma and/or daddy open the bible. Read it. Believe it. Obey it.
There is a challenge there that the world will never grasp. I don’t think it will ever grasp without seeing the words that Christ spoke on the cross…..Father forgive them for they know not what they do.
A Repentance is required of us as parents. His grace is there. Now its back to work for God’s glory and not our own.
You’re right; parenting wears many faces and Christian parenting begins, just as you said, at the cross, dying to ourselves because of Christ’s life in us. And parenting from there.
LOVE it! what a great reminder of what really matters!
Oh how I needed this! I can definitely relate this, but you’re right we have to show our children that they are more important than all the things we feel like we have to be doing.
Yup. Good timing. Thanks
Thanks again for another timely reminder!!
What a lovely little nugget!
Every time I am faced with having to make time for my little ones I am challenged to see what great pains Our Lord has taken with me. How many times has He listened intently to my small little cares and worries when there are so many other things going on in this world. Not to mention the fact that I really don’t think about how many hairs I have on my own head (until, of course, I notice some of them turning grey).
Compassion is a beautiful thing to grow into!
My daughter is 13. So many times I look back with regret at the thought I didn’t play with her enough. It makes me sad. My house was spotless, not that it is bad. I wish I prioritized her more. I would love a do-over. I’m grateful for the grace that covered our relationship. Think Ill get off the computer now and go squeeze her…
<3 Love your posts!
Have you read A Mother’s Heart by Jean Fleming? This reminds me of a part of that. It’s such an amazing book!