Home christian living The Beauty of New

The Beauty of New

by Kelly Crawford

(I am still working on posts for the “public education series” but thought I’d disperse them intermittently between other, more encouraging posts.)

So we approach a new year. I love new. New, crisp journals, new pens, new coffee mugs, new scarves…Christmas no doubt brought some new things to your life.

But far more than those fun things, I LOVE the anticipation of new habits, new vision, new direction and new aspirations. We anticipate a lot of new this year, eagerly awaiting the time when we can return to a new home, (see the tornado story if you’re new), get a new routine, a new schedule, and a fresh, new start. This year has given us much new that we have found difficult and overwhelming, and some we have found wonderful.

Jesus came to make all things new. And in Him, we have newness of life. But sometimes we don’t live in that newness. We are content to live in mediocrity, in a life not surrendered, in flesh not crucified.

I have struggles in my life. Do you? I get angry when I shouldn’t, am unloving when I should love, am short when I should be long suffering.

I let old habits reign paramount way too often. In short, I’m unwilling, or maybe just too busy to die in order to be made new. Can we die to the flesh that robs us and our families of joy?

In this new year, I want to live in newness of life. I want to allow the Lord to fill me with His love, His character so that the aroma of Christ exudes from my life.

How? By making time to pause, listen and dwell in His presence. By filling my mind and heart with His Word until I’m transformed. By focusing on the importance of my influence on my family and loving them enough to love Him more.

“Father, help me.”

How are you embracing “new”?


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6 arrows December 30, 2011 - 3:14 pm

I definitely have struggles, too…being inflexible when I should be accommodating; wavering when I should be firm; and failing to trust God for the wisdom to discern the difference. There are a lot more I could name. Believe me, Kelly, you’re not alone in your struggles…I’m right there with you!

How am I embracing “new” this year? Well, January 1 I’m starting a bible-reading plan I found at Ligonier Ministries’ site. They have a nice variety of different plans there. I’ve never followed a whole-Bible reading plan before (although I’ve read the whole bible rather unsystematically), so I’m excited to embark on the plan I chose!

My other “new” thing to embrace this year is putting into place (and hopefully being consistent with) a diet and exercise plan to help me gain weight and increase my stamina. My new year’s resolutions generally focus on character traits in myself that I want to change (there are a lot of them, and I’m not always patient with God’s timing as He works on me!), but I found that I don’t have the energy to follow through on any of my goals if I’m not deliberate about keeping my temple healthy. Hard to find an exercise program, though, that’s vigorous enough to energize me, but won’t hamper my efforts to gain weight healthfully. Any suggestions or prayers on that are welcome!

Thanks for all your encouragement this year, Kelly! Looking forward to more next year 🙂

Keri December 30, 2011 - 5:39 pm


I really appreciated what you said about “Filling your Heart and Mind with his word until I’m Transformed”. That is a Huge one for me this year.I really want to engraft more scripture into my heart and mind. My husband has done an unbelievable job of doing this in his life and I have seen the difference it has made. My children who have done this have a very close walk with the Lord.As for more practical things..Exercise and diet of course but not to gain weight but to lose it.He does make all things “New” for us if we will allow him.

Bethany Hudson December 30, 2011 - 7:23 pm

You took the words right out of my mouth! This is my hope and prayer for the coming year.

Miranda December 30, 2011 - 8:30 pm

Oh I LOVE LOVE LOVE the new year. I re-focus on our vision as a family and make changes where needed. My hopes go a little higher, I love it!

In the Nursery of the Nation December 30, 2011 - 11:08 pm

Such an edifying post, thank you 🙂

I love setting new goals for the new year and I have many. I am reading through the Bible in 90 Days again, want to learn more about essential oils, and spend more time serving in nursing homes as a family.

Charity December 31, 2011 - 12:17 am

Kelly, I have remained a faithful reader (while nursing the baby 😉 but haven’t had much of a chance to leave a comment in quite a while now. Your writing continues to be tool that God is using in my life, and your family remains in our sincere prayers.

This post literally made me tear up because I feel downright fearful at the thought of a new year. These four littles that God has blessed us with are such a delight to me and my husband, yet I have battled so much fear and guilt, really since the end of this past pregnancy. Fear that I am doing everything wrong with the children, from the way I care for them physically, to answering all their questions right, to wondering how on earth I’m going to homeschool them. Our oldest will be turning six in about a month and I feel like I’m behind because I’ve never really sat down to teach her anything, no curriculum has been purchased, etc. I battle guilt because I have little one on one time with them and I’m afraid they won’t remember how special I think they are or how much I love them. My husband works long hours and it takes all my time and energy to keep everyone cared for and the house half clean.

I echo your prayer for the new year and remind myself that God doesn’t give us the spirit of fear.

Mrs. June Fuentes December 31, 2011 - 9:07 am

Lovely ! Happy New Year to your family!

Many blessings…

Cathy December 31, 2011 - 9:45 pm

As I wrote on FB, God’s mercies are new every morning, so praise God, I can grab that truth w/gusto, and not have to wait for Jan 1 for everything to be new.

I can, though, still wish everyone a happy New Year!

Kelly L January 3, 2012 - 12:33 pm

Wonderful! Can I just steal yours?!

Kim January 5, 2012 - 3:17 pm

Loved this blog post because it is and has been a goal of mine to walk by the Spirit and not by the flesh…when I stop what I’m doing (or about to do…be angry, say unkind words, clench my teeth!) and breathe those powerful words to walk by the Spirit and believe it, I can trust that God will help me each hour to deny my flesh. After 10 years of being a Christian, I was naive enough to think I would’ve gotten this by now! Thanks for your blog Kelly!

Charity, praying for you dear sister! I share many of the same sentiments and feelings you wrote about toward my own children. And what I think they want most of all is us! Our love for them whether we have fancy curriculum or fancy homes or fancy food or fancy gadgets or toys! Give them whatever you have and God will fill in the rest! 🙂


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