Just wanted to send a quick note out to say “thank you” for all your sweet well-wishes and thoughts on the birth of our son, Jax. I have savored each one.
(Thank you, Kathy, for the beautiful blanket–I think it becomes him!)
The birth went very well (I may share more details a little later if anyone cares to hear), though about an hour later, I began to hemorrhage and for the first time ever, I thought I was dying. My blood pressure dropped to 60/30 and I felt like I was fading away…very scary. So because of the intense uterine massage I had to have (by 3 nurses at one time), I am extremely sore and experiencing unusual levels of pain compared to my typical deliveries. But we are rejoicing that the Lord kept me here and I’m so thankful to be on this side of delivery, cuddling this sweet little (“little” being a relative term 😉 ) boy in my arms.
I cannot begin to thank you all for your prayers, love and concern you have expressed to me through these last few weeks. There were days when the knowledge of your prayers were all-sustaining as I battled with fear and a host of other challenges, waiting on this little fellow to arrive. I am so grateful for you all.
As a fun side note, throughout my pregnancy my husband joked about “how fun it would be to have a male version of Mallie”. Take a look at these photos:
I’m so glad you’re ok.
I had the same thing happen after my second child was born, except for some reason the docs never discovered, I didn’t start hemorraghing until 2 weeks after the delivery. I was at home when it happened, and it is definitely a scary experience.
Glad that your waiting is over and you have a healthy baby boy!
Oh how adorable! So sorry you had a hard time there at the end. Be sure to rest extra long and build back that blood you lost. I used a liquid; Floridix plus iron and herbs for a month or more after a hemorrhage before. Also Chlorapyll is full of minerals, but get the one with a touch of mint. Sorry, talking midwife.
He’s so sweet and sure does look like the sibling in the picture! God bless and thanks for sharing your experience and how God saw you through and blessed you.
Hi Pam! Good advice! I would add…the midwife in me talking here too… it would be so advantageous for you to drink red raspberry leaf tea daily (it’s not bad with a touch of honey) for a while..it is wonderful to help the uterus regain good tone! 🙂
Julie-Anne in Northern Canada
Thank God for miracles!
Oh Kelly, that is so scary! My blood pressure plummeted with my last epidural and it was a terrifying experience. I woke up to a host of nurses and doctors/anesthesiologists trying to get me back. So scary.. These are the very things that took our foremothers. Thank you Jesus for allowing us to be born in this generation of modern medicine.
He is so beautiful and he does look EXACTLY like your Mallie!! Can’t wait to hear your labor story.. you know we all want to! That’s what we women do. 😉 Plus, I’m anxious to know if you tried to go natural again. I’m scared of epidurals after my last episode, but I’m scared of natural, too. We’ll see..
When I say “these are the things that took our foremothers”, I’m obviously not talking about the epidurals… LOL! I meant the hemmoraging. So scary. Do they have any idea what caused it (if it’s not too personal, of course)?
Congratulations having Jax as the new addition to your lovely family!
I’m sorry to hear that you experienced some complications after labor. I pray that you will soon recover from your pain. I’m also thankful that you made it out of delivery in “one-piece!” Whew! I’m sure that was a scary experience for you!
Anyway, take care Mrs. Kelly. Get some rest, and enjoy your new bundle of joy. 🙂
I thought it the same baby!
Sorry to hear about the hemoraging (spelling>>>hmmm.)
I was doing that after my last birth. Glad you are still here! Praise the Lord!
Congratulations, Kelly! Jax is adorable! I am so sorry you had such a scary experience. I am glad that the nurses were able to get the situation under control and I will be praying for a quick recovery. We are in the “any day now” waiting phase and it is sure the toughest stage!
Praise God for new life!
In Christ, Laura
I am so thankful you are well! I almost died from a miscarriage, though I didn’t know until after the D&C. It was scary when it hit me. Your baby is adorable! Enjoy!
Thank God for modern medicine indeed. It’s amazing how much Jax looks like Mallie!
Kelly, I respect your choice about no birth control, but please be careful and take care of yourself.
Thank You, Lord, for your hand of protection. We praise You for keeping Kelly and Jax safe.
Yes! Amen! Praise be to God!!! Prayers and rejoicing continue Kelly. Red Raspberry Leaf Tea will help the uterus contract better. Bulk Herb Store sells one with Peppermint in it that’s really tasty. Take it easy for an extra while. Hate to sound bossy, I just care! 😉
Such a looker, that little man! Thanks for showing us your look-alikes. I have found that the older sibling that has a new little look-alike finds it pretty special indeed! And how fun for your husband too!
{{{Gentle hugs}}}
congrats, Kelly…:)
He is so sweet! Praising the Lord that He had you where you needed to be to survive that scary aftermath! He is so good to us, it becomes especially clear when we have listened to Him and find out the WHYs to His answers!
Kelly! He’s so precious! So glad that you are o.k. now! My blood pressure dipped really low with my last baby from the epidural. I’m nervous with this one…risk the epidural or risk the intense pain? So happy that you finally get to hold him! Blessings and hugs!
YEAH! My computer was down for a few days and look what happens! So happy for you. I get the whole blood pressure thing, not a cool experience. so glad you are still here! You look simply beautiful in the pictures of you, baby and hubby! Rest up, girly, rest up!!
Soak up the moments, you don’t know if you will be blessed again like this. Not that you are probably thinking on that right now, lol, just speaking from someone who would LOVE another blessing as the years go by.
Love you, dear friend.
Relentlessly Pursuing,
Oh sorry to hear about the hemorrhage. My 6th was born at home before we made it to the hospital. We just happened to call the EMS to have her checked. We were both fine. They took us to the hospital when I started to bleed very heavily!! My blood pressure was really low and I was so out of it. I could not even sit up without fainting. It was such a strange experience. It took awhile to feel better. Congratulations.. glad you are better! Yes, we do want to hear the whole birth story!! 🙂
Praise the Lord that he sustained you and carried you thru. He is beautiful! I’ll be looking forward to hearing your birth story when you feel like it. Rest up and enjoy this time. You deserve it! God bless.
Yikes! I’m glad you’re ok. Rest up and take care of yourself!
He is so precious, Kelly! So happy for you! So sorry to hear about the hemoraging. Thankful all is well. I am actually having contractions and at the midwife today was 3 could have stretched to a 4, so we are in high expectation around here. Blessings, friend! And YES, do share the whole labor story!
Congratulations and many blessing to your whole family, Kelly! Thanks to God for skilled physicians and nurses.
I thought Jax looked like Mallie from the first picture you posted, so I was thrilled to see the comparison! How fun!
He is so adorable, and I am so glad you are o.k!! Thank you for posting the new pictures of him on the blanket. And yes, I’d love to hear your birth story too. 🙂 But only when you are rested…
PRAISE THE LORD for protecting you, Kelly! Our family loves the pictures of Jax…….the LORD has been oh so good to you!! Rejoicing with you!!!
I agree with the other ladies….rest now.
What a beautiful baby boy! I praise God for His protective hand over you, and my prayer for you is that God would pour out his renewing over your mind, body, and spirit over the days to come. Relish in every moment!
May the Lord bless your little one with an excellent spirit! He answered your husbands prayers about a boy version of Mallie! I will keep praying for continued healing and all that goes with nursing a little one and taking care of the others at the same time!
Oh what a joy! And you didn’t make the world record for longest pregnancy! :o) Hee hee. I am so glad that he is out now, and he is just adorable! I can not wait to hear the birth story once you are feeling well. I’ll continue to pray for your health as you recover. Blessings to you and your family dear sister!
Jax is so handsome! And wow does he ever looks like his big sister Mallie! Precious! 🙂
So thankful for God’s protection over you. I will continue to pray for you as you *rest* and recover.
Any labor pangs for you yet, Charity? Praying for you too!
Kelly, I’m so glad you are alive and well after that…makes me re-think wanting a home birth in the future. Our other 3 have all been hospital births, the last one with a midwife from our local birth center. I liked the last one best b/c we were able to do pretty much whatever we wanted because the midwife was super relaxed, but the safety of the hospital staff was there too. Hmm…anyway, looking forward to hearing the whole story!
Wow Heather! Thank you so much for your prayers!! I have had some contractions off and on, but nothing consistent. Today would put me at a week “overdue”. This whole pregnancy the drs have said the baby was large or I was further along because I have measured ahead the whole time, so we’re thinking another large baby. At my check-up last week I was at 3cm, so at least the inconsistent contractions are doing something. 😉 I have a check-up today and unfortunately these drs are very pushy for induction (they started asking when I wanted to induced when I hit 37 weeks, for no medical reason! huh??), but we feel strongly like we should wait for the baby to come on its own. Drinking my red raspberry leaf tea, and trying to push the “overdue” thought from my mind. There has never been an “overdue” or “early” baby with God’s timetable, so we’ll keep trusting Him!
Thanks ever so much for your prayers!
I so dislike pushy medical personnel, it is so irritating that many of them only care about their schedules and plans and totally disregard the best for the baby…
I just read this article yesterday from Parental Rights and was so disturbed by it. http://us1.campaign-archive2.com/?u=00f9e4541df7da80194807124&id=7186e8cb09
I’ll continue to uplift you Charity as you await God’s perfect timing for your new darling!
Yikes! That article is so scary! And all over being *slightly* jaundiced?! Won’t a little sunshine and a few good ol’ dirty diapers take care of that?
I just found out that I tested positive for GBS this time around, yet I never did in my other three pregnancies. (And I’m scartching my head as to why I was just now told.) Of course I am told that I will need to be on antibiotics while in labor. I am highly allergic to penicillins so they will “try” an alternate drug. The more we have researched this (the antibiotics in labor) the more uncomfortable we feel about it. (They can totally wipe out yours and baby’s good bacteria, leaving you both with very low immunities and skyrocketing your chances of having yeast/thrush infections!) I am doing a natural remedy right now praying that the Lord will give us peace, and that we won’t have pushy medical staff to deal with when birthing time comes.
Don’t worry too much about the GBS. I too tested positive with my last pregnancy. I had the antibiotic during labor. Neither my baby or I suffered from it. We both have strong immune systems. He has never been sick (besides the slight runny nose). He is a year and a half now. I think the problems that could be caused by NOT having the antibiotic sound scarier to me than a lowered immune system or a yeast or thrush infection. Continue to pray and do what you feel God leads you do to.
I will pray specifically that the Lord will be pleased to heal you before labor. I would not want the antibiotics either. My birth center midwife leaves it as an option to women whether they even want to be tested for GBS or not, and I opted out of it. It is very unlikely, from what I have read, for the baby to actually have problems associated with it. I am sure you have read a ton on it by now, and God will give you and hubby wisdom and grace.
Sweet, little chunky monkey! He does look JUST like his sister! So happy for you! Sounds like you had a tough time for a little while there. Congrats!
I knew something was a little off when I talked to Bria today. Was coming by but MJ called from work and the Dr. sent him home with Bronchitis. Didn’t want to bring it to my favorite “new little/big man”. So, I’ll call tomorrow. Such a sweet thing. You look great. Love ya.
Wow, they are alike! Although, I did think I saw a flash of resemblance to Ashton in the B&W picture, the second one. At any rate- he is beautiful!!
I am glad to hear you are well and sorry that you had a scare this time! I will continue to pray!
Soooo super glad that you are OK. That must have been very scary. The baby is adorable and It is shocking how much those two pictures look alike 🙂
He is a cutie patootie! I second the suggestions for taking liquid cholorophyl as well as alfalfa, alfalfa, alfalfa! Both of those will also give you thick, creamy milk (just like a Jersey cow:). I have had several very severe hemmoraghes and tried the prescription iron pills from the doctor and all sorts of other helps but alfalfa got my blood count back up very very quickly.
Jill Farris
he is beautiful!
Oh, my goodness, Kelly! How scary! A friend of mine had that happen with one of hers and, like you said, she could feel herself slipping away. That had to be SO scary! Thank you, Lord, for the medical help that was RIGHT there and saved this precious woman’s life!
I would LOVE to hear your birth story, see a video – whatever you’d like to share! I love birth!!!
Also, you TRULY did get the male version of Mallie, if there ever was one! WOW!!!
Take care of yourself and rest up, Mommy!
Congrats again! He’s a lovely baby. 🙂
Glad you are OK after that scare.
I thank the Lord that the quick action of your medical team was able to stop the bleeding! What a scary experience. I’m glad to hear that you are recovering now, and I hope your soreness will ease up soon. God bless!
I am so glad you are both doing well now. I hemorrhaged during my last birth but didn’t feel the effects till I was home. I was talking to my sister in law and my voice kept trailing off. She thought I was having a stoke but it was just the aftereffects of severe anemia. So, please take it easy. We all love you so much, precious Kelly, and you are in my prayers continually.
BTW, that is one beautiful baby. Congratulations !!
~ Belinda ~
So glad that you made it through o.k. God has answered prayers for his continual care again! Your little one is so precious. Take good care of yourself and your new little joy.
Just beautiful!!
BTW, I also experienced the hemorrhaging after my 10th was born. It was during the night, and I also had the nurses on both sides of me pressing with all their might. My hubby was 100 miles away at home with our other children, and I was so scared. They gave me a shot of Methergen(sp?), and it seemed to help.
That experience is what made my husband say that we were done having children. It scared him so badly. I would have loved more babies, but I also understood. We have been so blessed with our 10.
Do take it easy. That really takes a LOT out of you, and it makes your recovery time longer. Of course you have lots of help, so that is good!!
Our oldest is getting married next month, so I am looking forward to having a sweet grandbaby to hold sometime in the hopefully near future!! I can’t wait!!
So glad you are OK, Kelly — very scary! Are you sure those pictures aren’t the same baby?! My goodness he looks like your Mallie! What a cutie.
Please be sure to get a lot of rest and take care of yourself. Do you still have the extra help at home with your daughter’s friend Olivia? The ladies here have given you lots of good suggestions.
Thanks for the adorable pictures — congratulations again!
So happy for you! What a handsome boy!Praise God for His protection..rest as much as possible..your body has been through a lot!
We had our little girl on 4/1 so we will be babymooning together 🙂
Oh, Kelly, I am so relieved and thankful that God brought you safely through your hemorrhaging. Praise His holy name for His providential care!
About the side-by-side pictures of Mallie and Jax…WOW! For a second I thought they were the same baby! How fun!
Now you already know this, but REST UP, dear lady! Rest and snuggle and nurse and be nourished. Soak in God’s grace!
Continuing to pray for God’s healing touch as you recover.
Dear Kelly.. I was so thrilled to hear about your new arrival. What a beautiful, precious treasure! Children are SUCH a blessing! I’m sorry to hear of your difficult experience but grateful for the Lord’s hand upon your life. Thank you for sharing~ Prayers for blessings and wisdom as you continue your journey.
Thank y’all so much for the great suggestions and wishes…we are happily home (Jax just realized he wasn’t an only child ;-)) and I brought a gigantic bottle of Alfalfa home with me (upon all the recommendations from you and friends) to get this blood rebuilt. Thank you!
So glad that you’re home safe and sound. He’s precious!
Beautiful! Congrats to you and your family! What a blessing!
what beautiful photographs of your sweet little man 🙂
i echo what so many others have said… So thankful for modern medicine and that you are ok. what a scary situation!
many blessings as you get settled at home with Jax
[…] the last couple of weeks Olivia has been staying with a friend of ours who was due with her 9th child. She has had the opportunity to experience life in a house full of little ones with big needs! […]
I was following your blog while overdue, but just a couple of days! And then went into labor and delivered my little girl on April 4th! She was my largest baby, but ironically, I had the fastest labor & delivery.
So grateful you’re safe and sound and hope you are recovering well. I’d say that the resemblance to his sister is just uncanny. You all take beautiful photographs.
What a precious little man! He is absolutely hugable! Congratulations!
So thankful that you are okay and recovering. God’s mercies are truly great! Great is Thy faithfulness!
Cherish these beautiful “new baby” days. 🙂 You are on my heart and in my prayers.
Congratulations, such a beautiful baby.
Congratulations, your baby is beautiful. God has truly blessed your family.