I want to be more “sober-minded.” I really, really do.
“Wow, Kelly, that’s great. Who cares.”
I knew you’d want to hear more.
I usually don’t pay much attention to those verses about being sober. And if I’m not mistaking, the word sober in the Bible never refers to “not drunk”; it is always a reference to one’s character.
Have you ever met a woman who just had control over her spirit, in every way? She was not fearful, not boisterous, not crude, not overly-emotional—she wore an air of serenity about her, making even those around her feel calm.
That’s what I imagine it means to be sober, according to Scripture. In fact, the Greek meanings involved these two definitions:
“to exercise self control, to curb one’s passions”
Compiling all the different definitions of a virtuous woman from Scripture, we continuously get a picture of a calm, controlled woman. The Proverbs 31 woman is “clothed with dignity” and “opens her mouth with wisdom.”
The New Testament picture is a woman with a “meek and quiet spirit.” SPIRIT. This isn’t a picture of a mealy-mouthed woman who is insecure and bound by intimidation, like some would define her. This is a woman whose strength is her anchor, no matter what storms life brings her.
Isn’t it easy to just forget that Scripture actually defines what character qualities we should be cultivating? And not just for ourselves, but what we should be teaching the younger women and our daughters? I think it’s so interesting to compare the culture’s definition of a strong woman to the biblical one. How often are we bent on indulging our flaws under the culturally accepted guise of “this is who I am, like it or leave it“?
Or are we looking to what is the norm for measuring ourselves?
Do we glory in our unique, created personalities? Absolutely! But where our personalities give way to sin, I believe we are called to “take every thought captive.”
Furthermore, what do my fears and excessive worries say about my faith in Him who knows and provides for all my needs, the sovereign One “in whose book all the days were written when as yet there were none of them”?
What do my complaints and frustrations reveal about my heart? Am I basking in gratitude for the abundant blessings around me? Or am I a wandering child through wilderness, overlooking His miraculous protection and goodness?
Boy, I need to go and repent now.
I can only think of one way to be transformed, and that is by “the renewing of the mind.” Unfortunately, we are not magically transformed as believers. We are endowed with the power of the Holy Spirit to be transformed, but the work on our part is very real and active.
REnewing involves the act of over and over. This is important to remember!
It begins with a need to understand what the Bible says about how we should live, what traits we should be pursing. Then a daily meditation on, maybe a particular passage at a time, and a prayerful position that causes our minds to be constantly turned toward Heaven, even while our bodies are busy on earth.
It’s funny every time I think about it. Modern woman says that we have been weak throughout history. But I personally think it is rare to see a modern woman exhibit the kind of strength and nobility painted from God’s Word. I want to be that woman.