Home motherhood/family/parenting Summer Family Happenings at the Crawfords

Summer Family Happenings at the Crawfords

by Kelly Crawford

I thought I’d drop a personal post for those who like to peek in from time to time, and I like to document things for permanent journaling purposes too. We’re busy in a country life sort of way these days. With normal struggles, ups and downs, joys and difficulties. Here is a small vignette of our summer:

Bria (20) and Kyle continue to get to know each other and we are grateful to watch the Lord working in their lives. I love seeing their zeal for knowing Christ more as their relationship grows. There truly is no greater joy than to see your children walk in truth. Anticipating what the future holds brings its own distinct set of emotions and watching your children grow up is a bitter/sweet journey. What a joy, however, to see how God’s grace has covered her, to watch her grow in strength and beauty, and to get to witness her servant’s spirit lived out here while her zest for life splashes onto all of us. She is a work horse, both tough and delicate, strong and sensitive. She is goal-oriented and purpose-driven, spending much of her time studying, working, gardening, upcycling furniture, playing music and soaking up life. She is such a gift!

Ashton (15) is super busy these days. I love that he gets to work with his Dad some because he is learning so much that will benefit him later in life and also because they are growing closer. He spends much of his free time honing his gift of art and music, and has had a few paid portrait jobs this year. The Lord has grown him and I’m thankful to see him mature in so many ways. He plans to enroll this year in a 2-year program on-line to get his associate degree in graphic design. He’s faithfully saving money and praying about his life work.

Alexa (12) loves to work; man, this girl loves to work! She wanted a window seat, so she built it. She needed a bookshelf, so she built one. She and Bria are the muscle behind our garden too, and I’m inspired watching them. Alexa’s sweet spirit is a blessing to us all, and I am humbled by the gift of her. Quiet and yet remarkably wise and funny.

(Photograph of cat by Avi)

Avalee (10) is in between child and woman and I am trying to savor this short time with her. She is full of life, imagination and laughter. She loves baking and she has a special interest in fashion design and has learned a lot from tutorials on the Internet. She and her 3 older siblings also are committed to their study of music. Lately she has also taken an interest in photography and some of her shots are amazing. I’m eager to see how the Lord leads her and am so thankful for this fourth-born of mine who often leaves me sweet, heart-felt notes.

Brooks (9) is pretty amazing. At 9 years old, he has a purpose-driven passion: all things with an engine. This is him, a week ago, sitting for 2 solid hours watching youtube videos on “how to repair small engines.” Right afterwards, he went to work on a lawn mower that hasn’t been running for 6 months. He checked the spark plugs, took the carburetor apart, cleaned it, found a broken piece, got it ordered to replace, watched anxiously for the part to come in, put the part on, put the carburetor back together and…it ran. He was like a child on Christmas morning. He asked me to order him some business cards for his small engine repair business. 😉

(Photograph by Avi)

Mallie (8) is like sunshine in our home. She is made of kindness and it oozes.  Her imagination is as big as the moon and she inspires me to see joy in everything. After reading a book about worms at the library, she was fascinated and we watched some videos. Then I thought she needed a worm farm. Our worms came today! We are all pretty excited. I think we’ll try to sell them as bait, as well as harvest vermicompost for our garden. Who knows, maybe we’ll start to sell the worms for others to start worm farms soon. 

Kyla (6) is what I call our “full throttle” child. She keeps us laughing all the time and is both bold and sweet. She gets her words mixed up sometimes and says things like, “Mom! Mallie pulled her shirt up like a zucchini!” (Thinking of the word “bikini.”) I look at her sometimes and can’t wait to see the woman she becomes. But I’m also quite content to cherish the fleeting moments now.

(Photograph by Avi)

Ellia (4) is a joy. What can I say? She is so funny and expressive when she talks. She smiles constantly (except in this picture and when she’s mad at a sister) and loves nothing more than to play with her baby brother. She’s learning to read and is super excited about it. Usually my kids are a little older before they’re interested in reading.

(Photograph by Avi)

Jax (3) is such a fun age right now you would just have to hang out with him to know. I love this boy so! He is all boy, wide open, and delightfully loving.

And there’s Kaid (1)…snuggly, adorable, precious Kaid. We’re soaking him up.

Aaron and I, like any parents, are trying to remember to enjoy all the little things, in the midst of busy lives, and hold on to simplicity, remembering that building relationships which help us point our children to Christ, is our priority in life. We are not without struggles–believe me, even though I only hit happy highlights here. But we have lots to be grateful for and are just walking each day doing our best to hold on to the important stuff.

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Lorrie July 7, 2014 - 9:35 am

Love to see how your kids are developing according to God’s plan!
I was wondering if you would share what graphic design program your son is doing. I wonderif my daughter might like to do something like that. We are trying to seek the Lord about being led and not just doing the community home-school group thing.

Kelly Crawford July 7, 2014 - 10:04 am

Lorrie–we’re looking at the one through Penn Foster.

Kim M July 7, 2014 - 10:29 am

I am so glad you posted about your kids! They are all beautiful, and it’s neat to see how they are using their talents. I’m so excited for Bria!

Ginger July 7, 2014 - 11:43 am

I loved this! Would you be willing to add in their ages?

Kelly Crawford July 7, 2014 - 1:11 pm

Done 😉

Ruth Adams July 7, 2014 - 1:50 pm

Precious family! I really enjoy your blog and also enjoyed watching your session at the Washington Homeschool Conference over the computer. Thank you for the encouragement of your writing through the years.

Lisa Graham Pond July 7, 2014 - 2:34 pm

Love it! Love it! Love it! This is what it’s all about. Bringing our children up to love the Lord and allowing them to use the natural God-given talents that they have! 🙂 You have a beautiful family, Kelly.

Amy July 7, 2014 - 3:37 pm

Your family is beautiful. I can’t believe that Kaid is one already. It made me realize how quickly my daughter’s first birthday is coming (August 14). Where did the year go??!!

Lisa July 7, 2014 - 3:49 pm

How fun to read about your children! Isn’t it amazing how the Lord blesses each one uniquely with interests and talents? SDG!

Kelly Crawford July 7, 2014 - 4:44 pm

It really is amazing, Lisa, and I’ve also thought how perfectly God has shown us His creativity by the very different personalities and gifts of our children.

Homeschool on the Croft July 7, 2014 - 5:24 pm

How lovely to ‘meet’ your family, one by one. Our older three are 17, 19 and 21, and like you, it’s so exciting and humbling to see God work in their lives, and bring His plans to pass.
Anne x

Jennifer July 7, 2014 - 9:29 pm

Kelly, you make me want to have a whole farm full of children! Yours are just brilliant.

Kelly Crawford July 7, 2014 - 9:40 pm

Aw, Jen, that’s super sweet.

Charlotte Moore July 8, 2014 - 5:22 am

Such a sweet looking family. Your son is such a good artist. All of them seem very talented.

You all have been BLESSED!!!

Kelly July 8, 2014 - 11:45 am

Your children are beautiful Kelly! Thanks for sharing them with us!

Laura Santos July 8, 2014 - 12:34 pm

Just beautiful! Our Sophia, 13 started being the family photographer at 9 years old. Your Avi does such a wonderful job. All of your children…what beautiful fruit to feed a world!! Thanks for sharing.

Natalie July 8, 2014 - 2:34 pm

Beautiful!!! Having 4 sons, I have been in awe of how different each one is from the others. I praise God when I see his creativity in personality, appearance, and giftings, even within the same family. What an awesome God we serve!

tammy July 8, 2014 - 11:35 pm

Beautiful, beautiful family!! Thank you for sharin updates on your babes. So very precious!!

Amber July 9, 2014 - 1:53 am

This is especially precious to me being a mom of 5 children 7 and under.
We are definitely on the brink of learning each child and who they are. I love seeing how other families function and grow up and together. I’m looking forward to seeing how our family turns out!

Erin July 9, 2014 - 5:44 pm

The Lord used this post about the blessing of each of your children to really encourage me today. For many reasons, learning that we are expecting again has brought fear and anxiety rather than joy. I know I am wrong and that God’s timing is always perfect and reading how each one of your children blesses your family helped lessen the anxiety a bit. Thank you for sharing.

Kelly Crawford July 9, 2014 - 9:49 pm


To God be the glory for how He uses all things for the good of His people. What a sweet thing knowing you were encouraged in that way.

Claudia July 10, 2014 - 12:09 am

What a full-of-color-and-joy-post, Kelly! One of my favorites! Such a beautiful mosaic of God’s grace in your lives. I loved seeing and reading each unique personality! Thank you for sharing.

Kelly L July 10, 2014 - 3:52 pm

Beautiful. I love reading about your view of them. It shows such love and pride (not the bad kind) that I cannot imagine them growing up without a feeling of belonging and confidence in who they are to your family and who they are in Christ. Great job, again. 🙂

victoria July 10, 2014 - 8:04 pm

What a great family. Love seeing how their various talents just shine through and how you and your husband encourage them!


Lindsey July 12, 2014 - 10:54 pm

Your children are beautiful!!!

Lindsey July 12, 2014 - 10:59 pm

Also, I know you have often posted about non-book learning being a great education, and I clearly see through your children’s talents that’s working well for you all, but wondering specifics of how to do this. Example, say my son wanted to take pictures all day I’m not sure I would happily say yes as I would feel there are other things in the day to accomplish. Or letting my kids get on the internet…I’m super stingy with the internet and screen time in general. I just would really like more specifics if you ever get the chance. By the way, I think about you and your family often and your generosity.=)

Kelly Crawford July 14, 2014 - 8:08 pm


Sounds like a good post topic again. Stay tuned…

ohhappydaymama July 13, 2014 - 7:16 pm

I think this is my favorite post of yours! What a work of art your growing family is!

Kelly Crawford July 13, 2014 - 9:59 pm

Aw, thank you!

How We Do Relaxed Homeschooling: Life is Our Classroom | July 15, 2014 - 8:19 am

[…] commented on “Summer Family Happenings at the Crawfords” and asked a question I thought I would answer in a post. Here is her question: “I know […]

Mrs. B July 15, 2014 - 11:03 am

Kelly! It’s such a blessing to see ya’ll doing so well up there! Such a beautiful family and such wonderful happenings! May God bless the Crawford family as they continue to cherish each other!

6 arrows August 3, 2014 - 7:13 pm

Thanks for the glimpse into your summer! Lovely post.

(BTW, my 10-year-old son is a motorhead like your Brooks.) 😉 Two of his favorite things to do are to go to YouTube to watch videos that come up after he types in “car cold start” — check it out! — and drawing elaborate pictures of vehicle instrument panels — speedometers, tachometers, fuel gauges, all that fun stuff. 🙂

Enjoy the rest of your summer making precious memories!

Jen September 7, 2015 - 8:27 am

Love you all! Hugs!!! Jen

Motherdearest August 4, 2016 - 1:59 pm

Kelly, your little ones are treasures. I pray that God will make it possible for us to have more children. Baby number 4 is 27 weeks old and the animosity from onlookers is beginning to surface.


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