It is hard to believe I’m writing to tell you that our home was hit by another storm yesterday afternoon. (For new readers, we lost our home to a tornado in 2011.) With no expectations of bad weather, my husband called, on his way home, to say that there were high winds in our area and he was having difficulty driving. He wanted to make sure none of the kids were outside playing, but there was no threat of tornadoes.
I double checked the weather, saw no tornado warnings, but as the wind is worse now since the last tornado destroyed all our trees, we usually feel safer in the basement during high winds. As we went downstairs, we saw our trampoline and other yard toys blow away out the back window.
We quickly made our way into the interior room and seconds later, it was almost like reliving the tornado over again, only this time, with the added terror of not knowing if my husband could make it home, believing, at one point, that I would never see him again. Our ears popped as before, and things started to crash from above. Of course the children were panicking, and I’m sorry to say I did as well. If a person can die of fear, I felt certain I would.
When I got the nerve to open the door to the room we were in, I saw that the back doors of our basement had been sucked off the hinges, just as before, and I could see a pile of debris in our backyard–what I assumed was most of our upstairs again.
Finally I heard Aaron come home, his unbelieving face to all of us, huddled on the floor, sobbing. When we went up, we found that we had lost the front porch and a good portion of the roof, and there was lots of water coming in, but we had a house!
Our church, friends and neighbors poured in and helped us get the roof covered and dry, and today, we begin the process of rebuilding. So thankful for the love, always there and kicked into overdrive, when we most need it. They comforted, hugged, prayed and distracted the children in the midst of the chaos. And brought food of course.
Please pray for us for wisdom and for emotional peace and calm as we walk through these next days.
I am so very grateful to the Lord for protecting us again, and my husband, and I believe He is always working things for our good. We are well-cared for and have no needs at this time except that you would cover us in prayer. Thank you so much!
Oh, {{{Kelly}}}. I’ll be keeping all of you in my prayers. I am so thankful you are all safe. How scary that must have been for you and the children to be home during all that without Aaron, and for him to be apart from all of you and struggling to get home. What an awesome Protector we have in the Lord; He has His eyes on all of us, wherever we are, in whatever we are doing.
May God bless you with the peace that passes all understanding. Give my love to the family, Kelly.
Oh my! So thankful for the Lord’s protection and the blessings of all your helpers.
Oh, Kelly! How strange a time of year to have winds like that! Hugs and prayers coming your way…and while it’s terrifying, just remember that the same destructive power that is in the wind, is also the power of God…It is He that creates the wind and its strength…and you and your family have learned of HIS power in ways that few others know it…thrice now you have witness (with terror), how all-powerful HE is…must be life-altering…
Thinking of you all…..thanking God that it wasn’t worse. God has kept you all safe – something to be very thankful for! Praying for peace for you and each of your precious children.
Speechless. Absolutely speechless. Will be covering all of you in prayer–wisdom, strength, peace, trust in The Lord. (((Love you)))
Wow, Kelly! I’m so so sorry you and your family had to go through that (again!). How horrifying. I know I often get very freaked out about high winds around here (we’re in Western PA) and tornado warnings. We’ve been very lucky so far to not have had any major damage from them. Although our cars were pelted so hard in a hail storm shortly after we moved here that we had to take them into a shop for repairs from the massive hail that damaged them leaving dents all over the body of both of them. I was thankful we weren’t actually in the vehicles when the hail hit. God is so good, even in the midst of HIS power through storms of this nature. So glad you and your family are safe and particularly your husband since he was out driving in it. Be blessed my friend… 🙂
where at in Western PA?
I know all too well the fury and ferociousness of tornadoes/high winds. I have moved out of my beloved Dixie Tornado Alley; however, 40 years of running to a storm shelter lives on forever in my memories. God bless you and I’ll most humbly be praying for Heavenly peace that comes in the midst of any natural/supernatural storm.
Kelly, here is a song I was singing just yesterday that I love, as it has brought me great peace when in the midst of fearful circumstances: “First Song of Isaiah”, based on Isaiah 12:2-6. “Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the Lord Jehovah is my strength and my song; he also is become my salvation…”
Blessings to you.
Oh my goodness, Kelly! Bless your heart! Those storms were so scary when they passed through here (MS) yesterday that I have no doubt they turned tornadic. Praying for all of you. {And *please* don’t beat yourself up for panicking! After all you’ve been through, it would probably have been weird not to panic in the heat of the moment.}
So scary! Will pray. Thankful there were no injuries and loss of property was less. Let’s pray this is the last tornado your family ever experiences!
Lol whoops, mistyped my own name
My prayers are with you all! I am so sorry.
I’d find who ever nailed that porch on and give them what for. Oh wait…….oops.
Last night I laid in bed for a good hour thinking to myself in a Brian Regan voice, “Did I use rim shank nails or decking nails to attach that porch?”
I guess we know what Alex is doing this weekend…
This gave me a chuckle.
You’re crazy Alex 😉 Your excellent work was no match for this wind.
I’m so sorry you all had to face that again, but am so thankful that things weren’t any worse. Praying for you and your family. 🙂
Praying for ya’ll! I didn’t realize the storms were that bad yesterday, but we must’ve just gotten a small part. So sorry!
Oh, Kelly. A big hug and many prayers from California (where the wind never blows). Praise God for your protection.
I am so sorry! Our family is now praying for yours. May God grant you peace, wisdom, and use this time to reach out to others.
We had storms suddenly come baring do down on us yesterday (central AL). I sent the kids downstairs to the basement while I checked the weather. There is a lot of debris to clean up outside, but no damage to the house. Thank you, God!
Wow. Double Wow. Blessings on all of you. I’m so glad you’re safe. What a thing.
Oh Kelly, we will be praying for you. What a testimony you are to God’s goodness and faithfulness in times of trial. So thankful your family is safe <3. Love you dear friend.
Oh goodness…I am just in tears, Kelly! I’m so sorry! What a wonderful example of faithfulness and trust you are. I’m so thankful your husband and family are safe.
Blessings to you all…please let us know if you need anything!
Mrs. Sarah Coller
We are so sorry. Our prayers are with you and your family.
God bless you guys and hold you close to His heart.
How terrifying that must have been. Thank God you are all okay! Praying for you all and hoping the repairs go smoothly.
Thank Christ for saving both your husband and the home!
Oh Wow! Kelly, we are praying for you! We’ll post this to The Provision Room and ask our readers to pray as well!
Strength and grace in the days to come!!! And peace for everyone’s hearts and battered nerves!!!!
Praying for a quick rebuilding of peace and home.
How scary that must have been! I can’t decide if going through it before would help you or make it even more frightening. I’m sorry to hear that more damage occurred to your home, but thankful to hear you have loving friends at the ready to help you rebuild. Thanks be to God for keeping you all safe and together. I will pray for continued safety for your family and home.
Unbelievable! I will be praying for your family. Thankful that all of you were safe!
Oh my! So sorry to hear about this! We’ll be praying for all of you.
Oh my goodness, I am so sorry. Praying for you all.
Oh, I am so sorry. I am also so very thankful that you all are safe and your house is still there! How awful to be apart from your husband at such a terrifying time. My prayers are with all of you.
Oh, I am so sorry. Our prayers are with your family as you recover from the damage.
Praying, sweet friend. So glad no one was hurt.
I am so very sorry. Praying for wisdom, discernment and guidance as He fills your family with peace that passes all understanding. The joy of the Lord is your strength, as you well know, living it for so many years.
Oh Kelly … I can hardly believe what I’m reading. SO thankful you are all safe and well. Praying that God would give you that comfort than none of us can give, and that peace that passeth understanding.
My friend….I am praying. Praising the LORD that you are safe. I agree in prayer with Homeschool on the Croft that the LORD would comfort you and give you a peace that passes all understanding. ((hug))
Oh wow! I’m so glad you’re all safe. Our prayers are with your family.
I don’t even have words!! You are right, though–even when we don’t understand, God does work all things for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. He always holds you in His mighty hand!!! Praying for your sweet family!
PRAISE the LORD your family was protected and you still have a home. I can’t fathom how you all felt knowing what happened in 2011. MAy GOD grant peace and contentment to your family.
Was thinking of you as we read Psalm 91 together this morning. While I’m so thankful things were not worse, I’m sorry that you had to go through such a terrifying moment again. Praying for your family…
I appreciate so much, all your words of comfort, promises of prayer and thoughtfulness of our family.
I would answer you individually if I had the time (I’m nursing a few sick ones too.)
It’s a very loud day in my house 😉 with all the hammering above, but so thankful that we have help getting a more permanent dried-in state until the insurance adjuster can come. There was lots of damage in our county so they are unsure when they can get to us. No one was killed that we have heard, praise the Lord.
We don’t know the “why’s” and I’m sure many of you have been through (or are going through) trials you don’t understand. But though we don’t know why, we hold on to the hand of the One who does. And there is perfect peace in that. The Lord gives and the Lord takes away. God has fore-ordained whatsoever comes to pass.
Some of you are struggling through much more difficult things than a damaged roof and a renewal of bad memories. I pray, pray, pray, you will be comforted with truth and rest in His sovereignty.
I know why. This is God’s message to you to buy house insurance. If you can’t afford it, send your children to school where they can get an actual education and use your “evil” degree to make money. Then, you won’t need food stretching tips like watering down milk.
Maybe you should read Kelly’s comment, dear person so sad you have to make up stuff to attack her over.
A bit jealous, are we?
LOL! Really, Really? A “real education” like you have, who just proved you either can’t read or comprehend simple English?
And you probably wouldn’t oppose Kelly’s “milk-stretching” either if you knew what thick, creamy cow’s milk is like–geesh…can you not find anything real to get upset about?
Wow, way to be a troll when a family has been through so much. Pfft.
And, troll, didn’t you see in comment #39 that they are waiting for the insurance adjuster?
So thankful no one was injured and we are praying for all of you.
Dear Kelly~ We are praying! We are in shock.
Some of the extreme trials I have been going through don’t seem to end. They just keep going on and on or changing a bit, but they are still there. Through it all I have been growing closer to the Lord and have begun to say with Paul, “To live is Christ.” I know the same Spirit is working in you and your family and will be faithful to complete it.
God bless you. I hope you will let your readers know if there is any other way we can help. You all are in our hearts.
Dear Kelly,
My first thought was: Oh no, not again! Unbelievable! I almost burst into tears when I read this post.
But then again, God tells us:
“…I will shew (you) how great things (you) must suffer for my name’s sake.” (Acts 9:16)
Suffer? Oh no…
Maybe a child can only gain in love and understanding while suffering the loving punishment of the Fatherly Hand every now and then. Tough love…
Kelly we will be praying!!! We have had no power and my son got a text from his cousin that yall had damage and to be honest, I told him “No way. That couldn’t have happened…he must be mistaken”
Now we have power and I’m checking my favorite blogs and see that he was RIGHT! Oh my….
I am not too far from you if you need ANYTHING.
Kelly….wow! So thankful you are all safe and that God protected your husband. We’ll be praying for you all as you rebuild. How are you feeling pregnancy wise? Well, I hope! 🙂
Candace–I’m big and tired 😉 But feeling good. I did have the fear that my enormous burst of adrenaline/terror/grief would do something really bad to the baby, but of course, I can’t entertain that fear. I can only trust that God’s protection was over him too.
Dear Kelly, I am so sorry this has happened again. I praise God you all are/were safe. Our life is hid with Christ on high, with Christ our saviour and our God!! Praying for you.
You have me in tears. I am so thankful to hear you are all safe, husband included! Praise God.
Praying for you all as you rebuild and recover emotionally!
I CAN NOT believe this! I’m so sorry you have this story to tell, and I’m so glad that everyone is fine. We will keep your family in our prayers. I can’t even imagine how terrified I would be. Prayers for peace, courage and complete coverage from the insurance company. Hugs!
I cannot imagine what that must have been like for you and your family. Praise God for His blessing of protection over all of you.
so sorry. I said a prayer for you.
Kelly, a little funny for you…
My Willis determined (after we talked about your family and this second tragedy) that you should just leave there and come here! To which James quickly said there is NO room! You have seen my house friend and just know that your crew is welcome to pile in any day! Hugs from Alabaster and prayers for your family and your little kiddos that have to be just the most brave little troopers we know!
Bless your hearts! I’m so sorry for the aggravation and stress. Thank God for His protective hand over you and your family. We’ll be remembering you all in prayer.
Oh goodness, Kelly. I am so sorry. Our family’s prayers are with you guys. I remember the last storm. I had just started reading your blog around that time. Living in tornado alley, these types of storms are very familiar to me and I take them very seriously. We had winds that had me VERY concerned about a week ago. Thankfully it only took out our electricity and the lightning that went with it zapped some electronics in our home. So scary, and worse that your husband wasn’t there as that source of strength for you guys.
So sorry to hear about your home- but thankful for the Lord’s hand of protection over your family.
Will keep you in prayer.
HIS grace is greater.
So thankful you all are ok. Praying for you and family and neighbors.
So thankful you are all safe and that the damage isn’t any worse than it is. I thought I was misreading it at first–these things don’t happen twice to one family, do they? I guess so! But, as always, you’re the one encouraging us! I pray for God’s amazing grace to be on each one of you and all your helpers during this time of rebuilding. God’s using it to accomplish His purposes and just think of all the things your children are learning thru this. I think maybe God is preparing them for something very special someday, and they will be ready for whatever it is. Love you so much even though we’ve never met. You are a sister and my heart is with you.
Summer–we didn’t think so either 😉 Thank you so much!
[…] our family has trials too, beyond reliving the terror and losing part of our house for the second time in two […]
I will pray for your family. God has a purpose and a plan for your family. You are a real encouragement to me and I am sure to so many others. May God bless your family.
I just read through someone’s comments that you are expecting. How did I miss that?! I follow your posts regularly. Congratulations!
I’m so sorry that yall are dealing with this nightmare all over again. I am glad that the physical damage was minimal in comparison to last time. I will be praying for you and your family.
What you need to do is move to the mountains. We don’t get tornadoes here. I hate that this happened, but I’m very glad it wasn’t worse!
Kelly –
So sorry to hear you were struck once again with something of this magnitude. I can’t imagine how you felt during this 2nd storm, or the stress of having to “fix-it” yet again. I am happy to hear that you & your family are all ok. We will be praying for you all….
Hi, Kelly and Family,
I’ve often thought about you and your family ever since the last devastating storm that you all went through in 2011. Many times when looking at the weather, I see that a lot of the big storms come right through the Birmingham area, some of them with purple showing on the radar! So I wondered, but also prayed, then that the Lord would protect you from any more storms such as those.
So then when I saw this email come through about you all being hit again, it saddened my heart. But after reading how the Lord has upheld you through it all, and also blessed you beyond belief, I see and agree with that, yes, suffering is a part of life, and especially that of true believers. Though we may not always understand it, the storms of life are there for the reason of refining our hearts and helping us to trust Him no matter what. Thank you so much for your example of this and for the Biblical encouragement to see trials and suffering as good for us!
I wanted to share this little bit of info that I just learned about myself…. you might have heard it already, but here it is anyway…
“Did you know that an eagle knows when a storm is
approaching long before it breaks? The eagle will fly
to some high spot and wait for the winds to come.
When the storm hits, it sets its wings so that the
wind will pick it up and lift it above the storm.
While the storm rages below, the eagle is soaring
above it.
The eagle does not escape the storm. It simply uses
the storm to lift it higher. It rises on the winds
that bring the storm.”
Isn’t that amazing?! So the verse from Isaiah becomes so much more real and understandable when learning about the eagles that God created….
Isaiah 40:31 (KJV)
“31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.”
May He continue to be your comfort and sustenance during this time of trial and blessing!
By His Grace, Pam
Thank you SO much for your encouragement and that bit of amazing trivia. It really does give the verse a whole new meaning and a very specific one for me! I appreciate that!
Hi, Kelly,
I am grateful that you were encouraged… I must confess though, and much to my chagrin, that I did not research this information enough in order to find out if all of those facts were true. I think I hoped with my wishful thinking that, how awesome is this, that the eagle would do such a thing, and set a picture of how that verse can really be applicable to the “storms of life”. I am so sorry to say that though, yes, the eagle does fly very high, and he does get lift from the winds, even strong winds, in order to soar for a distance and also to gain height, there may not be much more truth to it than that. Please forgive me for not researching this further before I sent it through.
I still see this verse as one of immense encouragement, especially when in the midst of a trial; to remember that, as you have said, when we are walking in obedience and keeping our eyes and hearts focused on Jesus, we will soar like eagles, we will run and not grow weary, and we will walk and not faint. Because though those trials may be for the testing of our faith, and to learn total and utter dependence on God, it becomes all about how we respond to those trials; will it be in trust, or in despair?
Hoping and praying that your days are filled with encouragement from God’s Word and also with His blessings as you seek to obey and honor Him.
Thank you so much for the scripture songs cd also. We have thoroughly enjoyed it and have learned much scripture because of it! Are you thinking about doing another one? (In all of your “spare” time?) 🙂
1 Peter 1:7 (KJV)
“7 That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ:”
Blessings, Pam
[…] God wasn’t done. Two weeks ago, when we relived what seemed like another tornado tearing our upstairs apart, it turned out to be our roof and porch–traumatic enough having […]
[…] Storm Strikes Again–2013 […]
[…] Storm Strikes Again–2013 […]