In the third (and possibly last) of the series on serving, I can’t fail to talk about the most obvious–our home and family. And because it’s the most obvious, it’s the most overlooked.
If Jesus said that serving was the most important human act and will receive a great reward, how can service to our family–the ones He put in front of us–not be of extreme importance?
How is it that we actually serve our family?
Thinking back over the last few posts, I mentioned verbal encouragement, the ministry of prayer, being a listening ear, and helping physically where needed. We serve our families in all those ways too!
And even our chores are serving. Preparing yummy food–a tremendous act of love and service. (Be sure, I am for delegating chores, so I don’t mean mom does all the chores in the name of serving!) And as we delegate, we teach (at least tell) our children to serve with joy. Yesterday one of my children told the younger one when he said, “I did do my chore!”…”Yeah, but you were complaining so you lost your reward.” (LOL) I have been reminded how important it is for me to watch my grumbling about chores. To find the gratitude. (Dirty dishes means plenty to eat!)
The difference–the hardest part here, is that the familiarity and routine tempt us to be less willing or cheerful to serve at home. We approach it often as drudgery because it’s daily and can become rote and tiring. And also because we may not receive the same gratitude from children and a husband as we do our other neighbors. But a reminder that we are to do all things to the glory of God (“whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do…”), whether we receive earthly notice or not, and that He sees, can shift our perspective.
Serve your family through…
-Smiling at them.
-Praying for and with them.
-Giving Scripture to them. (Leaving notes with Scripture, or sending a text to encourage them is a great act of service.)
-Taking joy in feeding them. And make sure they know.
-Helping them.
-Hugging them.
-Striving to create a peaceful and comfortable place for them.
Serving our family with intention and joy is not less than doing anything else. In fact, I believe it’s more.
Same Scripture put to music, NEW LOOK!
Click HERE to listen now or learn more!
A friend just referred me to your site. I am a mother of 9, and have found your writing so inspiring and encouraging. With regards to this post on serving, I just posted on my facebook what our home uses to encourage giving and receiving Jesus. God bless you and your beautiful family!
We have these words framed on our wall in our home, as a simple reminder of the One who fills our every need, and encouragement to serve one another in love. I like that when we get up in the morning, it’s a reminder of our baptisms, when we were first given Jesus. It’s that gift that keeps giving, and it’s new every morning. “Your mercies are new every morning” (Lamentations 3:22-23).
More on this from Deuteronomy 11:18-20…As God’s people, it’s almost like being as comfortable with living our faith as though it’s a first language. “Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.”
We had a family devotion about love for one another. These are a few ways we give/receive Jesus.
baptism reminders
speaking God’s Words to encourage, teach, and counsel
writing a note with a bible passage when someone needs encouragement (slipping notes into lunches, or leaving them on the bedside, emails, texts…)
Sometimes when I’m struggling with something, I ask Dan, “Can you tell me what you think Jesus would say to me if you were him.” He thinks about God’s words and tells me.
giving hugs
bringing one another to Jesus in prayer
framed wall art with pics of Jesus, bible passages, crosses, baptism certificates
using the law when we fail
using the gospel to uplift
working hard
“Use your/His words” “Keep your/His words” (two post-it notes on our mirror – a simple marriage reminder on communicating)
“Grace” (another post-it next to the previous ones – a reminder of the One who keeps all of his Word)
praying with/for someone who is sick
serving (lots of opportunities here)
being thankful
singing hymns
enjoying each other’s company
asking, “How was your day?”, because you really want to know.
going to worship together
Hope (4) says to just about everyone, as they leave our house. “Bye! I love you! Have a good day!”
smiling and laughing
reading God’s Word to one another
being kind, compassionate, and forgiving
saying… “I love you”, “Jesus loves you”
the list goes on…
I’m so glad you dropped by and commented! I LOVE your list. So much. Feel free to browse the site. I’ve been blogging since 2007 so there’s a bunch to read.
I’ve been really enjoying your work! Thank you so much! It’s moved me to write a book.I’m adding one of your poems! If it gets published I’ll let you know! After 9 children, 3 with Jesus, and a near death brain injury, it was time to write…It’s meant to be a simple resource to get more of Jesus into the homes of busy families. God bless you and yours!