Home motherhood/family/parenting The Real Fight–For Our Children

The Real Fight–For Our Children

by Kelly Crawford

A state ruling in CA sent shock and fear through the hearts of homeschoolers in that state this week. And rightly so. In short, an appellate court ruled that only parents with credentials can home educate their children. The ruling is being appealed in the Supreme Court, and thankfully, Schwarzenegger vowed to do whatever he had to do to ensure parents’ right to homeschool.

In light of what John Taylor Gatto was saying in the recent youtube video I posted, it is unthinkable that a parent’s right to choose his child’s education could be threatened. It is a basic constitutional right in question.

And yet, the attack on homeschooling is understandable in every sense, when one understands the ulterior motive of the state–to engineer state-slaves.

If you don’t think that a socialistic current is running viciously underneath the public education system, you better wake up and smell the coffee.

Homeschooling dares to allow parents to raise children who think outside the box–the classroom box, the curriculum box, and the social box. It allows parents to transfer their values to their children–there’s a novel idea–and to be in control of their experiences, of what they’re reading, studying, hearing and seeing. And there are actually some of you–Christian parents, reading this right now and feeling uneasy. Because you have been told that a parent shouldn’t have so much control. And worse yet, you’re convinced that the government needs this control!

Homeschooling is a huge threat to the state’s tidy little program for mass-producing docile, compliant, socialistic citizens. (And all you public-school graduates who feel you did not conform to the state’s agenda–calm down…I am one too. Some of us slip through only partially brainwashed–but it’s the exception, not the rule. And we still must spend the rest of our lives unlearning our public school dogma to some degree.)

In the words of Voddie Baucham

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Mrs W March 10, 2008 - 8:25 am

I agree with what you have to say and feel it’s important to make sure we still can home school. However, I am heartily sick of getting a petition in my email for me to sign. Once you get about fifty a day you begin to be disinterested simply because you are sick of seeing it arrive.

yoshi3329 March 10, 2008 - 12:38 pm

I love voddie baucham. where did you find this on youtube?


Word Warrior March 10, 2008 - 12:54 pm

I just regularly search for items on Voddie Baucham…sometimes I’ll include another word with his name…”homeschooling”, etc.

Elizabeth March 10, 2008 - 2:10 pm

Yes, I was saddened for homeschooling Californians. My kids attend public school (horror of horrors); but I do support a parent’s right to educate their children how they see fit.

I’m sure the HSLDA will put up a good fight–and well they should.

Although I’m not a homeschooling parent myself, I cheer you all on!

Kelly March 10, 2008 - 2:33 pm

I heard about this a few days back. Very scary.

Olivia March 10, 2008 - 7:48 pm

Several months ago, Gov. S. approved a law saying boys could use girls bathrooms and locker rooms, and vice versa?
I re-posted this from Oct. on my blog for those of you who didn’t know.

Check it out on my blog:

Gombojav Tribe March 10, 2008 - 8:04 pm

That video will by on my blog by tomorrow.

Good stuff!

Kim M. March 10, 2008 - 11:54 pm

Hi Kelly, you won’t remember me but I was referred to your website by a friend. I was in your brother Chris’ class at Bible Methodist in Pell City.
Your website and blog are an encouragement! I am going to home-school this fall so I was pretty sickened by this Cal. ruling. Thankfully Indiana has great laws at least for now. I love that clip! Thanks again for such a nice blog/website encouraging women to be what God made us to be. I bookmarked your sites and will visit often. Thanks again!

Word Warrior March 11, 2008 - 10:06 pm

Wow, Kim! What a small world–glad you found me in cyberspace!

Q March 13, 2008 - 11:08 pm

Umm . . . this is a completely spontaneous and unreserached comment I’m about to make, but my first thought is, “Voddie for President”.

Hack March 14, 2008 - 7:41 am

Just so that no one thinks California has a magnanimous governor and/or state school superintendent, the only reason Governor S (and the state school superitendent) are fighting the homeschool ruling out here in CA is because the public school has a homeschool program. The judge has effectively cancelled the state-run program as well. The school districts still get paid the full amount per child taught at home in this program, but it only costs them a fraction of the normal costs. Had that state-run program not been in place, I can assure you that there would be no support for the state government level to get anything fixed.

Word Warrior March 14, 2008 - 9:12 am

Mrs. l,

AMEN!!!! I would personally campaign my socks off for Baucham!

Thanks, Mercy, for that info–glad y’all are looking to head out here soon!

Let it be noted, CA has historically been the “precedent-setter” in judicial matters–which means scary stuff for the rest of us. This is the time to fight.

Anon May 1, 2022 - 2:04 pm

Can you please delete comment number 2? It has my name in the url and I’m trying to have my remove my personal information off the web. Thank you.


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