Give me, Lord, a quiet heart
While all about is loud,
Help me find some solitude
When pressing is the crowd.
When life brings change, and even tears
Let my soul stay calm,
Be my constant, steady Guide,
My tender, soothing Balm.
When I find the waves are high,
Let me look to Thee,
The burning Beacon in the night
Reared high above the sea.
In the midst of change and tireless rush
Be my constant Peace,
Lead my thoughts to quietness
And cause the noise to cease.
Sovereign are Your ways, O Lord,
If I will just believe,
The whole world spins upon your palm,
And this, my soul, relieves.
Kelly Crawford
May 15, 2008
Wow! I’ve said it before, but I have to say it again: you are so talented! There’s no way I could write something so beautiful.
Have you ever thought of compiling all your poems into a book and having it published? It would minister to so many people!
Very good!
Needed this today with some of the things on the news this afternoon. Thank you.
Such a beautiful poem. Thank you so much for sharing!