Home frugal living/saving money Preparing for an Uncertain Economy: "If I Were a Young Wife"

Preparing for an Uncertain Economy: "If I Were a Young Wife"

by Kelly Crawford

I’m linking again to “Down to Earth” because she just has some great, simple advice (and sometimes it’s good to hear other people saying it!)

Though a part of me tends toward fear of the uncertain times we are facing, another part of me is excited, and sees this time as an opportunity to turn toward the simple living that we ought to be embracing anyway as good stewards of the resources God has given us.

Rhonda’s simple advice:

“If I were a young wife now, with children to raise, I would be learning everything I could about how to do the work in my home without modern appliances. I would learn to make bread by hand – good bread not just a get-by loaf; I would work out easy ways to do the family laundry – in case a time came when I didn’t want to use electricity – once I worked it out, I’d go back to my washing machine; I would create a stockpile of groceries, and if I had a backyard I would learn to garden and raise chickens. I would teach myself to sew and knit. I would start mending clothes, I’d recycle and reuse everything I could. I’d start cooking from scratch with the intention of learning how to produce the most delicious and nutritious meals for the lowest cost.

If I were a young wife and mother now, I would take it upon myself to save every penny I could to pay off our debt. I would encourage my husband and children to economise, make do and learn to go without. My focus would be on the long-term health and prosperity of my family and I would hope to teach myself enough to give us the best chance in this tough economic climate.”

From: Down to Earth: Simple Living

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7 and counting! March 27, 2009 - 4:24 pm

Very encouraging after I spent the afternoon planting fruit trees, mixing growing medium for my garden boxes, planting lettuce and spinach. While I am tired, the time spent working with my family was priceless. Our kids enthusiasm for gardening, their love for us and each other, and watching their increasing hearts of service, is part of what the good steward lifestyle is all about. While I have yet to conquer every part of frugality, I am baby stepping my way to the very things your referenced poster encourages! I love being a woman and mother of God’s design!!!

Bethany Hudson March 27, 2009 - 4:30 pm

I was just reading this on Rhonda’s site. Such incredible advice. I am so grateful for older women out there who are willing to give such advice to young’uns like myself 🙂 Though, I must say, Rhonda keeps making me wish I had a backyard.

Kim M. March 30, 2009 - 10:50 am

I love this… my goal is to become this type of person.


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