Home motherhood/family/parenting Musings From a Mother

Musings From a Mother

by Kelly Crawford
  • Dough pretzels are more fun when everyone makes his own “snake” in the shape he likes.
  • Speaking of snakes, nothing brings the study of reptiles to life quite like finding a live subject in the school room floor!  (Call to husband while standing on chair:  “What?  Is it poisonous?  How would I know!  Righhhht.  You want me to look at its eyes.  Small problem….I HAVE TO GET CLOSE TO IT TO DO THAT!“)  Thank Heavens for boys with pellet guns looking for adventure.

  • There is a small window of time when children actually love to do dishes…let them!

  • I can’t get enough of naked babies.

  • Homemade cinnamon rolls are worth it.  Quality translates to dollar signs in my brain, so we’ve printed fliers to sell them to the neighbors–it should pay for a few violin lessons.

    • Simple, homemade play doh can save us on a hot, summer day.

      • My first baby…that blessing that began and remains a miracle though born out of sin, is a woman.  And though she is my daughter, please allow me the liberty of saying that I couldn’t be more proud of who she has become.  She is my best friend.  She isn’t perfect, but praise God her heart seeks Him earnestly and she is committed to allowing Him to mold her more and more into His image.  And though she has many gifts and is full of ambition, I will not glory save in the work of the cross in her life.  All else is rubbish.

      • My little boys and girls are quickly growing into men and women.  What a privilege to get to spend my fleeting days with them!  And every day counts…I want to soak them in, look long into their eyes, love deep into their souls and treasure each minute–the hard ones and the easy ones.  I want to impress deeply into their hearts the things that are noble, right and true.  I want to be the one who shapes them, soothes them, teaches them and sends them into the next generation to do it all over.

      I am a mother.  It’s what I do.

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      Cathy July 24, 2010 - 4:17 pm

      Hey Kelly,

      I just read your latest post, and loved the last line, “I’m a mother. That’s what I do.” I read your blog regularly, and though I am Reformed theologically, as are you, I don’t always agree w/your assessment of things, but that’s OK. However, I guess “Sailor” took great umbrage with what you said. YIKES. Now, if Sailor could only learn to spell, and write coherently. Yeah, I’m being snarky.

      Anyway, loved the pic of the rolls. I have had lots of problems making them lately, and wish they’d turn out like your pic. What recipe do you use?



      Word Warrior July 24, 2010 - 4:45 pm

      Hey Cathy!

      We got the recipe from a friend who got it from The Amish Cookbook. It is:

      2 1/4 tsp. yeast
      1/2 c warm water
      dissolve and set aside


      2 c. warm water
      3 heaping tblsp butter, shortening or coconut oil (we used coc for these)
      2 tblsp sugar or honey
      1 tblsp salt
      7-8 c. flour (we used white for these, but you can use whole wheat)

      Add yeast water to this once combined and mix into dough. Cover bowl and let rise 40 min.

      Roll out on floured surface, sprinkle with br. sugar and cinnamon, roll up and cut with thread.

      I let mine rise again but my friend doesn’t. Bake about 15 min. at 350.

      Hint: More flour/stiffer dough makes prettier rolls and is easier to work with. But the softer the dough, the softer the rolls.

      Top with powdered sugar icing.

      You should try em!

      Tanya July 24, 2010 - 4:18 pm

      I’m curious how much you plan to sell the cinnamon rolls for? I could use the extra $$ for piano lessons for my boys and think it’s a great idea!
      BTW, I also bought your ebook on homemade skin products and it was very helpful. Thank you for all you do!

      Word Warrior July 24, 2010 - 4:47 pm

      We’re charging $7 for 8 rolls in a disposable pan, smaller than these. OR, they can buy a month’s worth for $25. These include delivery.

      From the few places I found on the internet, I think we’re under-priced 😉

      Kristi July 28, 2010 - 5:09 pm

      Hi Kelly

      I just wondered how many cinnamon rolls this recipe made. We are having a garage sale for our adoption on Friday and Saturday and I thought about making some up to sell there for those early birds that come.

      Thank you

      Sylvia July 24, 2010 - 4:31 pm

      You have a beautiful family. And your oldest daughter looks like such a lovely young woman.

      Word Warrior July 24, 2010 - 4:48 pm

      Thank you, Sylvia.

      Kathy @ teachinggoodthings.com July 24, 2010 - 10:06 pm

      Bring me one to church in the morning, make sure it is warm, and I’ll ‘review’ it for you.


      Kathy @ teachinggoodthings.com July 24, 2010 - 10:07 pm

      I meant a cinnamon roll…but I’ll take a baby too!

      Kelly L July 25, 2010 - 10:56 am

      Sweet musings….except the snake. I am not afraid of them, but the idea of a venomous snake in the house is not lovely!

      Melissa Jeffers July 25, 2010 - 2:29 pm

      Love it! Such a sweet family!

      Tracy July 25, 2010 - 8:15 pm

      What a wonderful post. I hope to someday be able to meet your beautiful family. 🙂 That day may come sooner than I think. 😮 My hubby has an application in at one of the mines down your way. If it’s His will…..

      Bethany Hudson July 25, 2010 - 10:20 pm

      Huge smiles 🙂

      Kim M July 26, 2010 - 10:22 am

      I love your mother-musings. Your children make me smile. Speaking of snakes, check out the 5 foot snake my boys and their cousins killed out in our field. I thought I would just die!



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