Martyred Mothers

by Kelly Crawford

By Bambi @ In the Nursery of the Nation

“A young mother lost her three year old son last week in a fatal accident. I don’t know her. She is a friend of a friend.

That’s still too close.

In a moment that mama crossed over from an ordinary life of homeschooling, homemaking and what-will-I-fix-for-supper-tonight… into grief, sorrow and agony that crushed her heart beyond what we think humans can endure. When she woke up that morning she had no idea that her time was to be cut short with that boy.”

Read the rest of Martyred Mothersyou’ll be so glad you did.


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6 arrows August 17, 2012 - 4:39 pm

Thank you for sharing this, Kelly. Very sobering, to contemplate the fragility of life.

My husband and I were just discussing that this week, how we just don’t know what’s in the future. Our oldest daughter plans to move away one week from today to finish her college education in a neighboring state. We (hubby and I) are facing the realization that she may never live at home again. We don’t know what will be next for her when (okay, *if*) she finishes school, where she’ll be, what the Lord will have for her.

But then my husband reminded me that we really don’t know with any of our kids, or anyone at all that we know, how long they’ll be with us (not only from a perspective of where they live, but how long they’ll be alive on this earth). Certainly makes one realize the importance of investing quality time in our relationships with our loved ones while we have them with us here on earth.

You are right, Kelly…I am so glad I read Bambi’s post. Thank you for linking to it.

Hayley Ferguson August 18, 2012 - 6:58 pm

Hi Kelly,

I was just thinking yesterday about how our children are gifts from the Lord. Then they are gifts to us; a blessing and a reward to us. He (like you just blogged) gives and takes away. The Lord is really helping me to appreciate and enjoy my children for the beautiful blessings that they are. Praise God. The post you linked to just helped me to stay focused on the gift of time with my children.


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