Kyla is our seventh child. One of several children we would have never had the privilege of knowing if we had followed our original “a boy for me, a girl for you, praise the Lord we’re finally through” plan. (Hat tip to Dr. Baucham for that phrase.)
Bria loves to do photo shoots with the girls. I’m glad, because otherwise, I don’t know if I’d remember to freeze these babies in pictures!
Yesterday I was reading to several of the younger children. Kyla likes to repeat me when I read, so I pause to give her time.
“…so then we see the beauty of the world…”
Kyla: “So den we see da…Mom! We don’t say ‘booty’!”
Do you know how hard it is to get on to her when she makes this face with these big, brown eyes? It’s a new thing–the testing–sometimes when I tell her to do something, she’ll just make this face and quip with the sweetest little voice, “Why?”
This is the face she made the first year of her life. Contemplative??? We found out she was just listening. Never talking. And then suddenly, she said everything, all at once.
I think God makes cuteness because it takes the edge off of the hard mothering days. Boy I love my 6 girls. 😉
“Sweet child of mine, I pray each night that I would not hold on too tight. You are His on loan to me, my job is to prepare you for eternity.”
We walk day by day. Ours is a story being written just like yours. Some days, the pages are embellished beautifully. Some days, I yearn to rip them out. Some days, I love to write. And some days, I don’t feel like I can. Still we walk. And the Savior walks beside us….perhaps in us and through us.
She is beautiful (and funny!), Kelly. I can’t get over how she has grown.
Encouraged by your blog. I have 3 girls and I love them to pieces!
Wow, is she a cutie! I only have one girl (3 boys), as much as I would like her to have a sister, I’m thankful I at least have her. My husband’s family is full of boys. His father was one of five, he is one of three, and so far there are 13 grandchildren and all but two are boys! She just melts my heart. Girls are so different from boys, aren’t they? She loves dresses and baby dolls and shoes!
Kelly, you have a beautiful family. You are blessed!
I love seeing a little glimpse into your sweet children’s eyes! So fun to see! I have 3 girls and 8 boys so I understand the sweetness of girls and apprectiate it so much also! I love my boys too, but there is something so special about the daughter/mother bond! You are very blessed! Thank you for sharing!
Awwwww! Precious treasure!!! Beautifully contemplative post.
6 girls!! YeeHaw!
We have four girls and three boys ranging from 23 down to 10. My husband honestly used to think the girls were a separate species! 🙂 He would look at them like they spoke a different language. In fact, at the height of bewilderment he used to teasingly say that he was going to get an apartment for all the “guys” and they would come visit us on the weekend. Hahaha!
He has been such an amazing father to our girls and I am a very blessed woman to have him as my husband.
Thank you for introducing us to your lovely family.
After reading what I posted, I realized my sense of humor may have been inappropriate. We joke around a lot at our house, but I need to remember that can “be lost in translation” when presented in written form.
The truth is my husband adores our girls, although they often puzzle him. When our oldest married last year, his heart almost broke to think of her leaving. ( He absolutely adores all our children.
she is such a cutie! I have one question…I counted them up…who am i missing? Bria, Alexa, Mallie, Kyla, Ellia, and…:) Did a certain expectant mommy I know find out what she is having? If not, please forgive me because i have forgotten one of your precious children’s names!!!!! ((hugs)) to all! BTW, we are supposed to peek and see who is coming Oct. 4:) blessings, Jen in al
LOL! No, we haven’t found out yet. You are missing “Avalee” a.k.a “Avi” 😉
OH, Kelly, how could I have forgotten sweet Avalee?!!!!!!!!? bad friend, bad friend!!!! 🙁 I will have to give her extra squeezes next time i see her! Where is she in the birth order of your sweeties? Great pictures of Kyla! your sheepish friend, jen in al
You are so real and humble..Your posts brighten my day, you are truly a women of God…So glad I stumbled onto your blog…When is your baby due? If you don’t mind me asking??!! I hope your feeling well and may God bless you with a joyful pregnancy…Blessings, Heidi
You are sweet, Heidi…yeah, it’s pretty real around here, that’s for sure! I am due around March…will confirm at my first appt. this Thursday.
You are so real and humble..Your posts brighten my day, you are truly a women of God…So glad I stumbled onto your blog…When is your baby due? If you don’t mind me asking??!! I hope your feeling well and may God bless you with a joyful pregnancy…Blessings, Heidi
sorry for the double comment 🙂
She is precious! Those baby smiles, hugs, and sayings do keep us going on the rough days! Thanks for sharing.
She sure is a beauty!!! You are such a lucky mom to have 7!
Thank you! I actually have 8 with another on the way…but who’s counting 😉
Oh my goodness! This is so funny, because last night I went back to the very first postings you have on ths blog, where you were pregnant with her! And by the way, there are some awesome posts that far back!! (Yeah, I have lots of suggestions for reposts 😉 ) I decided I wanted to read everything you had here, and besides…it takes my mind of the nausea in the wee hours of the morning, when I can’t sleep 😉
I love your children’s names…they are as beautiful as their faces!
Thanks!!! Hey, I’d LOVE your reposting suggestions.
Gracious Kelly, It would be hard to pin-point just a few because they are all SO awesome! Makes me wish I would have found your blog right when it started. I would definitely suggest “Dandelions and Mothers”…had me in tears. Something I think would be a blessing to many mothers. And there are so many great birth control/motherhood ones! It has been such a huge encouragement for me to read those, especially where you are mentioning dealing with people’s negative reactions/comments to your family size (then!) and sometimes questioning your ability to mother your children properly, give them needed attention, and educate them at home. You are just such an incredible encouragement to me Kelly! You are the Titus 2 woman that I needed and had never knew existed until I found your blog! I thank God for you and I pray for you and your family daily!
PS. Could your husband write a blog for men? My husband would so love to be able to ‘sit at the feet’ of a godly man, a leader, and glean from what they would have to teach! There is nothing like that out there. Just a thought…;)
Well maybe I will do some reposting…it’s much easier anyway 😉
My husband felt honored that you’d ask him to write a blog–he actually read your comment and said, “My first request to write a blog” but he’s not much of a writer (besides that he doesn’t type which means I’d have to type it for him 😉 nor does he have the time.
But I am trying to locate some good Christian men’s blogs…I know there are some out there.
I figured if your husband was anything like mine that he would lack the time, but I thought it was worth asking 😉 We have home-churched for a while, but now that we have moved across the state, “home-church” consist of just us! We are searching for a church (with no success so far), but my husband has said lately that he “feels spiritually drained”. I couldn’t imagine what it is like to be the leader of our home! I am praying to find a church where he can be fed, and encouraged to lead. He does lots of reading (books), and has searched for a blog similar to yours, directed toward men/fathers. He would love to check out any that you find! Thanks for everything!
She is absolutely beautiful, Kelly! And you are a great name-chooser. 😉
I hear you on the good day/bad day thing. Yesterday was a rare ripper-outter! Even those bad ones are “teachable” though, I guess. My children definitely got a lesson in the fact that even Mamas need to ask for forgiveness.. :/
I’m determined for a beautiful one today, though. So far, so good. 😉
Oh, to have another Little Girl…but right now…I’m living in a sea of football, war, baseball, dinosaurs, camo, sharks, and Hank the Cowdog…but it’s wonderful. And my Little Girls are Young Ladies now, and that is precious too! Who knew my babies would become my Best Girlfriends 🙂
And, I sooo second the re-posts…I’d love to read all through, but just don’t have the time…go figure.
Sooo darling. When you say, “never talking” and then “all at once”, could you elaborate? We have a two-and-a-half year old son who is having real problems talking. Thanks!
AWWWW!!!!!!!!!!! I love when you post about your children! I love them all!
Love the pics and your thoughts on them, too. As ususal it sets my mind to thinking and today I am very thankful for my precious daughters! I am privileged to have three (and two boys). They are each beautiful in their own special way. Thanks for reminding me! God bless.
BTW Kyla is adorable! 🙂
I’m so glad you made the choice that would allow you to meet your little girl…
It makes me sad that I stopped when I did.
She is such a beautiful child !
Thank you – today was a hold on too tight day. Sometimes worry, the state of the world (or nation!), hormones :), make me want to just protect and shelter them from the world forever, and I need to be reminded that they aren’t mine, and the One who loves them even more than I has greater plans and protection for them. Praying for you Kelly, your family, and doctor this week.
She is just too cute for words!! What a blessed momma you are! **hugs**
She is beautiful! What beautiful children you have, and how blessed they are that you raise them well and protect their innocence.
“Sweet child of mine, I pray each night that I would not hold on too tight. You are His on loan to me, my job is to prepare you for eternity.”
Kelly, I love this quote – where did you find it?
Kristi 🙂
It’s mine 😉
Kelly, can I quote it in my blog post? Love it:)
Sure! A link back is always appreciated 😉
Thanks, Kelly
Here is the post – you are a love
That’s so cute and beautiful, Kelly. I love the “booty” comment 😛 You meant the world’s beauty, she thought you meant the world’s..end. Reminds me of a YA book title, “The Earth, My Butt, and other big Round Things”.
LOL!!! Yep, children are constant entertainment around here. Yesterday the air conditioning guy came out and said, “Well, the bad news is you’ve got to call the power co…you’ve lost another leg (of power)”. I don’t know if Avi was thinking this,(and I didn’t even know she was listening), but recently my parents’ dog (next door) had to have her leg amputated.
So, when he left, she said matter-of-factly, “I hope we didn’t lose a leg”. I said, “What did he mean by that?” She said, “I don’t know, but I hope we didn’t lose one.”
That’s so cute! 🙂
Kids really do pay attention. When my little 1-year-old niece wants Barney on TV, she knows I’m the one who usually operates the DVD player, so once she took the remote right from my mom and brought it to me! Another time she grabbed an old remote and aimed it at the TV, trying to change it herself. If she can’t say something yet to express herself, she’ll take my pinkie finger and lead me to wherever she wants to go, or climb on me so she can see what I’m typing here 🙂
It’s so cool that Bria does this for her family. Idk if I said so, but I love her blog and her taste in movies is impeccable! “Inception”, “War of the Worlds”, “Patriot”, some of my favs. This is a little off topic, but if you guys love strong films that have a Christian message, you’ve got to see M. Shyamalan’s new film, “Devil”. It’s suspenseful, chilling, and the Christian message near the end was amazing.