Home christian living I Will Trust in You

I Will Trust in You

by Kelly Crawford

As I write the rest of our story (coming soon!), the cry of my heart remains, “I will trust You”. I wrote this song about four years ago but it has never held so much meaning for me as it does now. My prayer is that it might minister to you as you trust Him with your life in your hard places. Because life is about changing seasons for all of us.  Nothing here remains the same and the more loosely we can hold these things, the tighter we will cling to Him.


I Will Trust in You 

I stand at the Red Sea, waiting, do You see me
Fear grips my faint heart, if I step in, will the waters part?

I need courage to walk across on dry land,
Remind me that the waves are held back by Your hand


I will trust in You, Oh, God, not because of what You’ve done,
but because of who You are My Hiding Place, Sufficient Grace, no matter what You ask me to go through, I’ll trust in You.

I hear, stretched across time, Job’s cry, asking God “why?”
He knew just as I do, that in all things Your love is true…

But what I know is different from what I feel, give me the faith to tell my soul to “be still and know”…

(Repeat Chorus)


Hold my life in the palm of Your hand, trusting You is only trusting You even if I don’t understand

(Repeat Chorus)

From our CD, By Heart Scripture Songs

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Miriam June 5, 2011 - 4:34 pm

Just beautiful Kelly! Brought tears to my eyes. You and your family are such a wonderful testimony to the love of Christ.
Is that you singing AND playing keyboard? You have a lovely voice.

jen in AL June 5, 2011 - 5:04 pm

love this song…ministers to me so much! our family has enjoyed all the songs on the Scripture CD and your BEAUTIFUL voice. LOTS of love and hugs from our fam to yours. blessings, jen in al

Stacy McDonald June 5, 2011 - 5:28 pm

Still praying for y’all, sweet sister…

Hope to talk with you soon.

Renata June 5, 2011 - 6:20 pm

Thank you Kelly for sharing this beautiful song. It spoke so much to me at this time.
Still praying for you all.

Jennifer Griffin June 5, 2011 - 8:02 pm

Very pretty. Love the words! I’m so glad they are ministering to your heart.

Amy June 5, 2011 - 9:04 pm

How beautiful! I’ve been going through some major transitions in my life, so the words of it really spoke to me. I don’t know you personally, but I’ve been praying for you and the other families who have suffered through these storms and will continue to pray.

Kim M June 5, 2011 - 10:12 pm

I love this song, Kelly (and the rest of your CD)! Your singing is beautiful.

Joyce June 6, 2011 - 9:10 am

So beautiful! Isn’t it amazing how God gives us what we need even before we need it sometimes? No, not really. Always on time in every need. Love you, little darling. Be blessed today.

Victoria Lynn June 6, 2011 - 2:08 pm

I love your blog and was saddened and touched by your recent loss. I am praying for you, your family and community. God bless you as you rebuild your lives. Victoria Lynn

6 arrows July 8, 2011 - 8:40 pm

I got your CD in the mail today, Kelly. It was such a peaceful respite to sit in my living room and listen to your soothing music after a turbulent week! Thank you for using your musical gifts to glorify God. Your songs blessed me very much!


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