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I Resolve….

by Kelly Crawford

Typically, they’re called “New Year’s Resolutions”. You may have your own personal name for those habits, commitments or changes you want to start with the new year. I don’t know about you, but as soon as the Christmas Holidays pass, I have this overwhelming zeal for “starting fresh”.

And it’s good–even crucial, to look back over the past year, ask the Lord to reveal areas of weakness, and then purpose to make changes, improve, persevere. I have so many thoughts of things I want to do differently, or just be more faithful in, that I thought it would be a good idea to blog them…both for my own reference, and hopefully to encourage you out there to devise your own list.

So…here are some of the things I intend to implement into my New Year:

  1. Speak kindly to my children and husband, begging the Lord to rid me of my impatient spirit, so that I would continually have “the law of kindness on my tongue”. (This is a hard one for me.)
  2. Seek to love my Savior more deeply than ever, knowing that when I love Him more, I love others more.
  3. Being more reverent to my husband, even when I think I am right 😉
  4. Opening my home to those around me, believers and non-believers alike, and showering them with blessing and love.
  5. Establishing a routine time for exercise.
  6. Getting up earlier, to have more time (or any time) with the Lord before the children wake. (I am so not a morning person 🙁
  7. Disciplining my time spent on the phone and computer. This, I think, is crucial to being an effective mom as there are so many areas to work on in the lives of my children. Just focusing more on them.
  8. Better eating habits.
  9. Saving all our change for some agreed upon purchase.
  10. Actually following the beautiful schedule I am forced (by my nature) to design every January.

This is a start…there are others that pop into my head throughout the day, but I will focus on these ten things for now.

Let us know what your resolutions are–we need inspiration! And then, may we all resolve with an iron will to carry them out! Happy New Year to you!

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Tami January 1, 2008 - 12:24 pm

Yours are similar to mine. May God bless you, as you stay committed!

Miss Rebekah Ann S. January 1, 2008 - 1:46 pm

Hello! I came across your blog just today and fell so blessed to have found it! I found out about it through Domestic Felicity.

What a joy to find such a likeminded blog!

I’m currently working on an article on the destructiveness of feminism and was wondering if you would be interested in reading over it and possibly posting it here on your site?

Feel free to let me know through e-mail: living_for_my_Lords_glory@hotmail.com or leave me a comment on my blog.

Many blessings to you!

All for His glory alone,
Rebekah Ann

Anonymous January 1, 2008 - 7:24 pm

I had written some very close to these. One more that I want to implement is (after chores and breakfast) spending more time with my children in the word.
Thank you for such a wonderful blog.
Christy (mommy2fiveangels)

Mrs. C January 2, 2008 - 6:42 am

Those look kind of like the resolutions I make EVERY DAY. Every day I fail. I wonder what the point of even trying is… but then… NOT trying is unacceptable, isn’t it??

Maybe I just need to start praying for lots of grace in addition LOL!

Gombojav Tribe January 2, 2008 - 9:03 pm


Can I make simplier plans? Like not eating the entire bag of Sweet Maui Onion chips in one sitting?

bran January 3, 2008 - 8:58 am

Your number 1 seems to top my list every year too. Dh tells us to make some and New Year’s Day we go around and remind what they were and how we think we did. I think I improved a lot in that area, but I still have a LOOONG way to go.

I moved that to #2 this year b/c it’s discouraging to keep the same thing #1 too many years in a row. 🙂

Number 1 this year is related though, “To try to see others as God sees them.” Not just my family, but church members, extended family, others in the world, etc.

Kim M. June 4, 2008 - 2:06 pm

Again, I am taking a few minutes to go back and read some of your older posts. I like your New Year’s resolution list. How are you doing since it’s June now? No… I don’t expect you to answer that b/c I wouldn’t want anyone to actually “ask” me either. LOL It was more of a statement than a question (smile)
Number one is a great one for me too. I was praying about that today myself since it is also a struggle for me to be impatient with my kiddos.


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