Home christian living Helping Our Children Keep the Faith–The Bedrock of Parenting Well

Helping Our Children Keep the Faith–The Bedrock of Parenting Well

by Kelly Crawford

We attended the Gen2 Conference last weekend and left so encouraged and inspired. I was thoroughly impressed with the humility and wisdom of each speaker and as they discussed why so many millennials seem to be leaving the faith, it was good to hear a “back-to-the-basics” of the homeschool movement and what we need to remember as we seek to raise faithful children.

In summary, if you are concerned as I am, desiring more than anything to see your children walk and continue in truth, these were some of the principles revisited:

  • You can’t save your children. It’s one of those things where we have to balance our responsibility with the sovereignty of God and His election. We labor and pray and work with all diligence to teach our children the ways of the Lord, and then we must rely completely on His grace, remembering they are His and only He can save them. Period.
  • Relationship is everything. Maintaining a loving and close relationship with your children is the number one way to improve the chances of their desiring the things of God and continuing in the faith. We can’t demand our children serve the Lord without cultivating a relationship with them that causes them to want that. Such a thing will cause outward conformity for a time, and rebellion after that. Much of their view of God comes from their view of us. So the balance of reverence and love must be carefully achieved.
  • Hypocrisy is the fastest way to apostasy. Well, I made up that saying, but the principle was there. Kevin Swanson did an incredible job of driving this point. Trying to achieve some form of outward conformity, or trying to follow a formula hoping to get cookie-cutter results is not what God calls us to. Anything we expect from our children outwardly must be motivated by a genuine love for their souls, guided by our love for God. Our walk must be real and our children need to know that we are parenting from an eternal perspective, not one that seeks the praise of men.
  • Repentance and transparency are mandatory. It is impossible to be genuine if we aren’t repenting to our children and giving them the example of humility. We sin. They know it. We better be confessing it.
  • We must teach them apologetics. Ken Hamm explained that many young people are so easily swayed by other influences when they are older because they were never given a foundational understanding of biblical theology. They don’t know how to answer the critics. Sound doctrine needs to be a part of our daily lives. It’s a challenge, for sure, to make sure they are being taught rightly, but we need to shore up their worldview by challenging them to know how to give an answer for what they believe. Not just because mom and dad said so or have always done things this way.

I said I was encouraged, but I was also a little overwhelmed. I mean this job we do is heavy. Checking out really isn’t an option. I am reminded by Paul to “fight the good fight, finish the race and keep the faith.” The stakes are too high to do anything else.

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laura February 3, 2015 - 7:27 pm


I appreciate the messianic teachings to help children and adults understand foundations of the faith…..

Carolina G.C. February 3, 2015 - 10:10 pm

Talking about apologetics, i am doing with my children the Answers for Kids Bible Curriculum. It touches in science, history and, of course, the Genesis account.
I apologize to my children aaaaaall the time, for the many times i loose my temper i say things i should not say, or I get discouraged, or…

Kelly Crawford February 4, 2015 - 10:02 am


I was thinking about getting the Answers. How are you liking it?

Carolina G.C. February 4, 2015 - 12:12 pm

I do like them. they are short lessons, 1 sheet each, very informative, and that can be used for different ages.
a couple things went over my head, like the carbon 14 dating, what I did not quite understood, but the rest of it is easily understandable.

Angela February 4, 2015 - 9:05 am

Hi Kelly, I love this site! It is always such an encouragement to me to persevere when so many around our family (even in the church) are ok with just going through the motions and handing their kids off to others for training (general and spiritual education). Do you have any recommendations on apologetics tools for teaching little ones? I think my husband does a great job breaking things down in our daily Bible reading, and I’d also love to have some tools for working on doctrine with them during the day.

Kelly Crawford February 4, 2015 - 10:03 am


A good, simple place to start is the simple catechisms. You should be able to find them on line.

T. D. February 4, 2015 - 10:56 am

Ok….so here is my question. Where can I find conferences like this? There is nothing here and I see more and more churches now are avidly promoting Public School for their Christian Children. And without the apologetics side of things and the foundational thinking, our children don’t stand a chance in defending/believing their own faith. So, is there something out there that can help our children understand, even if they are older (teen-ish)? How do you show your children transparency without giving them “power” (making them the parent instead of you) over you? Does that make sense? I have tons of other questions; but my coffee has not kicked in yet, so my brain is not firing right….lol. I would really appreciate you thoughts on this or maybe a great website/book to look at or read? Do you have specific scripture references that you point out that would be of some help? Thank you.

Kelly Crawford February 4, 2015 - 11:41 am


Great questions…let me ponder and look, and get back to you. Where are you from, by the way? Generally?

T. D. February 4, 2015 - 11:45 pm

Hello. I live in southern DE. We are about 2hrs southeast of D.C. area. Does that help? Thank you for taking the time to respond to my questions. Blessings, T. D.

5 On The Fifth – Favorite Blog Posts February 2015 February 4, 2015 - 11:51 am

[…] Helping Our Children Keep the Faith – The Bedrock of Parenting Well […]

Amber February 4, 2015 - 6:11 pm

I love this! Thanks 🙂


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