Home Uncategorized A Few of My Favorite Things

A Few of My Favorite Things

by Kelly Crawford

A very long time ago, my blog friend, Daja, at Gombojav Tribe tagged me with a *Meme* post…that is, I am supposed to list some of my favorite things–things that express some of who I am (I think that’s what a meme is?? ;-).

Better late than never, here are a few of my favorite things:

This sign hangs near my dining room table–and it means what it says. A friend visiting recently said, “Is your coffee shop really open 24 hours?” “YES!” So we brewed some coffee in the middle of the afternoon.

I love this book shelf. I’ve had it since before I was married, and one of the reasons I love it is because someone donated it to a junk store–thinking it was junk, and I thought the scuffed look was perfect. I bought it for $20.

Coffee…yes I love it. The same family who bought us the sign bought us this cute plaque which I actually serve sugar and cream on. Nothing says “You’re welcome here” better than a cup of coffee.

My piano. It’s usually out of tune a little, but it takes me away when I need to go.

This fence panel was about to ruin in our backyard and I thought it would be perfect on the back wall of our dining room. It’s homey, I think. I love trying to find uses for things that might otherwise be tossed.

Candle. I love candlelight–we all do. And now that my children are into saving money, they think it’s cool to light candles instead of turn on the lights.

Quilts…I just LOVE quilts. And the Lord blessed me with tons of them because both of my husband’s grandmothers quilt and I have been the fortunate recipient of many beautiful heirloom quilts. Perhaps I will learn someday?

An ordinary bedroom, yes, but this is where my children love to pile up with me. The official phrase is…”Mommy, let’s go snuggle on your bed!” I almost always answer with a *yes* because I like it as much as they do 😉

I love turning trash to something beautiful. This old window pane made a great frame for an old quilt I had that was falling apart. There was one salvageable corner, so I framed it.

I’ve posted this picture before, but this is the crib my Daddy made for my first baby, and every baby after has slept in it, beside my bed.

This is a common sight on my computer screen–comments from YOU GUYS!!! And I love it! I love to read comments from you, so the next time you read, go ahead, leave a comment if just say hello!

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The Whites April 3, 2009 - 6:25 pm

wow you are crafty! I love how you used the fence & window pane!

I have a quilt similar to the one in the window, that is also falling apart (it was made by my great grandma when my grandmother was a child… its about 80 years old!). unfortunately, we actually used the quilt instead of hanging it on the wall like most people and you can't even see the quilting stitches anymore, I think they disintegrated and the thing is covered with tears, but its my favorite!

Bethany Hudson April 3, 2009 - 8:10 pm

Your piano is gorgeous! I love the dark wood. When I can someday afford the piano that I want, I will definitely get an antique, walnut or mahogany piano like that. Right now, I just have a modern, oak spinnet that I purchased from the meager wages of my last production 🙂

And, I love the “shabby chic” bookshelf! The dresser and magazine table in Sophia’s room match it exactly–we bought both of them as “junk”, too. One man’s treasure…, eh?


Penny Lane April 3, 2009 - 9:22 pm

Great idea! Thanks for sharing.

Persuaded April 4, 2009 - 5:20 am

i love how you have used things in unusual ways.. the fencing on your dining room wall is a wonderful touch♥

Michelle April 4, 2009 - 11:17 am

I love that you love comments!

Also love what you did with that old window framing the quilt! beautiful.

I wish I had more of the ability to find the repurposing potential in things…I’m working on it though : )

Kim M. April 4, 2009 - 12:13 pm

Thanks for sharing 🙂 You are so creative…. I love all the ways you re-use things.

I must say that if they ever say coffee is unhealthy I will literally roll over and die. I love coffee and I love decorative coffee things too. Makes me smile!

Rebekah April 4, 2009 - 2:18 pm

I want to learn to quilt, too! I just don’t when I will take the time to ever learn. 🙁 Maybe someday!

Mrs. Parunak April 5, 2009 - 7:44 pm

You said you’d like us to leave comments “just to say hello,” so here’s a hello from one of your “fans.” I love your blog!

All your “favorite things” are adorable. I love how you put such creative twists on the things in your home.


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